CandidHQ is my internet handle, because it is the name of the internet community that I run. I try to be a good boy on Wikipedia, and I'm all about working together and being civil. I do this for fun, so if it gets uncivil, it's no longer fun. It's how I relax. Weird, huh?
Currently, I am trying to decide whether or not to get involved in the "spoken articles". I have experience and training in the area of naration, stage voice, and such. Additionally, I can work on the recordings myself using my own software. The question is finding the time...
I was involved for a few days in the translation effort at SPATRA, mostly in the Threshing-board article for some time. I try, but I'm not that hot at translation.
My employment (past and present)
I currently work in Instructional Technology at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas.
In the past, I have been a Video Editor, Engineer, and Producer for the Institute in Basic Life Principles, Oak Brook, IL,
I worked at one point for, where I performed background coding (Server scripts that served as pipelines between data sources and destinations). Most of the work I did was in Perl, and was never seen by the customer, although I did some ASP work (VBScript), too.
This user understands the difference between its (of it) and it's (it is or it has).
Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
This user favours typewriter style quotation marks over typographic ones.