Thanks for asking about what "nngroup" means. It's a reference to one of the Criteria for Speedy Deletion (which is why it was deleted so quickly, and without previous discussion). "nngroup" refers to the seventh criterion in the Article section(sometimes called A7): "Unremarkable people, groups, companies and websites. An article about a real person, group of people, band, club, company, or website that does not assert the importance or significance of its subject. If the assertion is controversial or there has been a previous AfD, the article should be nominated for AfD instead." As for the specific article, Finland Forum, what it lacked was anything showing that the forum had received notice beyond it's members, e.g. a news report on it, it's relationship with the Finnish government(if it has any), or something like that. A good guideline for articles on web forums is WP:WEB. If you think the forum does meet Wikipedia criteria, make a draft (clearly labeled as such) in your userspace, and ask me(or anyone) to review it, before posting it again. Hope this helps, and thanks again for asking! JesseW, the juggling janitor 07:35, 18 October 2006 (UTC)
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