
What I Do on Wikipedia

I tend to patrol recent changes for vandalism and nonsense edits. I am also a bit of a grammar freak so sometimes I'll just do a bit of proofing. I have written a few new articles (not many) and vastly redone several. Lately I've been working on SPAM cleanup in the external links section of articles.

Depending on my mood:

ANAL 4This user advocates good grammar usage.

ANAL 5This user is incredibly stringent with professional grammar.

On another note I am also a member of:

This user is part of the Welcoming Committee.

Welcome and Enjoy Your Stay

Learning is not virtue but the means to bring us an aquaintance with it. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. Let these be your motives to action through life, the relief of the distressed, the detection of frauds, the defeat of oppression, and diffusion of happiness. ---Nathanael Greene (c.a. 1771)

Buffalo Skyline

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