Jimmeie aquino was born on 1958, hes from Brooklynn New York,He was the son of manuel Aquino and Iraida Rojas. He married Hope Ware With her name was Hope Aquino, She has a daughter named Jessica Diane Ware she was 2 years old when they got married. Jimmie was there for her though everything, Jimmie had two sons names James Jr Aquino, Christoper Aquino, He had another child by Hope Aquino and he name was Lizabeth Dawn Marie aquino. Jimmie Aquino was a very good man, Even thou that he had alot of prombems he had heart promblems, Jimmie Aquino and Hope Aquino was married for 9 years. Jimmie got really sick and in and out of the hospitles all the time. The doctors didnt think that he was going to make it. Hope aquino left him for another man named Daivd Williams, Jimmie didnt like him very well cause he took her away from him, Every day Jimmie was getting worse and Wasn't getting better. Jessica got taken from her step dad and had to lived with her mother, Hope tryed to take Elizabeth but she couldn't, so Hope and Jessica left and didn't got back there untill Hope Found out that Jimmie was dying in the hopitle. Hope Went to Jessica's school (Montvale Elementry School)and picked her up and told her what happen and what was going on. Jessica cryed alot when she heard that he only daddy that she ever new passed away. Hope Aquino and Elizabeth, James Aquino, Christopher Aquno went to his Funeral, but Jessica didn't , she was to scared because she was only like 9 Years old (October 26, 1996), (November 6 2006, 9 years old)and Lizabeth was alot smaller and she handled it, Jessica Couldn't handle seeing her daddy like that Cause that was the only one she could look up to, So Jimmie Aquino Passed away November 6,2006. All the years that hes gone its going to be hard for Jessica Ware and Elizabeth.

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