

This user owns an American Shorthair cat.
This user is a caring cat owner.
This user has been scratched several times by her pet cat.
This user likes Maine Coons.
This user is
a Golden Retriever lover.
This user loves
corgis (corgwn).
This user's favourite animal is the collie.
This user's favourite animal is the Cheetah.
This user's favourite animal is a
This user's favourite animal is a
Gray Wolf.
This user's favourite animal is a
Red Fox.
This user's favourite animal is the Red panda.
This user knows that otters are fantastic.
DragonThis user's favourite animal is the Dragon.


TMNTThis user is a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Don This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Donatello.
Mike This user's favorite Ninja Turtle is Michelangelo.
This user is a fan of Phineas and Ferb.
P&FThis user knows that platypuses don't do much.
Looney TunesBe vewy, vewy quiet - this user is hunting wabbits!
AThis user is zany to the max!
This user is fan of the Road Rovers.
<^"^>Oh spoot! This user is a fan of The Angry Beavers.<"\\


This user is an anime and manga fan.
^_^This user reads manga.
This user prefers to watch
her anime subbed.
4Kids… This user is not very fond of 4Kids. Actually, let me rephrase that…
This user is a fan of both the original Sailor Moon anime and Sailor Moon Crystal.
This user is a fan of Ami Mizuno.
This user is a fan of Makoto Kino.
This user is fascinated with Hotaru Tomoe.
This user uses The Erase on Wikipedia vandals.
DThis user is a Digidestined.
This user is one of the many that been cursed while on a trip to Jusenkyo.
This user is prepared to duel.


This user enjoys reading fiction.
This user enjoys reading mysteries.
This user enjoys works of
This user enjoys reading historical fiction.
This user enjoys the works of
Jane Austen.
ND This user loves the Nancy Drew books.
Redwall This user is a fan of
the Redwall Series.
Narnia This user loves The Chronicles of Narnia.
S This user is a Slytherin.
This user's Patronus is a Stoat.
This user is a fan of
the Warriors series.
This user pledges allegiance to WindClan

Comic Books

This user is a fan of the Batman
( )"o)Good grief! This user is a fan of Peanuts.


This user likes jigsaw puzzles
This user plays mahjong.
This user plays Hearts.
FurcThis user plays Furcadia.
CBThis user is a fan of the Crash Bandicoot series.
This user owns a neopet.
This user is a former player of
Club Penguin.


This user is interested in history.
This user is interested in her family history.
This user is interested in the history of the United States.
This user is interested in
Asian dragons.
This user is interested in
European dragons.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages
This user is interested in ancient Egypt.

TV Shows

This user enjoys watching The Lawrence Welk Show.
TAGSThis user is a fan of
The Andy Griffith Show.
The TARDIS, from Doctor WhoThis user is a Doctor Who fan.
Dr WhoThis user has been a
Doctor Who fan since the
Tenth Doctor.
Dr WhoThis user has been a
Doctor Who fan since the
Eleventh Doctor.
A bowtieThis user knows that bowties have been cool since 1966.
GEThis user watches Good Eats.
M*A*S*HThis user understands:
"the M stands for mobile".
MMPRThis user either watches or enjoys
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
PRThis user is a Power Rangers fan.
This user is a fan of MythBusters's
Adam Savage
This user is a fan of MythBusters's
Jamie Hyneman
STAR TREKKinHikari is a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation.TNG
NCISThis user is a fan of NCIS.
WoFThis user is a fan of Wheel of Fortune.
FFThis user is a Family Feud fan.
FF O'Hurley This user prefers John O'Hurley as host of Family Feud.
AThis user loves it when a plan comes together.
This user's got Movie Sign!
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