Sarmastpur, also known as Shrawastipuram, is a village located in Muzaffarpur District, Bihar state, India. The village has a population of around 10,000.
It is near to the Gandak river which flows west to east in the vicinity of the village. The village is administered by Geyaspur panchayat, Paroo block and is about 45 km east of Muzaffarpur town. The village has many castes - Rajputs, Yadav, Harijans, Paswans, Barbers, etc. but is dominated by Rajput caste.
There is a primary school, high school and intermediate college. Students from other local villages come for education in this village. The literacy rate is quite high compared to other adjacent villages. The Best thing about this place is Kunal Kishore belongs to this village. Kunal Kishore is rank holder student of ICAI and has done various things for giving boost to Industries in Bihar. CA Gulshan Gullu and CA Kunal Kishore has done exceptional job in transforming ICAI Patna branch.
Four temples are situated near the High School. A Sun Temple in the center of the pond makes this village very beautiful.