Hi, I'm Eastern Nat, a name which is related to my interest in buses and in particular the name of the bus company that I grew up with in Essex. I am a transport professional, having qualified as a chartered shipbroker somewhere back in the mists of time and have been a tutor and occasional lecturer in my particular subject which is dry cargo chartering. I was raised in Harwich [Essex] but moved to Dublin in 1972 and am married with two sons and two beautiful grandchildren.
My interests include all aspects of transport,but particularly steam engines and ships, but why wear only half an anorak when you can wear the whole thing. My interest in buses was always secondary to trains and ships but I found that sitting in the traffic going to/from work I could indulge in an interest and contribute to the enthusiasts forum on the web here in Dublin. As far as aircraft are concerned, I have flown extensively and have been able on a few occasions to vary my business route to avail of an aircraft type that I was interested in, although I would always have considered safety when making such a decision. It came as something of a surprise when my wife expressed concern and reminded me of my responsibilities after I had flown on a light aircraft from Newcastle to Southend, which had been forced to declare an emergency en-route. I can throw in music, gardening, bird watching but not a full on twitcher. I am also interested in travel and have been lucky enough to have travelled fairly widely both for leisure and business.
To date, I have largely concentrated my editing activities to adding detail to pages covering the railway and shipping activities in Nth. Essex and Suffolk, but I have one or two articles which I think I'm about ready to launch.