I am the Dreaded Myna Darkthunder, the Scourge of Misspellings and Typos. I am absolutely obsessed with Birds and DnD. I also write Fantasy/Sci-Fi stories and make animations and art. I am also in the midst of the creation of my own language, and am trying to learn Code to make my own games. And "Griffon" is for all in the genus Grȳpus, "Griffin" is for Grȳpus Communia, and "Gryphon" is for those who derive directly from the elements.

Really. Maybe you should check the Actual Sources for once, Myna. - Feather

Don't quote Myna on that. - Dreamlight

Um, and those two are Feather and Dreamlight, the scourges of me. Don't worry, I'll make sure they don't go beyond my comments.

Huh. YOU don't have to make sure. We'll keep our pestering to you. - Feather

No sardonic comments from us outside of your comments. - Dreamlight

More like Sadistic comments...

Sadistic, indeed. - Feather

Do you ever look up the meanings? - Dreamlight

C'mon, you two -

Three. - Helios

Ugh, come on then, you THREE. It is time to LEAVE. Uhm, uhhh, goodbye reader.

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