Mars Comics' The Book Of Reality (issues #1-3 titled, The Book Of Reality ) is a South African Web comic series published by Mars Comics and The F.! Movement ( Also known as The F*ck it Movement) since November 2019. The series was written by StarChild, Obakeng Mosala and Thuto Mecwi-Tsaone, with art by StarChild.
Two god-like Brothers who seemingly embody good and evil were born from an unknown place in the land of the South African God Cagn. The one who embodied light was named Mal'e'Kai, and the one of darkness was named Kronos. Cagn taught them his ways, while Mal'e'kai excelled at his adoptive father's teachings Kronos on the other hand failed. Kronos felt that is was no secret that his father openly favoured his twin brother, thus the evil god Guruhi became aware of this and took advantage of Kronos' envy and used it against him. Guruhi manipulated Kronos and used him to turn against Mal'e'kai and Cagn, the two brothers fought to an eath splitting magnitude. Mal'e'Kai realised that they were both evenly matched so he resorted to creating a book that could change the very fabric of reality, he used the book to send his brother to another reality. He left the book to a mysterious tribe in Africa for them to protect and hide.