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Unfinished list of editions of Louis Althusser's 'For Marx'

If you like, someone could add this table to the article itself. - The table was created, using data from Wikidata – how I did it, is explained there.

Language Title Publisher Place of p. Year of p. Seize (pages) ISBN WD-Item
Catalan Per Marx Lavinia Valencia
1969 Q94072256
Chinese 科學與意識形態 Shu guang tu shu gong si Hong Kong 1983 83 ISBN 962-7070-07-6 Q94260382
Chinese 保卫马克思 Commercial Press Beijing 2011 289 ISBN 978-7-1000-8064-4 Q94261915
Danish For Marx Forlaget Rhodos 1969 244 Q95168110
English For Marx Allen Lane London 1969 272 ISBN 0-7139-0109-8 Q92780902
French Pour Marx Éditions Maspero Paris 1965 263 Q93134299
French Pour Marx La Découverte Paris 2018 320 ISBN 978-2-7071-4714-1 Q94697037
German Für Marx Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin 2011 409 ISBN 978-3-518-12600-4 Q56628039
German Für Marx Suhrkamp Verlag Frankfurt am Main 1968 216 Q92775454
Hungarian Marx - az elmélet forradalma Kossuth Budapest 1968 Q95186720
Italian Per Marx Editori Riuniti Rome 1967 254 Q94080596
Italian Per Marx Mimesis Milan 2009 226 ISBN 978-88-8483-760-8 Q94135441
Japanese 甦るマルクス Jinbun Shoin Kyoto 1968 382 Q95191480
Korean 마르크스를 위하여 Humanitaseu Seoul 2016 ISBN 978-89-643-7267-8 Q94270892
Polish W imię Marksa Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej Warsaw 2009 333 ISBN 978-83-61006-42-8 Q94144001
Portuguese Análise crítica da teoria marxista Zahar Editores Rio de Janeiro 1967 Q95175502
Russian За Маркса Moscow 2006 392 Q94140459
Serbo-Croatian Za Marksa Nolit Belgrade 1971 288 Q94240533
Spanish La revolución teórica de Marx Siglo XXI Mexico City 1967 215 Q92783600
Spanish La revolución teórica de Marx Siglo XXI Mexico City 1968 221 Q93981076
Swedish För Marx Bo Cavefors Stockholm 1968 269 Q95170821
Turkish Marx için İthaki Istanbul 2002 325 ISBN 975-8607-94-4 Q95207942
Turkish Marx için İthaki Istanbul 2015 330 ISBN 978-605-3-75435-0 Q95213936

If you know further editions of For Marx (there are at least some!), you could create corresponding (new) items at Wikidata; before starting, please read this page and check this Wikidata work level-item and the already existing edition level-items, listed above.

Afterwards you could update the table there, using the bot; rather changes here must be made manually, because otherwise the design changes would be destroyed.

Nstrc (talk) 19:12, 5 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

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