mroconnell heard that there is a very large road named after his ancestors. A man in a pub once told him about Daniel the Liberator

Other Words

Ryan is a housing advocate who hopes to reduce the housing shortage in the United States, primarily by helping California homeowners build Accessory Dwelling Units.

He spends a lot of time thinking about how he unintentionally collected an encyclopedic knowledge of silly things. He likes to make pretentious experimental music, and a lot of that music can be found at SongFight! He writes a slightly useful wine blog where he answers funny or interesting questions people typed into Google.

He likes postmodernity but hates how dependent he has become on self-reference and irony. He hopes to reach a zen-like state of post-irony very soon. He further wishes that post-irony is neither smug nor clever nor self-effacing.

He misses New Orleans greatly. He went to Tulane University between 2002 and 2006. He skipped the first semester of his senior year, and New Orleans got hit by Hurricane Katrina. When he came back, things were different. He voluntarily chose to have no fixed abode from December 2005 to May 2006, and slept on his friends' couches and in academic buildings. He enjoyed New Orleans a lot.

Ryan's mom is French-Vietnamese. She spoke to him in French when he was little, and his American dad spoke to him in American English. Ryan William O'Connell is a very Irish name. He has freckles. He might write another postmodern identity crisis piece of tripe since that's really popular in the United States now. If only he was religious, it would be a sure fire academic hit.

Sometimes Ryan makes visual art. He likes printmaking. The presses at his University were named after hurricanes. He designed remote-controlled robots in a robotics competition, but he wasn't very good.

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