I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Max, I'm from Munich, Germany. Maxl is a form of the name Max which is largely used in my part of the country as a kind of a pet name for Max. I'm interested in a lot of things, from weather to actors to movies to politics to history and much more. I consider myself a liberal which is not a negative attribute in Germany. Weather is my hobby and I have taken many weather pictures with my digital camera. If someone is interested in these I am ready to forward them to you! I am Roman Catholic but I make my own decisions on religion. I don't agree with all things coming from Rome. I like to eat meat, especially which is, by far, the most-eaten meat in Bavaria. I like to indulge in Bavarian-style wheat beer. I am also fond of trams. I think there is no article on Munich Tram in the English wiki so far. I could start it.