This user loves old books, especially old encyclopedias and quality small gems, and has added hundreds of books to his Internet Archive favourites. But unfortunately does not yet have time to read them.
The work to be done on Wikipedia is plenty but life is short.
— me
Welcome to my user page. I mostly do minor edits like reference/external links formatting, sometimes also add some external links to archival materials. I also regularly cleanup random articles, particularly when I am bored. You may notice that the articles I edit are pretty random and that's because I almost always have something to cleanup when I use wikipedia for information. I think I have a bad habit of over-commiting myself to a project and burn myself out after a few months... It indeed happened in another internet community.
Below are (some of) my random thoughts.
Mind cannot be free until knowledge is free.
(Implementations may be non-free but knowledge must always be free)
Equality is a prerequisite for Freedom.
Knowledge should never be held ransom.
One important function of Wikipedia (and the Internet) is acting as an archival guide, so that people, even under educated people, have access to great artifacts & information, and the gateways to them (which are arguably more important than the artifacts themselves). They should feel that it is a waste of time to scroll infinitely on their phones, consuming and spreading hate and spam, now they know and have access to so much great works human race has created.
Preserve, Access, Discover
How do you expect someone to cherish something that they never had a chance to immerse themselves in?
Guns, I hate guns. — Leonard Bernstein (from one of his papers)
Considering that a free (as in free speech) information & knowledge service is crucial to achieving equality in mankind, an online encyclopedia that is written by the free men for the free men, using free / open-access content, should be created and actively maintained.
This user believes that silence is a basic nutrient crucial for child development especially in the early ages and should be universally available to all if we want to achieve equality.
This user thinks *BSD are superior to Linux just like how macOS is superior to Microsoft Windows
This user believes that access to comprehensive, accessible archive and quality, accurate information about one's country's past should be a part of each and every citizen's rights, duties, and entertainment.
This user believes that, to boast about or encourage showing-off of edit counts, considering the amount of unnoticed cleanups and chores to be done, is detrimental to Wikipedia. The most important thing is to let everyone onboard and give a hand, and make the transition from outsider to editor as smooth as possible.
This user wishes to understand and remember what made chinese wikipedia (and china mainland) a pure warzone, and try his best not to spread the virus of violence. He may fail in the end, but he is trying his best.