Telluro-silver glance (German: telluriumsilberglanz, tellursilberglanz) — is a trivial name given by collectors and mineral dealers, miners, geologists and other professions to at least two rare ore minerals, tellurides of silver.[1] It may refer to:
- Telluric silver glance — hessite,[2]: 338 a rare ore mineral, telluric silver. Discovered in 1829, in the mines of Western Altai.
- Telluride silver glance (also written or graphic glance) — is sylvanite,[2]: 338 a rare ore mineral mixed with gold and silver telluride, first discovered in Transylvania.
- Telluric silver glance (or Telluric Gold-Silverglance) — petzite,[2]: 338 a rare ore mineral close to hessite; silver and gold telluride.