Hey, thank you so much for coming to this user page. Not much to see here, so I'll give you a brief introduction so that you can get the whole spill.

I am MyJunoBaldwin (as you can see from my username). I am male, have he/him/his pronouns (you can use "they" pronouns, don't really care as much as other people), a high school student, United States citizen, and music audiophile (will, no cap, listen to absolutely anything, even if its trash music... (cough), (cough), Hot Shower). I edit pages that I am interested in, or that may need some dialogue added, and just to clarify for some of you all: I'm not a "big time" Wikipedia editor. I just do this part time unless there is a developing story, then I would be some-what constantly updating or editing a page so that it will be up-to-date. I still am getting used to the format and system Wikipedia uses (as well as the code and source editor stuff), so please bear with me if I make a small mistake to a code for a reference, or a line of dialogue that is not structurally correct.

If you have any tips or suggestions for me, or would like to discuss an edit change, mistake or error that has occurred on a specific page, I will gladly take any discussions you may have on my "Talk" page. Thank you, and have a great day people!!!

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