Welcome to my user page! I consider myself the "Great American Surveyor" here on Wikipedia, as I have been proudly serving as an editor for several years now. Much of my time here is spent researching and inspecting a great number of articles, including topics like transportation, sports, government, geography, religion, the Delaware Valley, and many more. I seek to bring out the best and most informative aspects of every article to better develop Wikipedia into the truly valuable resource it is. If you are seeking help on editing, have concerns about a certain article, are looking to have an article created, or have any questions about any of my work, feel free to leave a comment on my talk page.
Värsked postitused
- Plaan avalik: nii hakatakse Euroopat relvastama – kaitsesse pannakse 800 miljardit eurot
- Soome valitsus loobub maiuse- ja šokolaadimaksu tõstmisest – selle asemel tõstetakse veini aktsiisi
- Anekdoot: haridusminister kukkus kümme korda läbi
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- Vene minister tunnistas riigi majanduse jahtumist