Wikipedia editor
CADE is a wikipedia user who also makes tabletop roleplaying games and reads comic books,
while living in southern California.
Currently keeping an eye on: Jeremy Whitley /talk
This user edited under a previous user name. This account is a clean start .
100 This user is 100 years old.(rounded to the nearest hundred years)
evol This user considers evolution an amazing biological fact.
Eu This user is not fully decided on euthanasia but at least supports it under certain circumstances. Su?
This user's mobility is restricted .
This user supports the legalization of all drugs for adults .
This user believes that people should use the bathroom for the gender that they identify as.
This user is a feminist , and is annoyed that the first feminist userbox is pink.
This user believes that so-called "political correctness" is conservative code for other things , and not a real societal problem.
NOTRIGHT This user recognizes that no one has the fundamental right to the labor or product of another individual.
This user is ambivalent about animal rights but thinks some people really take it too far.
This user believes contraceptives should be freely available to everyone.
This user has posted to Usenet newsgroups .
This user is in the Fediverse and thinks you should join it too.
This user had a blog , but now they don't edit it anymore.
This user remembers upgrading to a 2400 baud modem.
This user can't stand a long time without being connected to Internet .
OWN This user uses an email account with their own domain name .
BBS This user knows what a BBS is and has accessed them by phone line.
Fandom This user spends time on Fandom .
This user had a profile on Google+ .
This user has an account.
This user operates an installation of MediaWiki .
This user is a member of Meetup .
This user's favorite dwarf planet is Haumea .
Name This user's name is CADE .
1 This user has one sibling .
This user has written books, novels or plays that have been published .
This user is a professional photographer or interested in photography.
This user works or worked as a tutor .
DIS This user is unable to work because of their disability .
SAY NO TO POLICE BRUTALITY This user opposes police brutality
This alleged user can be said to maintain an ill-defined policy or other custom of neutrality or other ambiguity-related quality on some or all issues that may be potentially controversial to some alleged people.
This user believes that all editors have bias when seeking WP:NPOV .
This user has strong political views , but feels that Wikipedia is not the proper place to express them.
# of users There are currently 48,802,100 users on Wikipedia, and this user is one of them.
There are presently 6,962,254 pages of probably legitimate content on the English Wikipedia.
This user reserves the right to completely screw up their own edits.
This user likes to steal wikimarkup code for use on their own userpage.
This user would like to visit Titan's hydrocarbon lakes someday.
This user is from the planet Colu.
This user is from the planet Krypton.
This user is from the planet Earth-One.
This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know.
This user has seen 8 of the eight planets either through a telescope or naked-eye. 8
This user is interested in the minor planets of the Solar System.
This user thinks that asteroids are feared too much.
This user abstains from all forms of tobacco .
This user doesNOT like to cook!
This user loves cats .
This user has a pet cat .
To this user, the Pallas's cat is the most unusual looking wild cat.
Superman This user is neither a bird nor a plane.
This user used a non-digital camera for many years.
This user believes that progressive taxation reduces inequality, increases happiness, and improves life-satisfaction of a country's citizens.
This user is against most forms of copyright.
Content contributed by this user is released into the public domain .
YOU This user dies a little inside whenever they see the word you in an article.
Info box This user believes that all articles should have an infobox .
This user has a Sandbox.
Rollback This user supports giving non-admin Rollback abilities to trusted users. ±
This User believes that one can sum up one's entire political, social, and Wikipedia policies beliefs with a creative userbox, such as this one.
Because of real life, this user will be editing on and off.
User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/DP1
User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/Abortion0
This user does not get the above userbox, but put it on their userpage anyway because they like it.
PAGEID The ID of this page is 70633223 .
This user supports the independence of Scotland .
This user fixes double redirects .
This user believes all articles should have Navbox es
Talk This user used to think having too many talk page messages was a bad thing and now doesn't mind them.
subst: This user hates it when people Substitute templates.
This user uses Git .
This user knows why redirects exist and how to use them effectively.
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, If you understood that, Then you're a nerd too!
This user thinks they might have too many userboxes . Oh well...
This user has a sense of humour and shows it through the use of userboxes .
NBOX This editor thinks that user boxes are rarely relevant to Wikipedia.
Committed identity : cc72e57441364b92cc3506faa8f2b5d037c4147a284cc352cea767f6979d6c23eac19dd7551b0fecab5996fa5450af1e6fc12c665f27530edfd82662962b694f is SHA-512
SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.