I was born in Mai 1983 in Berlin and now study in Hanover, Germany.

Here at en:WP I sort categories or link interwiki-links. Sorted till now:

and I'm going on..

deDieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-2This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English.
nl-1Deze gebruiker bezit beginnende kennis van het Nederlands.
<html>This user can write HTML.
XMLThis user can write XML.
This user can write Cascading Style Sheets.
FirefoxThis user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
OpenOffice.org This user writes with the OpenOffice.org suite.

This user has visited 9 of the 205 countries in the world.
This user just LOVES to cycle!
This user is an intermediate skiier or snowboarder.
Ich schreibe Beiträge für die deutschsprachige Wikipedia.

I support German language Wikipedia with my contributions.
STAR TREKBahnpirat is a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation.TNG
This user comes from Lower Saxony.
This user comes from Berlin.
MLP FiMThis user enjoys My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. AWESOMEǃ
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