User KTyson: Karl Tyson I live in Kansas, USA. My current job is programming computers.
Outline of some of my Interest Areas (* indicates I have contributed):
- History
- Ecology: Humans and Nature, Biogeochemistry, Environment:
- Paleoclimatology
- Organic Farming
- Ecology & Environmental Science
- Holistic Building
- Literature: Authors: Classics and Modern
- Ancient and Medieval
- Plato
- The Republic
- Chaucer
- Canterbury Tales
- Plato
- Pre-Modern Classics
- Tolstoy
- War and Peace
- Anna Karenina *
- Melville
- Moby Dick
- Dostoyevsky
- Notes from Underground
- The Idiot
- Crime and Punishment
- Brothers Karamazov
- Dickens
- Our Mutual Friend
- A Christmas Carol
- Hugo
- Les Miserables
- Notre Dame
- Twain
- Huckleberry Finn
- Tolstoy
- Modern Fiction
- Joyce
- Ulysses
- Pynchon
- Joyce
- Modern Non-Fiction
- Hofstadter
- Ancient and Medieval
- Computer Software Development
- Open Standards
- Programming Languages and Environments
- C-Sharp
- Javascript
- Ajax *
- Methodologies
- Agile
- Extreme Programming
- Pragmatic
- Design Patterns
- Agile
- Open Standards