Hello, I'm Jamesb01. I take photos whenever I can, so when I run across a Wikipedia article that's sans graphic, I look through my archives for an image that will hopefully make the article more interesting and understandable and upload. I also add tidbits of information to articles whenever I have first-hand knowledge.
I love good movies and television shows from the past and present and have some first-hand knowledge about the people and industry inter-workings.
I'm also a motorsports, motorized vehicle and transportation technology enthusiast (wind, fossil fuel and electric). I collect motorsports books, magazines, art, photos, vintage crash helmets and protective apparel. Thank goodness there are many people like me with this mild obsession.
Links that I like:
http://advrider.com/index.php - A great international adventure (on and off-highway) motorcycle forum
http://www.sport-touring.org - A great international motorcycle sport-touring forum
http://www.craigslist.org - Like Wikipedia, an international treasure
http://www.owenartstudios.com - A gigantic collection of motorsports art and vintage racing photos
http://ecomodder.com - fuel economy automotive community forum
My image contributions: