Hi all,

I am Sarvagnya. Sarvagnya means "know-it-all" ! :) While that is what my username literally means, let me hasten to add, my username is not about vanity. It is infact, a tribute to the real Sarvagnya whose pithy three liners(tripadis) have always left me awestruck - to put it mildly. More specifically, the reason I've chosen to pay tribute to him was because of this tripadi below, which quite amazingly reflects all that Wikipedia stands for in three very simple lines. The tripadi reads ..

sarvagnyaneMbuvanu garvadindaadanvanE ?!
sarvaroLagondu nuDi kalitu
vidyeya parvatavE aada nODa - sarvagnya

What it means is,

sarvagnya didnt become sarvagnya merely out of vanity
he learnt one bit of information from everyone
.. and became a veritable mountain of knowledge

This, I believe is a very profound description of how Wikipedia works and benefits everyone who benefits it. WP is built bit by bit, byte by byte and today is a veritable vidyeya parvata - A mountain of knowledge. At the same time, for every bit of information an editor has contributed to Wikipedia, I am sure Wikipedia has in turn blessed him/her with many hundred times of what he/she has contributed.

This tripadi is perhaps proof that Sarvagnya had thought of Wikipedia centuries before Jimbo Wales was even born !! :D


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