gb-1 | Dsh uuzzr izzzabll tuh kuntibbit wizza bveyschhhik lvvllov Gbrsh. |
LE-1 | This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English. |
sar-1 | This user does not wish to speak or hear sarcasm, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration. |
en-U-0 | This user speaks nicely (she is an angel or has never been in a city). |
ja-0.5 | この利用者は日本語を勉強しており、それをうまく話せません。 |
ro-0.5 | Acest utilizator învatează Romǎn la un nivel bazic şi nu înţelege limba bine. |
ka-0 | ამ მომხმარებელს არ ესმის ქართული (ან უჭირს გაგება). |
my-0 | ဤ အသုံးပြုသူသည် မြန်မာဘာသာတွင် ဗဟုသုတအဆင့် မရှိသလောက် ရှိသည် (သို့ အခက်အခဲတစ်စုံတရာရှိသော်လည်း နားလည်နိုင်သည်)။ |
vi-0 | Người này không hiểu tiếng Việt (hay trình độ rất thấp). |
Latn-N A | This user has a native-like understanding of the Latin script. |
HTML-0 | This person does not understand HTML (or understands it with difficulties, or does not want to write HTML). |
Other  | This user is ace and proud. |
 | This user is aro and proud. |
 | This user is aroace and proud. |
This user's favourite colour is blue.
 | This User loves the blue skies smiling at the User. :) |
 | This user dreams in color. |
This user is a female contributor.
|  | This user believes pornography imperils society and is too easily accessible over the Internet. |
 | This user is single and does not desire a romantic relationship. |
she | This user's pronouns are she/her/hers. |
 | This user doesn't sleep much. |
 | This user is interested in the Qur'an. |
تصوف | This user is interested in Sufism. |
This user is proud to be of Taíno descent.