Plazak is a retired geologist and engineer, who writes on oil and mining history.
Wikipedian since February 2007.
110 articles started
Aggregate industry in the United States
Alexander McKenzie (American politician)
Aluminium industry in the United States
Antrim Shale
Arapahoe, Colorado (ghost town)
Argo Tunnel
Baby Doe Tabor
Bauxite mining in the United States
Brine mining
Bromine production in the United States
Buckskin Joe, Park County, Colorado
Butte, Montana labor riots of 1914
Calumet and Hecla Mining Company
Cement industry in the United States
Century Aluminum
Cliff mine
Climax mine
Coal mining in Poland
Coalbed methane in the United States
Colfax, Colorado
Colorado state capital referendum, 1881
Concho Resources
Copala, Sinaloa
Copper mining in Arizona
Copper mining in Michigan
Copper mining in the United States
Copper Range Company
Dakan, Colorado
Diamond mining in India
Dyersville, Colorado
Francisco de Ibarra
Gold mining in Colorado
Gold mining in Nevada
Gold mining in the United States
Goldfield, Nevada labor troubles of 1906-1907
Helium production in the United States
Henderson molybdenum mine
History of the iron and steel industry in the United States
History of the oil shale industry in the United States
History of the petroleum industry in the United States
Idaho Springs miners' strike of 1903
IGas Energy
Illinois Basin
Iron and steel industry in the United States
Iron mining in the United States
John Fielder
Lake Valley, New Mexico
La Paz, Arizona
Leadville mining district
Lost mines
Martin Lockley
Michel T. Halbouty
Molybdenum mining in the United States
Molycorp Inc.
Montana Resources LLP
Mountain Pass rare earth mine
Natural gas in the United States
Nevadaville, Colorado
New Albany Shale
New Cornelia mine
Nonesuch Shale
Offshore oil and gas in California
Offshore oil and gas in the United States
Offshore oil and gas in the US Gulf of Mexico
Offshore drilling on the US Atlantic coast
Oro City, Colorado
Pan amalgamation
Parfet Prehistoric Preserve
Pauline Weaver
Permian Basin Petroleum Museum
Petroleum refining in the United States
Phosphate mining in the United States
Picacho, California
Purgatoire River track site
Raton Basin
Recreational gold mining
Robert C. White (police chief)
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
Rosita, Colorado
Russell Gulch, Colorado
Saints John, Colorado
Shale gas , my most-viewed article . When I started the article in 2007, shale gas was rated as a "Low Importance" topic.
Shale gas in Canada
Shale gas in the United Kingdom
Shale gas in the United States
Siempre tuya
Silver mining in Arizona
Silver mining in Colorado
Silver mining in Nevada
Silver mining in the United States
Smoky Hill City, Kansas
Sodium adsorption ratio
Spenazuma, Arizona
Sulfur production in the United States
Tarryall, Colorado (ghost town)
Thomas Dibblee
Thomas Noel (historian)
Thomas W. Lawson (businessman)
Tiger, Arizona
Tincup, Colorado
Uranium mining in Arizona
Uranium mining in Colorado
Uranium mining in New Mexico
Uranium mining in the United States
Uranium mining in Utah
Uranium mining in Wyoming
Wattenberg Gas Field
Weaver, Arizona
Western Museum of Mining & Industry
Zinc mining in the United States
114 original images contributed
Pictures from Alberta, Arizona, Brazil, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wales, and Washington.
File:158-Main-St-TustinCA.jpg : Artz Building, in National Register of Historic Places listings in Orange County, California
File:228-Main-St-TustinCA.jpg : Sherman Stevens House, in National Register of Historic Places listings in Orange County, California
File:7WondersMuseumWA.jpg : Sign at the 7 Wonders Museum .
File:Argo-Tunnel-2009.jpg : The Argo Tunnel in Idaho Springs, Colorado
File:Argo-Treatment-Plant.jpg : Water treatment plant for drainage from the Argo Tunnel
File:Baker-tank.jpg : Bakers tank, of the Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad , along the Boreas Pass road.
File:Bassick-Mine.jpg : Bassick silver mine, in article on Querida, Colorado .
File:BellaHotel-LakeValleyNM.jpg : Former Bella Hotel in Lake Valley, New Mexico .
File:BeowaweGeothermalNV.jpg : Geothermal power plant at Beowawe, Nevada .
File:BigfootStatue-SilverLakeWA.jpg : Bigfoot statue, in Bigfoot in popular culture .
File:BoschBrewery.jpg : Bosch Brewing Company , Houghton, Michigan.
File:Buckskin-JoeCO.jpg : western theme park and movie set of Buckskin Joe
File:BullardHotel-Silver CityNM.jpg : Bullard Hotel, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Grant County, New Mexico
File:BurleighCoCourthouseND.jpg : Burleigh County Courthouse, in National Register of Historic Places listings in Burleigh County, North Dakota
File:CaribouCO-2005.jpg : Ghost town of Caribou, Colorado
File:Cemetery-SilverCliffCO.jpg : Silver Cliff Cemetery
File:CFI-PuebloCO.jpg : Colorado Fuel and Iron steel mill
File:CometMT.jpg : Comet, Montana
File:Copper Range.jpg : boxcars of the Copper Range Railroad
File:Cripple Creek and Victor Mine - Victor Colorado.JPG : Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mine , in Gold mining in Colorado .
File:CrownHillParkCO.jpg : Crown Hill Burial Park, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:CuartelejoKS.jpg : El Quartelejo Pueblo ruins, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Kansas , and the List of National Historic Landmarks in Kansas .
File:DeathValleyRREngine.jpg : Locomotive of the Death Valley Railroad .
File:Dyerville1.jpg : remains of an old cabin at Dyersville, Colorado
File:DrakeMemorial-TitusvillePA.jpg : grave and memorial to Edwin Drake .
File:DCSubwayConstruction.jpg : Construction of the DC Metro in 1989
File:DSPR engine Fairplay CO.jpg : in articles Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad and South Park City .
File:EagleBoraxWorksCA.jpg : Eagle Borax Works in National Register of Historic Places listings in Inyo County, California .
File:EarlyDrillingRig.jpg : Old oil drilling rig at the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum .
File:EthylCorporationSign.jpg : Ethyl Corporation sign on an antique gasoline pump.
File:EurekaCO.jpg : old ore mill at Eureka, Colorado
File:FlotationFalconbridgeOnt.jpg : flotation cells in articles Froth Flotation and Copper extraction techniques .
File:FormerGovernorResidenceND.jpg : the former North Dakota Governor's Residence , in National Register of Historic Places listings in Burleigh County, North Dakota .
File:FortCraigNM.jpg : Fort Craig, New Mexico .
File:GasDrillingRulisonFieldCO.jpg : Gas drilling in the Piceance Basin .
File:GasWellDenverBasinCO.jpg : Gas well drilling in the Denver Basin .
File:GatesFactory.jpg : the old Gates Rubber factory in Baker Neighborhood
File:GenevaCreekCO-IronFen.jpg : Iron oxide terraces at Geneva Creek (Colorado)
File:GoldenHillCemetary-Lakewood.jpg : Hill section of Golden Hill Cemetary, on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:GrahamGym-SilverCityNM.jpg : Graham Gym, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Grant County, New Mexico .
File:GrantWellOffice-DrakeWellMu.jpg : Office of the Grant Oil Well, originally at Pithole, Pennsylvania .
File:HendersonMineCO.jpg : Henderson molybdenum mine , Colorado
File:HendersonMineGloryHole.jpg : Glory hole at the Henderson molybdenum mine
File:HowardsvilleCO.jpg : old cabin at Howardsville, Colorado .
File:HuffIndianVillageND.jpg : Huff Archeological Site , in National Register of Historic Places listings in North Dakota and List of National Historic Landmarks in North Dakota .
File:JCRS-Synagogue.jpg : former Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society synagogue, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:KingSoopers-DenverCO.jpg : King Soopers grocery store
File:LakeHavasauAZCA.jpg : dawn on Lake Havasu , Arizona/California.
File:LuckyFridayMineID.jpg , Idaho, in Silver mining in the United States .
File:Matchless mine.jpg : Matchless mine, in articles Baby Doe Tabor and Horace Tabor
File:Mayflower11.JPG : Shenandoah-Dives (Mayflower) Mill , on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Colorado .
File:MayflowerTramwayBucket.jpg : in article Aerial tramway
File:MedicalMarijuana-DenverCO.jpg : Medical marijuana clinic.
File:Mill at Pony MT.JPG : abandoned ore mill at Pony, Montana
File:MollieKathleenMineCO.jpg : Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine , Colorado
File:MontanaCityCO.jpg : Montana City, Colorado
File:MountainPassCA.jpg : Mountain Pass rare earth mine , at Mountain Pass, California
File:Nevadaville2.jpg : Nevadaville, Colorado
File:Nugget hunting Gilpin Co CO.jpg : Recreational gold mining .
File:Oilwell-WatertonNP-Alberta.jpg : First Oil Well in Western Canada
File:OldCourthouse-ColoradoCityCO.jpg : former courthouse at Old Colorado City
File:OldHundred3.jpg : Old Hundred Gold Mine , Colorado.
File:OreMill-PicachoCA.jpg : Ruins of ore processing mill at Picacho, California .
File:PackerMemorial.jpg : Monument to the victims of Colorado cannibal Alferd Packer .
File:Parfet-Preserve.png : Parfet Prehistoric Preserve .
File:ParkCountyCourthouse.jpg : Park County courthouse, originally at Buckskin Joe, Colorado
File:PattersonBldgND.jpg : the E. G. Patterson Building, in National Register of Historic Places listings in Burleigh County, North Dakota
File:PermianBasinMuseum.jpg : Permian Basin Petroleum Museum
File:PetersonHouse-LakewoodColo.jpg : Peterson House , in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:PetroleumCenterPA.jpg : Ghost town of Petroleum Center, Pennsylvania .
File:PioneerSodHouse-WheatRidgeCO.jpg : Pioneer Sod House , in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:PitholePA.jpg : ghost town of Pithole, Pennsylvania , in National Register of Historic Places listings in Venango County, Pennsylvania .
File:PurgatoireTrackwayCO.jpg : Purgatoire River track site
File:RichardsMansion-WheatRidgeCO.jpg : Richards Mansion, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:RoseLimeKilnHinsdaleCoCo.jpg : Rose Lime Kiln in National Register of Historic Places listings in Hinsdale County, Colorado
File:RobinsonMineElyNV.jpg : Robinson mine, in Copper mining in the United States
File:SandCreekCO.jpg : Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site in National Register of Historic Places listings in Colorado .
File:SchnellFarm-LakewoodCO.jpg : Schnell Farm, in the National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Colorado
File:Schoolhouse_Tarryall_CO.jpg : old schoolhouse at Tarryall, Colorado , in National Register of Historic Places listings in Park County, Colorado .
File:ShafterTX.jpg : Shafter, Texas
File:SmugglerUnionPowerPlantCO.jpg : Smuggler-Union hydroelectric power plant near Telluride, Colorado, on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Colorado .
File:SteelMuseum-PuebloCO.jpg : Steelworks Museum of Industry and Culture .
File:Steve-Canyon-Statue.jpg : Statue of Steve Canyon , in Idaho Springs, Colorado
File:Stratton-statue2.jpg : statue of Winfield Scott Stratton in downtown Colorado Springs.
File:SummitvilleMineCO.jpg : Summitville mine
File:SwanRiverDredgeSummitCoCO.jpg : gold dredge, in Gold mining in Colorado
File:Tabor Opera House - Leadville 2007.jpg : in article Horace Tabor
File:TaborStore-BuckskinJoeCO.jpg : Horace Tabor 's store, originally in Buckskin Joe, Colorado , now in the Buckskin Joe theme park.
File:TincupCO.jpg : General store at Tincup, Colorado .
File:TonopahTidewaterRailroadBed.jpg : bed of the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad .
File:Parfet-Triceratops-Track.png : Triceratops footprinbt at Parfet Prehistoric Preserve .
File:UFO Watchtower Hooper Colorado.JPG : UFO Watchtower
File:UravanCO2008.jpg : reclaimed townsite of Uravan, Colorado
File:VictorHotel.jpg : Victor Hotel , on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Teller County, Colorado .
File:WeaverAZ.jpg : ghost town of Weaver, Arizona .
File:WhiteOaksNM.jpg : old commercial building at White Oaks, New Mexico , in National Register of Historic Places listings in Lincoln County, New Mexico .
Lily Dale Entrance.JPG : Entrance to Lily Dale, New York Spiritualist community.
File:Street-Scene-Lily-Dale-NY.jpg : Lily Dale, New York
File:Fox-Cabin-Site-Lily-Dale-.jpg : former site of the Fox Sisters' cabin, Lily Dale, New York
File:Museum-Lily-Dale-NY.jpg : Lily Dale, New York Museum
File:Grand-Rivers-KY.jpg Downtown Grand Rivers, Kentucky
File:Thomas-Lawson-House-Grand.jpg : House of Thomas W. Lawson in Grand Rivers, Kentucky , on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Livingston County, Kentucky
File:Jacob-Waltz-Grave-Phoenix.jpg : Grave of Jacob Waltz, reputed finder of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine
File:Martin-Dies-Jr-State-Park.jpg : Steinhagen Reservoir , Martin Dies, Jr. State Park , Texas
File:Clay-Allison-Tombstone1.jpg : Clay Allison tombstone, Pecos, Texas
File:Clay-Allison-Tombstone2.jpg : another Clay Allison tombstone, Pecos, Texas
File:Fay-Wray-Fountain.jpg : Fay Wray Fountain, Cardston , Alberta]]
File:Holyhead-Harbor.jpg : Holyhead Harbor, Wales
File:Sea-Lions-Newport-OR.jpg : Sea lions Newport, Oregon
File:Simon-Guggenheim-Hall.jpg : Simon Guggenheim Hall, Colorado School of Mines
File:Coke-Ovens---Cokedale-CO.jpg : Coke ovens, Raton Basin , Colorado
File:Nordeng Steam Stamp.jpg : 40-foot steam stamp engine at the Western Museum of Mining & Industry . Colorado Springs
File:Monacacy-River-RR-Bridge.png : Railroad bridge over the Monocacy, in Monocacy National Battlefield
File:MinaDoChicoRei-Ouro Preto.jpg : old Brazilian gold mine, in List of show mines .
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Other stuff
The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
For your tireless help with mining -related articles, I award you the Tireless Contributor Barnstar . Happy editing! Boricua e ddie 02:28, 3 August 2007 (UTC)
The WikiProject Barnstar
To compliment Plazak's Tireless Contributor Barnstar in mining technology, I award you the WikiProject Barnstar for you outstanding Wikipedia:WikiProject Colorado support. Dedication to expanding Colorado articles and Colorado mining towns, and your anti-vandalism work on Colorado articles; you are worthy of this Barnstar. Most sterling! Thank you! LanceBarber (talk ) 01:40, 13 April 2008 (UTC)
The Photographer's Barnstar
For your impressive additions to the National Register lists, especially the amazing File:SmugglerUnionPowerPlantCO.jpg . It's one of the best Wikipedian-created photographs I've ever seen. Nyttend (talk ) 00:15, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
The Special Barnstar
You've been doing much good work, and have contributed many articles and images, so I wanted to offer you this barnstar... Johnfos (talk ) 01:48, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
The Geology Barnstar
For tireless work maintaining and improving Geology articles. Thanks, Pete Tillman 01:12, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
The Technology Barnstar
For your continuous work on hydraulic fracturing articles. Beagel (talk ) 13:58, 21 April 2013 (UTC)
Thank you for answering my suggestions in "Fossil fuel phase-out"'s Talk page Isolari (talk ) 22:08, 6 May 2017 (UTC)