Welcome to Birrabenzina's user page. I'm a daily user of Wikipedia, and I'm a senior BSc student in University of Rome "La Sapienza", majoring in Physics and Astrophysics. I work as a professional freelance translator from and to Spanish, English, Catalan, Italian and Portuguese and I have a slight addiction to learning languages. I'm also a sysadmin. I keep and update a github repository here, called spicyphysics, where I store all my notes (handwritten notes, notes in LaTeX) both in English and Italian, complete with GPL-3.0 license and obviously, the document sources. Feel free to hang by and download whatever you want from there. Right now there are notes on: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Atmospheric physics (in Italian), Astrophysics (in Italian), Astronomy (in Italian), Electronics, Electromagnetism, Quantum Chemistry, Mathematics (Real analysis, Complex analysis and Functional analysis) and an introduction to Quantum Field Theory.

Babel user information
sc-N Custu impitadore faeddat su sardu comente limba mama.
it-N Questo utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-5 This user has professional knowledge of English.
es-5 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento profesional del español.
ca-5 Aquest usuari té coneixement professional de la llengua catalana.
pt-5 Este utilizador tem um nível profissional de português.
oc-2 Aqueste utilizaire dispausa d'un nivèl intermediari de coneissença en occitan.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances intermédiaires en français.
nl-2 Deze gebruiker heeft basiskennis van het Nederlands.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
Users by language
Kaboom!! Oh, that was just this user obliterating vandals, nothing to worry about. Except if you're the vandal.[Humor]
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