My name is Patrick, but I think that it looks cooler without the C so I didn't put it in my username. My usual username is Papa_smurPH, but I don't remember why I didn't use it for my Wikipedia account. I was born July, 8th 1991, and I'm 15 right now. I'll surf Wikipedia and come up with stuff any time that I'm bored and if I can't do that then I'll go out with friends and probably mess something up, but I never seem to get in trouble for it. Anyway, I can't think of too much more to say here, and I guess I'll update with some more stuff but . . . ya.
I love listening to music (short list of bands is below) and I like watching movies too. I usually just either play football or come up with random stuff (like making funny movies or shooting off Diet Coke & Mentos rockets) to do with my friends over the summer. My passion at the moment is to be responsible for the best senior prank my high school has ever seen. I'll spend a lot of time on the computer, whether on Wikipedia or some other random website I find. I'm a major comic/superhero buff (DC comics more than Marvel) and my favorite show is Smallville (teenage Superman). One of my favorite actors is Michael Rosenbaum who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville.
Kickass Bands
I'll add more later, I just don't have my iPod with me at the moment. Rise Against is my favorite band on this list.
I'm sort of half ambidextrous, I write and eat left-handed, but I do almost everything else right handed. I can shoot and dribble in basketball with both hands.
I play guitar.
My dream job is either an actor or writing for Rolling Stone