Very Busy has become Insanely Busy

A page.

Some places are too dysfunctional to remain in.

The strength of assumed cooperation is that much can get done. The weakness of assumed cooperation is that one person can do much damage.

Too sick to lift the hydra today.

Have to have a wikilawyer to get anything done with some people.

Yeah... this place is too easy to game for people with less than pure intentions.


When you play go, getting what you want locally doesn't always get you what you want globally. Context is everything.

You can ask general questions on admin'ing that are not critical at WP:AN (WP:ANI is when more immediate action is needed). And whoizwazit Special:ListUsers.

From eyes come beams of light.

Principles or just principles.

I expect to be attacked by both sides anytime now.

The distance between here and there may make it unclear where here is anymore.

There are many odd and wonderful things in the universe, but none of them fulfill wishes the way a genie would.

I have developed a fan club.

And the goose leads the wild chase.

The less land they have to stand on; the less stable they are.

When your mere existence causes them to attack you, the best revenge is to live well.

As in poker when you ask someone to show their hand, perhaps you shouldn't be surprised if that hand beats you.

A single drop raises the ocean. Karma isn't some organizing principle of the universe. But people do notice what other people do, and one small addition or subtraction by each person who saw will accumulate.


Everyone may draw from the well of good will at least once. But those of ill intent cannot draw too often.

So much about life is providing people the opportunity to succeed.

I know that you know that I know that you know that I know. But at which point does it matter?

Finesse is one of those things that people with ill intent are not so good at. The frightening people are the malicious people that are good at finesse.

How tightly the cogs all turn together?

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