Hello! Welcome to my "article". I don't know what to say, so feel free to add, edit, or delete anything you want to this page.

I have a wikibooks account with the name of Perl.

I am a sysop and bureaucrat for the Maori Wikipedia, a sysop for wikibooks, and a sysop for meta.

I'm one of the early wikipedians.

Disambiguation: This page is about User:Perl, a Wikipedian. There is also a programming language named Perl.

Articles that I have written (no stubs):

Banana Yoshimoto | Oregon Country | Mercy Otis Warren | United States territorial acquisitions | Charles Marion Russell | Oregon missionaries | Benjamin West | John Neumann | Chigger | Nudibranch | Wikipedia:Wikibot | Catharine Beecher | Lyman Beecher | Rose of Lima | Kateri Tekakwitha | African popes | Black Moses | Saint Macrina the Elder | Saint Macrina the Younger | Vincent Ferrer | Brigid of Ireland | Margaret of Scotland | Benedict of Aniane | Saint Rita | David Walker | trans-Appalachia | Olive Branch Petition | Battle of Ticonderoga (1775) | Judiciary Act (United States) | Ebuild | Ghost crab | Godey's Lady's Book | Sarah Hale | Angelina Weld Grimke | Benjamin Lundy | Joseph Jenkins Roberts | Lady's Magazine | Women's magazines | American Anti-Slavery Society | Thomas Gallaudet | Arthur Tappan | Theodore Dwight Weld | Angelina Emily Grimké | Thaddeus Stevens | Andrei Codrescu | Bob Edwards | The Scottsboro Boys | Lydia Child | Harriet Ann Jacobs | w:fr:Nudibranche | Maria Weston Chapman | Henry Highland Garnet | Samuel Cornish | James Forten | James McCune Smith | Computer lab | Charles Lenox Remond | w:fr:Lydia Child | w:fr:Tony Blair | w:fr:Arthur Miller | w:fr:Saint Patrick | w:fr:Sainte Brigitte d'Irlande w:fr:John Neumann | w:fr:Thérèse de Lisieux | w:fr:Aoûtat | Robert Purvis | William Still | List of African-American abolitionists | James W.C. Pennington | Theodore Wright | Jacksonian democracy | Emma Willard | Clement Vallandigham | Edward Ord | Henry Winter David | Gabriel Prosser | American Civil War spies | Belle Boyd | Edwin M. Stanton | Simon Cameron | Battle of Germantown | Don Carlos Buell | Battle of Stones River | Jefferson Memorial | Wendell Phillips | Battle of Fort Henry | Elijah Lovejoy | Mary Chesnut | Battle of Rio Hill | Jollix | Damn Small Linux | Thomas Jordan | Absalom Jones | John Covode | Matthew Brady | Robert Gould Shaw | The Civil War | Ely Parker | Wilmer McLean | Mary Ann Bickerdyke | Hamilton Fish | Sarah Edmonds | James Seddon | Fernando Wood | Mary Livermore | Pauline Cushman | John S. Mosby Gallery of John S. Mosby photographs | Fort Pillow massacre | Old Capitol Prison | Nicholas of Tolentino | Catherine Labouré | Vincent de Paul | George W. Randolph | Frances Harper | National American Woman Suffrage Association | Mary Chesnut | Department of Homeland Security Advisory System | John A. Dix | Blanche Bruce Mary Elizabeth Lease Ida B. Wells Drew Pearson John Chivington Black Kettle Granville Woods William Kelly (inventor) Annie Oakley Medicine Lodge Treaty Charles Goodnight Alfred Terry William McGuffey Niagara Movement William Monroe Trotter John Hope Handspring Wyatt Earp Wild Bunch Lewis Latimer Monk (television) Delta II rocket Sleepy Hollow (Mars)

American History articles which I have contributed to

American Revolutionary War | Articles of Confederation | Battle of Ticonderoga | Battle of Saratoga | Mercy Otis Warren | Charles Marion Russell | Alexander Hamilton | Judiciary Act (United States) | Thomas Jefferson | Olive Branch Petition | trans-Appalachia | University of Virginia | Seminole Wars | Barbary Wars | Oregon missionaries | Benjamin West | Andrew Jackson | Arthur Miller | Henry David Thoreau | American Civil War | Andrew Jackson | Nathan Bedford Forrest

Other Interesting Articles:

language game | Number of the Beast (numerology) | List of intelligence agencies | Erotic art in Pompeii | Greek mythology | Pan (mythology) | Gallery of Pompeii and Herculaneum | Linux | Gentoo | France | Crane | Celtic Mythology | List of fictional species | Kabbalah | Lilith | Cryptozoology | Wikipedia:Bots | Library of Alexandria | Disney characters' names in various languages | SAMPA | Physics and Star Wars | Penis-melting Zionist robot combs | Old French | Taipei 101 | Perl | Donald Knuth | Lir | Toynbee tiles |

Krystyna Skarbek | Tao Te Ching |

Articles that need to be Written/Rewritten:

Bank of the United States | Worcester v. Georgia | Black Hawk War | All my Sons | An Enemy of the People | Rotunda |

Maori | USS Enterprise (CVN-65) | Space Shuttle program | Necker cube | Penrose triangle | Jack Paar | Pascal's Wager | Absolute Infinite | Schrodinger's Cat | Gerolamo Cardano | Lagniappe | DVD

Well "Hello World"

It seems you have the same name as a module I wrote in perl. So I figured I should use this page to introduce OO programming in perl:

Go here:


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