I've worked on four different continents as an archaeologist, but my heart is in eastern Africa.
My sole claim to fame is that I once played the mellophone for the soundtrack to the classic film Bring It On.
About me
Articles I've created
- Adrar Bous
- Ann B. Stahl
- Anna O. Shepard
- British Institute in Eastern Africa
- Drymaeus dormani
- Jebel Moya
- Lake Balangida
- Matupi Cave
- Melinda A. Zeder
- Pastoral Neolithic
- Seminole patchwork
Semni Karouzou
- William Kimbel
Articles my students have created
- Al-Khiday
- Alison S. Brooks
- Archaeology of Banda District (Ghana)
- Archaeology of Central Africa
- Archaeology of Malawi
- Archaeology of Pemba Island
- Archaeology of Rwanda
- Bahi rock paintings
- Bir Kiseiba
- Black-topped pottery
- Bokoni
- Bosutswe
- Daima
- Dhar Tichitt
- Diane Gifford-Gonzalez
- Esh Shaheinab
- Fiona Marshall
- Gebel Ramlah
- Ghaba
- Ifri Oudadane
- Jarigole pillar site
- Jenini
- Kadero (archaeological site)
- Kalahari Debate
- Kariandusi Prehistoric Site
- Kirikongo
- Kom K and Kom W
- Manemanya Pillar Site
- Maritime archaeology of East Africa
- Mlambalasi Rock Shelter
- Mochena Borago
- Old Oyo
- Porc-Epic Cave
- R12 (cemetery)
- Rock art of Uganda
- Rose Cottage Cave
- Songo Mnara
- Takarkori
- Wadi Kubbaniya
Articles my students have substantially improved
- Buur Heybe
- Chibuene
- Diy-Gid-Biy
- Djenné-Djenno
- Ennedi Plateau
- Gobero
- Gorée Island
- Haya people
- Hyrax Hill
- Ishango
- Ishango bone
- Jebel Moya
- Kalambo Falls
- Kilwa Kisiwani
- Kintampo Complex
- Kondoa Rock-Art Sites
- Later Stone Age
- Manyikeni
- Matsieng Footprints
Middle Stone Age
- Mijikenda peoples
- Mumba Cave
- Ngalue
- Nok culture
- Qasr Ibrim
Ruins of Gedi
- Saharan rock art
- Shum Laka