{{Infobox malware}}
should be used for articles that focus on pieces of malware, or cyberattacks carried with a piece of malware. For cyberattack events that do not involve usage of malwares, use {{Infobox event}}
{{Infobox malware
| common_name =
| image =
| caption =
| image2 =
| caption2 =
| technical_name =
| Aliases =
| Type =
| subtype =
| classification =
| family =
| isolation_date =
| Origin =
| Author =
<!-- Cyberattack -->
| Date =
| Location =
| Theme =
| Target =
| outcome =
| losses =
| suspect =
| convicted =
| sentence =
<!-- Technical -->
| version = <!-- or variant -->
| OS =
| package =
| filename =
| filetype =
| filesize =
| exploit =
| ports_used =
| language =
| discontinuation_date =
| version1 = <!-- or variant1 -- Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| OS1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| package1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| filename1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| filetype1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| filesize1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| exploit1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| ports_used1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| language1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->
| discontinuation_date1 = <!--Can be repeated up to 5 times by changing the number-->