Articles and graphics that I created for wiki
Articles: Quantitative Finance
- Power Reverse Dual Currency PRDC Note, Bond, Swap
- Implied Repo Rate IRR
- Cheapest To Deliver CTD -- todo
- Basis swap
Articles: Computer Science
Articles: Military
- Swedish field artillery (early 18th century)
- Battalion formation (early 18th century)
- Military ranks of the Swedish armed forces
- Swedish armed forces
- Korpralskap
- Vicekorpral Korpral Furir Överfurir Rustmästare Kadett Undersergeant Alikersantti Sergeant (Sweden) Ylikersantti Översergeant Fanjunkare Förvaltare Vääpeli Feltväbel Ylivääpeli Sotilasmestari Fänrik Löjtnant Yliluutnantti Premiärlöjtnant Kapten Major (Sweden) Överstelöjtnant Överste Brigadgeneral Generalmajor (Sweden) Generallöjtnant General (Sweden)
- Template:infobox MilitaryRankBox
- Template:User Swedish miltary units
- Template:User SwedishMilitaryRanks
- Template:User SwedishMilitaryRanks2009
- Template:User CurrentSwedishMilitaryRanks
- Template:User SwedishRankInflation
- Template:RankPersonsDistribution
- Template:RankPersonsDistributionJP