Hey there,
Most commonly people refer to me as Kubis. My username on Wikipedia reflects an older nickname, cleverly derived from my full name and my interest in computers, that I gave myself back when I was a child.
Others might describe me as a polymath—I would never use that term—instead, I like to call myself a free learner.
I am a big enthusiast and long-term user of SuperMemo (since May 2020), Anki (from circa 2019), and incremental reading, all powered by spaced repetition. Wikipedia most often comes under my scrutiny during my incremental reading process while I extract golden nuggets from learning material previously imported from Wikipedia.
Some notes to myself
An editor has indicated that this claim needs a citation to a reliable source. (April 2024) Reason given: Grades in school have been shown overwhelmingly to be a poor motivator, so the remark about securing good grades directly contradicts the rest of this article. Learning is NOT synonymous with school so any other example (like learning to swim, or how to run a small business) would be much more suitable and illustrative.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Principles_of_learning#Readiness
- note to myself: improve the example as stated
Other articles I wish to look at and improve in the future (since there's not a good way on Wikipedia to track that:)
- Pension - considering some articles below to improve or draw upon:
Starobní důchod – Wikipedie https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starobn%C3%AD_d%C5%AFchod
Pensio - Vikipedio https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pensio
Pensión - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pensi%C3%B3n
Pension - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pension