some temporarily saved data from a good article: Chakras - number of petals

Chakra Petals / Segments Color (New Age) Traditional Color
Crown 960 or 972 or 1000 Violet or White
Brow Chakra 2 or 96 Indigo or Violet Luminescent Blue or White
Throat Chakra 16 Blue Smokey Purple
Heart Chakra 12 Green Smokey Green or Grey
Solar Plexus / Navel Chakra 10 Yellow
Sacral or Spleen Chakra 6 Orange Light Blue
Root Chakra 4 Red Yellow
Chakra Glands / Organs Element
Crown Pineal Gland or Pituitary Gland or None
Brow Chakra Pituitary and / or Pineal Gland
Throat Chakra Thyroid Gland Ether / Space
Heart Chakra Thymus Gland / Heart / Lungs Air
Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra Digestive System Glands Fire
Sacral or Spleen Chakra Ovaries / Testes Water
Root Chakra Adrenals Earth
Chakra Nr. of Petals Nervous System Nerve Pairs In Relation to Vertebrae
Crown Chakra
Central Lotus
960 1000

12 Cranial nerves
Brow Chakra 2 or 96 1 Optic nerve
Throat Chakra 16 8 C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,T1
Heart Chakra 12 6 T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7
Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra 10 5 T8,T9,T10,T11,T12
Sacral or Spleen Chakra 6 3 L1,L2,L3
Root Chakra 4 2 L4,L5

(my added table:)

Chakra Nr. of Petals Color Glands Element Phase State
Crown 960, 972 (960 +12) or 1000 Purple Pituitary Electricity Atomic
Brow Chakra 2 or 96 (2 main lobes of 48 each) Indigo Pineal Light Sub-atomic
Throat Chakra 16 Blue Thyroid Fire Super-etheric
Heart Chakra 12 Green Thymus Ether Etheric
Solar Plexus Chakra 8
Navel Chakra 10 Yellow Digestive System Glands Air Gaseous
Sacral or Spleen Chakra 6 Orange Gonads Water Liquid
Root Chakra 4 Red Adrenals Earth Solid
Coccyx 2 Magenta Coccygeal glomus

For crown, 'Some say 960, some say 1,000 [...] 960 is the mathematical equivalent of the first five chakras together (4+6+10+12+16) multiplied by the two petals of chakra six, times ten.'

'Fig. 15 12 Cranial Nerve Pairs Possibly related to the 12-lobed Lotus Flower in Fig. 14.'

Then maybe I added 12.

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