Welcome to WikiJokes, the page where Wikipedians can post their jokes. I invite all types of jokes--knock knock, lightbulb, weird, satirical, and did I say weird? Huh-huh. Whatever.
There was an old woman from Twickenham,
Boots so tight she couldn't walk quick in 'em.
She had a few beers,
Felt quite queer[1]
Took em off and was sickenam.
Teacher Student Joke
A teacher recieves a phone call. The person at the other end says: "I'm sorry, my son Jack can't come to school today." The teacher is suspicious, and asks: "Who is speaking?" The person at the other end says: "This is my father speaking."
Bad Joke
One should always bring a lawyer to a pie fight, because you never know when you may have to defend against a torte
Why should you never date a tennis player?
Because love means nothing to them!
- ^ Not as in gay