Sima Lüe (司馬略) (died 5 April 309), courtesy name Yuanjian (元简), posthumously known as Prince Xiao of Gaomi,[3] was a Western Jin imperial prince. He was a younger brother of Sima Yue, Prince Xiaoxian of Donghai, a regent for Emperor Hui and Emperor Huai, and Sima Teng, as well as an elder brother of Sima Mo.
Background and early life
Sima Lüe was the third son of Sima Tai (司馬泰; posthumously known as Prince Wenxian of Gaomi (高密文献王)[4]), who was a son of Sima Yi's brother Sima Kui (司馬馗), making Lüe a second cousin of Jin's founding emperor Emperor Wu. Despite their distant relationship to the emperor's family, Lüe and his brothers, Sima Yue, Sima Teng and Sima Mo were all renowned members of the imperial clan.
When he was young, Sima Lüe was noted to be filial and respectful, even to his lessers; he was also noted as having his father's mannerisms. When Sima Yu was crown prince, sons of officials who had good reputations were selected to keep him company; Sima Lüe and Hua Heng (a great-grandson of Hua Xin[5]), among others, were selected.[6] When his father Sima Tai died on 17 July 299,[7] during the reign of Emperor Hui, he inherited the title of Prince of Gaomi, as his elder brother Sima Teng was made heir to an unnamed elder of the Sima clan.[8] He served as Regular Mounted Gentleman of the Yellow Gate, Regular Mounted Attendant and Director of the Palace Library. Afterwards, he left Luoyang to serve as General Who Pacifies the South and Chief Controller of military affairs in Miannan (沔南; in present-day Honghu, Hubei).
Administration of Qing province
Sima Lüe was eventually transferred to the office of General Who Pacifies the North and Chief Controller of Qing province. During this period, Sima Lue drove out the Inspector of Qing province, Cheng Mu (程牧), and claimed the title for himself. When his eldest brother Sima Yue became active in the War of the Eight Princes, Sima Lüe and his brothers took their brother's side. On 4 February 305, as part of the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong's plan to reconcile with Sima Yue and end the civil war, he appointed Sima Lüe as General Who Guards the South and assigned him to guard Luoyang, although records indicate that Lüe never left his post for the capital.[9]
In 306, the Prefect of Jian County, Liu Bogen (劉伯根), became a bandit and rose an army in rebellion. He was able to entice the people into joining him and his numbers grew more than ten thousand. As Bogen led his followers towards his base in Linzi, Sima Lüe sent his general, Liu Tun (劉暾; son of Jin official Liu Yi[10])[11] to intercept them. However, Liu Tun was defeated and fled to Luoyang. Lüe was unable to hold Linzi, so he retreated to defend Liaocheng. The rebellion was soon quelled by the Chief Controller of You province, Wang Jun.
On 18 May 307, during the reign of Emperor Huai of Jin, to better secure his grip over the empire, Sima Yue appointed Sima Lüe as the General who Attacks the South, Chief Controller of Jing Province and was garrisoned at Xiangyang, taking over the guarding of the province from the Inspector of Jing province, Liu Hong, who died the previous year.[12]
Administration of Jing province
In 308, a refugee from Jingzhao Commandery, Wang You (王逌) colluded with Hao Luo (郝洛) of the Sou people (叟人) to gather thousands of people to rebel at Guanjun County (冠軍; northwest of present-day Dengzhou, Henan). Sima Lüe sent his general, Cui Kuang (崔曠) to lead Pi Chu (皮初) and Zhang Luo (張洛) to campaign against them, but they were tricked by Wang You and defeated. Sima Lüe then ordered Cao Shu (great-grandson of Cao Xiu and grandson of Cao Zhao[13]) to lead Cui Kuang against Wang You. During the battle, Cui Kuang, who commanded the rear, secretly retreated and left Cao Shu to fend for himself. Without reserves, Cao Shu was defeated and killed in battle, but Lüe decided to pardon Cui Kuang for his crime. Lüe then sent Han Song to lead Cui Kuang in attacking the rebels, and this time, Wang You surrendered.
Soon after, Sima Lüe was granted privilege to appoint his own advisors and appointed Regular Mounted Attendant. Under his administration, bandits were rampant in Jing province, so much so that the imperial court had to appoint Liu Fan (劉璠), the son of Liu Hong, as the Interior Minister of Shunyang (順陽; south of present-day Xichuan County, Henan), since his father was well-beloved in the region. Many people living between the Han and Yangzi river went to live under Liu Fan.
Sima Lüe died in April 309; his son Sima Ju (司馬據) inherited the title of Prince of Gaomi. He was posthumously appointed as Palace Attendant and Grand Commandant. He was also given the posthumous name of "Xiao" (孝).[14]
- ^ ([元康九年]夏,六月,戊戌,高密文献王泰薨。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
- ^ ([永嘉三年]三月,戊申,高密孝王略薨。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.87.
- ^ (孝王略,字元简,...) Jin Shu, vol.37
- ^ (泰四子:越、腾、略、模。) Jin Shu, vol.37
- ^ Jin Shu, vol.44
- ^ (孝敬慈顺,小心下士,少有父风。元康初,湣怀太子在东宫,选大臣子弟有名称者以为宾友,略与华恒等并侍左右。) Jin Shu, vol.37. "Crown Prince Minhuai" was Sima Yu's posthumous name.
- ^ Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
- ^ (腾出后叔父,弟略立。) Jin Shu, vol.37. By this point, Sima Yue was already Prince of Donghai.
- ^ ([永兴元年]十二月,丁亥,诏太弟颖以成都王还第;更立豫章王炽为皇太弟。帝兄弟二十五人,时存者惟颖、炽及吴王晏。晏材质庸下;炽冲素好学,故太宰颙立之。诏以司空越为太傅,与颙夹辅帝室,王戎参录朝政。又以光禄大夫王衍为尚书左仆射。高密王略为镇南将军,领司隶校尉,权镇洛阳。东中郎将模为宁北将军,都督冀州诸军事,镇邺。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.85. On the same day, Sima Ying was removed as crown prince and replaced by Sima Chi (the future Emperor Huai). Sima Lüe's younger brother Sima Mo was appointed as General Who Stabilizes The North and Chief Controller of Ji province, tasked with guarding the city of Ye. Ye had just been sacked and abandoned by the Inspector of You province, Wang Jun, so Sima Yue was able to send his brother to the city.
- ^ Jin Shu, vol.45
- ^ Per vol.86 of Zizhi Tongjian, Liu Tun had joined Sima Lüe in Dec 305 after Liu petitioned Sima Yong to spare the life of Yang Xianrong. While Sima Yong was angered enough to send an official to apprehend Liu, he did rescind his order for Lady Yang to commit suicide. ([永兴二年]十一月,立节将军周权,诈被檄,自称平西将军,復立羊后。洛阳令何乔攻权,杀之,復废羊后。太宰颙矫诏,以羊后屡为姦人所立,遣尚书田淑敕留臺赐後死。诏书累至,司隶校尉刘暾等上奏,固执以为:“羊庶人门戸残破,废放空宫,门禁峻密,无縁得与姦人构乱。众无愚智,皆谓其冤。今杀一枯穷之人,而令天下伤惨,何益於治!”颙怒,遣吕朗收暾。暾奔青州,依高密王略。然羊后亦以是得免。). The 11th month of the 2nd year of the Yong'xing era corresponds to 3 to 31 Dec 305 in the Julian calendar.
- ^ ([永嘉元年三月]庚辰,东海王越出镇许昌。以征东将军、高密王简为征南大将军、都督荆州诸军事,镇襄阳;改封安北将军、东燕王腾为新蔡王、都督司冀二州诸军事,镇邺;以征南将军、南阳王模为征西大将军、都督秦雍梁益四州诸军事,镇长安。) Jin Shu, vol.05. Here, Sima Lue was referred to as "Jian" as his courtesy name was "Yuanjian". At the same occasion, Sima Yue sent himself to garrison Xuchang. Sima Yue's youngest brother Sima Mo was appointed Grand General who Conquers the West and Chief Controller of Qin, Yong, Liáng and Yi provinces, and was garrisoned at Chang'an to replace Sima Yong in guarding the Guanzhong region.
- ^ Wen Shi Zhuan annotation in Sanguozhi, vol.09. Cao Shu has a biography in vol.90 of Jin Shu.
- ^ (永嘉三年薨,追赠侍中、太尉,子据立。) Jin Shu, vol.37
- Fang, Xuanling: Book of Jin (Jin Shu).
- Sima, Guang: Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance (Zizhi Tongjian)