Evelin Poolamets LutheranismLuther's Small Catechism The Ten Commandments Apostle's Creed Lord's Prayer Sacrament of Holy Baptism Confession Sacrament of the Eucharist Chief articles of faithin the Augsburg Confession I. God II. Original Sin III. The Son of God IV. Justification By Faith V. The Office of Preaching VI. Of The New Obedience VII. Of The Church VIII. What the Church Is IX. Of Baptism X. Of the Lord's Supper XI. Of Confession XII. Of Repentance XIII. Of the Use of the Sacraments XIV. XV. Ecclesiastical Usages XVI. Of Civil Affairs XVII. Of Christ's Return to Judgment XVIII. Of Free Will XIX. Of the Cause of Sin XX. Of Good Works XXI. Of the Worship of the Saints Practices Divine Service Confirmation Common table prayer Sign of The Cross Matins Vespers Easter Vigil Liturgical Calendar Wreath of Christ Movements Gnesio-Lutherans Crypto-Calvinism Philippists Sacramentarians Ubiquitarians Lutheran orthodoxy Pietism Laestadianism Old Lutherans Neo-Lutheranism High Church Lutheranism Evangelical Catholicism Confessional Lutherans Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge] Christianity navigation templatesGeneral {{Baptist}} {{Catholic Church footer}} {{Catholic Church sidebar}} {{Catholic canon law}} (sidebar) {{Christianity by country}} {{Christianity footer}} {{Christianity sidebar}} {{Christian culture}} {{Christian denominations}} {{Christian denominations in the English-speaking world}} {{Christian music}} {{Christian theology footer}} {{History of Christianity}} {{Eastern Christianity footer}} {{Eastern Christianity sidebar}} {{Eastern Orthodox Church sidebar}} {{Jewish Christianity}} {{Latin Church footer}} {{Lutheranism topics}} {{Oriental Orthodox sidebar}} {{Easter}} {{Saints}} Bible in general {{Bible sidebar}} {{Books of the Bible}} {{The Bible and history}} Biblical timelinesand geneaologies {{Adam to David}} {{Adam to Jesus}} {{Sons of Abraham}} {{Sons of Ishmael}} {{Sons of Noah}} Old Testament {{Tanakh OT}} {{Book of Genesis}} {{Tribes of Israel}} {{Book of Exodus navbox}} {{Ten Commandments}} {{Ark of the Covenant}} {{Judges}} {{Rulers of Ancient Israel}} {{Prophets in the Hebrew Bible}} {{Weekly Torah Portions}} {{Book of Leviticus}} {{Book of Deuteronomy}} {{Book of Ruth}} {{First Book of Chronicles}} {{Book of Ezra}} {{Book of Nehemiah}} {{Book of Esther}} {{Book of Job}} {{Psalms}} {{Book of Proverbs}} {{Ecclesiastes}} {{Song of Songs}} {{Book of Isaiah}} {{Book of Jeremiah}} {{Book of Lamentations}} {{Book of Ezekiel}} {{Book of Daniel}} {{Book of Hosea}} {{Book of Joel}} {{Book of Amos}} {{Book of Jonah}} {{Book of Micah}} {{Book of Nahum}} {{Book of Habakkuk}} {{Book of Zephaniah}} {{Book of Haggai}} {{Book of Zechariah}} {{Book of Malachi}} New Testament {{Books of the New Testament}} (sidebar) {{New Testament Apocrypha}} (sidebar) {{New Testament people}} {{Gospel of Matthew}} {{Gospel of Mark}} {{Gospel of Luke}} {{Gospel of John}} {{Acts of the Apostles}} {{Epistle to the Romans}} {{First Epistle to the Corinthians}} {{Second Epistle to the Corinthians}} {{Epistle to the Galatians}} {{Epistle to the Ephesians}} {{Epistle to the Philippians}} {{Epistle to the Colossians}} {{First Epistle to the Thessalonians}} {{Second Epistle to the Thessalonians}} {{First Epistle to Timothy}} {{Second Epistle to Timothy}} {{Epistle to Titus}} {{Epistle to Philemon}} {{Epistle to the Hebrews}} {{Epistle of James}} {{First Epistle of Peter}} {{Second Epistle of Peter}} {{First Epistle of John}} {{Second Epistle of John}} {{Third Epistle of John}} {{Book of Revelation}} No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Tiit RiisaloRaul Kirjanen