Place this template in the file description pages of non-free logos. Do not use this template for copyright-free logos.
Transcluding this template in a file description page will automatically include the page in Category:All non-free logos. It may also be used to add one other category—see Category:Wikipedia images of logos for potential category options—as follows:
{{Non-free logo|Add category name here and omit the 'Category:' prefix}}
If the category name is redirected, e.g. after renaming or merging, this template will resolve the redirect i.e. put the image page in the target category rather than the redirected category.
Registered trademarks
If the image is also a registered trademark, include the regtrademark=yes
parameter as shown below:
{{Non-free logo|regtrademark=yes}}
If the image is a non-registered trademark, add nonregtrademark=yes
as shown below:
{{Non-free logo|nonregtrademark=yes}}
See also
- {{Non-free use rationale logo}} – Non-free use media rationale (Non-Free logo)
- {{PD-textlogo}} – A template for tagging copyright-free logos