This is Bear_PIG_man_2. Can't give my real name here, sorry. Leave me a message, topics on aquariums, but other than that I mainly remove uncited material anywhere I see it. We'll leave it at that! Most of all, don't hate!

Proud leader People Against Wikipedia (P.A.W.), who urges members to fight against oppressive administrators by vandalizing high traffic articles.

This username shall take no stance on any vandalism, as evident in my history, to preserve its active status.

Bear Pig Man 2, heir of Antony1103. Long Live!

This user has a Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

A discus
A discus
This user is a member of WikiProject Aquarium Fishes.

This user is NOT proud
to be a Wikipedian.

Wikipedia is a scam that centers its power on idiotic mods who have nothing better to do than to censor legitimate articles and edits from users they find "insignificant" (as user:Hersfold had told user:antony1103).

Now, Wikipedia is begging its users to contribute funds, most likely to pay their corrupt admins that actively censor material from the site. Do not give into these fascist ideologies. Fight the good fight.

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