Hi , This is Sibi . I believe in Knowledge commons.

Avoiding Conflict of Interest

I am associated with Free Software Foundation Tamilnadu . So , do let me know if I make any CoI edits regarding that .

Block log

I was blocked for 3 days in 2014 for copyright violations . And the Contributor copyright investigations is present here . Hoping to learn from that and move ahead .

Format Tips/Tricks


  1. Writing notes/Details within a Table - List of trips
Other information

Section 52(1)(q) of the Indian Copyright Act which can be found on the Government's website here does not consider an act of the following nature to be a copyright infringement: (q) the reproduction or publication of-- (i) any matter which has been published in any Official Gazette except an Act of a Legislature; (ii) any Act of a Legislature subject to the condition that such Act is reproduced or published together with any commentary thereon or any other original matter; (iii) the report of any committee, commission, council, board or other like body appointed by the Government if such report has been laid on the Table of the Legis- lature, unless the reproduction or publication of such report is prohibited by the Government; (iv) any judgment or order of a court, tribunal or other judicial authority, unless the reproduction or publication of such judgment or order is prohibited by the court, the tribunal or other judicial authority, as the case may be;

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