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Some Quite Interesting (to me) Quotes
De jure is when men in funny wigs say I shouldn't steal your money. De facto is when I punch you and steal your money.
( gmaxwell ) My real concern is that at some point it will be changed from the
globe button which no one sees or clicks on.. to a big flashing "VIEW THE MAP" button on 100,000 enwp articles, and toolserver won't be able to handle the traffic. ;)
( flyingparchment ) nonsense, toolserver can handle all load. it has thepower of greyskull.
I smoked salmon one time, I was out of it for days.
<WBOSITG> wtf is cbs
<Mel> O_o
<MinuteElectron> candaian tv station i think
<MinuteElectron> or us
<Mel> you dont know? O_o
<WBOSITG> I don't
<WBOSITG> I'm Scottish
<Mel> you is O_o
<Mel> er
<WBOSITG> We know nothing
<WBOSITG> Can CBS be deepfried?
<Mel> exactly :D
<Mel> no
<Mel> it cannot
<WBOSITG> then I don't want to know about it
Old Wiki-proverb: two users revert-warring each other is akin to two people taking turns kicking each other in the shins.
* {} flirts with Ceiling_Cat
<ijustam> uh oh
<ijustam> ceiling cat is being hit on by what appears to be a vagina
* [roux] chews on [garden]
<[garden]> noeeeeeeez
<DarkoNeko> [roux] eats grass
<[roux]> No, I smoke that.
<PeterSymonds> I had a really funny incident on the train today.
<PeterSymonds> I was reading my horoscope because I was bored, and it said "you are going to experience grievous bodily harm".
<Until_It_Sleeps> O_O
<PeterSymonds> So I passed it to my friend, who's was "You are angry. Let it out."
<JulianC93> O_O
escape_goat goes outdoors where there is no ceiling so Ceiling_Cat couldn't follow him
<escape_goat> to fap
The359 calls the cops for indecent exposure
<Ceiling_Cat> escape_goat - Roof_cat has his eyes on you
<Ceiling_Cat> and if not roof_cat, tree_cat
<Ceiling_Cat> and if not tree_cat, sky_cat
<escape_goat> well, then you leave me no coice but to FAP IN MY MIND
<Ceiling_Cat> escape_goat - brain_cat is watching you FAP
<escape_goat> jeez, it's worse than living in England
<YourVirginity> Is that a Ceiling_Cat on your ceiling or are you just happy to see me?
* Ceiling_Cat observes Schrodinger_Cat
<Ceiling_Cat> Schrodinger_Cat - if only I had a penny for every time somepretty girl complained about me collapsing her wave function