Rosellinia is a genus of fungi in the family Xylariaceae consisting of over 90 species.[2] Several of the species in this genus are plant pathogens. Fossils of Rosellinia have been found in 12 million year old rocks from central England.[3]

The genus was circumscribed by Giuseppe De Notaris in Giorn. Bot. Ital. vol.1 (Issue 1) on page 334 in 1844.

The genus name of Rosellinia is in honour of Ferdinando Pio Rosellini (1814–1872), who was an Italian mathematician and botanist.[4]


This is a complete listing of all currently accepted species in Rosellinia, based on the 2005 study by Petrini and Petrini.[2]

R. absconditaR. aquilaR. arcuataR. asperataR. beccarianaR. bicolorR. bonaerensisR. bothrynaR. breensisR. brevifissurataR. britannicaR. bunodesR. buxiR. canzacotoanaR. caudataR. chusqueaeR. communisR. congestaR. corticiumR. culmicolaR. decipiensR. desmacutisporaR. desmazieresiiR. diathraustaR. dingleyaeR. dolichosporaR. emergensR. erianthiR. etruscaR. eucalypticolaR. euterpesR. evansiiR. formosanaR. franciscaeR. freycinetiaeR. giganteaR. gigasporaR. gisborniaeR. glabraR. griseo-cinctaR. helveticaR. herpotrichoidesR. horridaR. hughesiiR. hyalosporaR. immersaR. indicaR. johnstoniiR. lamprostomaR. longisporaR. macdonaldiiR. macrospermaR. macrosporaR. mammiformisR. mammoideaR. markhamiaeR. mastoidiformisR. medullarisR. megaloeciaR. megalospermaR. megalosporaR. merilliiR. mimosaeR. musisporaR. mycophilaR. necatrixR. nectrioidesR. nothofagiR. novae-zelandiaeR. palmaeR. paraguayensisR. pardaliosR. pepoR. perusensisR. petrakiiR. petriniiR. pictaR. proceraR. puiggiariiR. radiciperdaR. rhopalostilicolaR. rhyparaR. rickiiR. saccardiiR. samuelsiiR. sancta-crucianaR. stenascaR. subiculataR. subsimilisR. thelenaR. thelena var. microsporaR. thindiiR. victoriae


  1. ^ "Rosellinia De Not. 1844". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2012-02-27.
  2. ^ a b Petrini LE, Petrini O (2005). "Morphological studies in Rosellinia (Xylariaceae): the first step towards a polyphasic taxonomy". Mycological Research. 109 (Pt 5): 569–80. doi:10.1017/S0953756205002510. PMID 16018311.
  3. ^ Pound, Matthew J.; Nuñez Otaño, Noelia B.; Romero, Ingrid C.; Lim, Michael; Riding, James B.; o'Keefe, Jennifer M. K. (2022). "The fungal ecology of the Brassington Formation (Middle Miocene) of Derbyshire, United Kingdom, and a new method for palaeoclimate reconstruction". Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.947623.
  4. ^ Burkhardt, Lotte (2022). Eine Enzyklopädie zu eponymischen Pflanzennamen [Encyclopedia of eponymic plant names] (pdf) (in German). Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2022. ISBN 978-3-946292-41-8. S2CID 246307410. Retrieved January 27, 2022.
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