- Kirk Hinrich: Good article.

- Andrés Nocioni: Still love this guy! Such passion!
- Ben Gordon: Put some work in on this one.
- Ursula Rucker: this article had 4 words before I got my hands on it.
- Thabo Sefolosha: I have hopes that this article can become really good...
- The Boondock Saints: did some work on this too.
- 2003 NFL Draft: created article. Former FL.
- American Indian Defense Association: created article added references, and now have no idea what else to do with it. (Ok it could use MoS fixes and a copy edit never hurts, I'm just not in the mood do it myself. If no one else does, then I will... one day) .
- Bonanza farms: this could be really really good.
- Engineered cementitious composite: started article added references.
- Education for All Handicapped Children Act: created article - and haven't really touched it since.
- Immigration Restriction League: created, an other interesting read.
- Iowa Mr. Basketball: created article and.... not much else can be done to it (content wise) until 2008.
- James Welch (writer): created added refs, interesting read IMO. One of my favorite poets of all time.
- Josefina Fierro de Bright: one of the first articles I ever created.
- Marjorie Kellogg: created article after reading about her in AARP The Magazine.
- Montgomery Improvement Association: An other interesting read...
- Naomi Long Madgett: created added refs, interesting read IMO. One of my favorite poets of all time.
- Rose McClendon: created, and haven't really touched since then.
- Society of American Indians: created, and haven't really touched since.
- The Compleat Housewife: made the front page as a DYK? on December 10, 2006.

- Things Fall Apart (album): created added refs, this article can be great.
- Will White: created, interesting read.