The following is a list of diseases of pears (Pyrus communis).
Bacterial diseases
Bacterial diseases | |
Crown gall | Agrobacterium tumefaciens |
Fire blight | Erwinia amylovora |
Pseudomonas blossom blast and canker | Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae |
Pear decline | Phytoplasma |
Fungal diseases
Fungal diseases | |
Alternaria fruit rot |
Alternaria spp. |
Anthracnose canker and bull's-eye rot |
Pezicula malicorticus |
Armillaria root rot (shoestring root rot) |
Armillaria mellea |
Bitter rot |
Glomerella cingulata |
Black rot, leaf spot and canker |
Botryosphaeria obtusa |
Black spot (of Japanese pear) | |
Blister canker | |
Blister disease | Coniothecium chomatosporum |
Blue mold rot | |
Botrytis spur and blossom blight |
Botrytis cinerea |
Brown rot | |
Cladosporium fruit rot |
Cladosporium herbarum |
Clitocybe root rot (mushroom root rot) |
Coprinus rot | |
Dematophora root rot (Rosellinia root rot) |
Rosellinia necatrix |
Diplodia canker |
Botryosphaeria stevensii |
Elsinoe leaf and fruit spot |
Elsinoe piri |
European canker |
Nectria galligena |
Fabraea leaf and fruit spot |
Diplocarpon mespili |
Fly speck |
Schizothyrium pomi |
Gibberella canker |
Gibberella baccata |
Gray mold rot | |
Late leaf spot | |
Mucor fruit rot |
Mucor spp. |
Mycosphaerella leaf spot (ashy leaf spot and fruit spot) |
Mycosphaerella pyri |
Nectria twig blight (coral spot) |
Nectria cinnabarina |
Pear scab |
Venturia pyrina |
Perennial canker |
Neofabraea perennans |
Phyllosticta leaf spot |
Phyllosticta sp. |
Phytophthora crown and root rot (sprinkler rot) | |
Pink mold rot | |
Powdery mildew | |
Pythium dieback |
Pythium spp. |
Rhizopus rot | |
Rust, American hawthorne | |
Rust, Kern's pear | |
Rust, Pacific Coast pear | |
Rust, pear trellis (European pear rust) | |
Rust, Rocky Mountain pear | |
Side rot | |
Silver leaf | |
Sooty blotch | |
Thread blight (Hypochnus leaf blight) |
Corticium stevensii |
Valsa canker |
Valsa ceratosperma |
Wood rot |
Trametes versicolor |
Xylaria root rot |
Xylaria spp. |
Miscellaneous diseases and disorders
Miscellaneous diseases and disorders | |
Alfalfa greening (green stain) | Unknown |
Bitter pit | Localized calcium deficiency |
Black end | Water imbalance |
Black speck (skin speckling) | Associated with low oxygen in storage |
Blossom blast | Boron deficiency |
Brown core | High CO2 |
Core breakdown (Bartlett) | Senescence |
Cork spot | Associated with calcium deficiency |
Green stain | Unknown |
Internal bark necrosis | Unknown |
Mealy core (d`Anjou) | Senescence |
Pink end (Bartlett) | Preharvest low temperature |
Rosette | Unknown |
Scald | Senescence |
Nematodes, parasitic
Nematodes, parasitic | |
Dagger, American | |
Dagger | |
Lesion | |
Pin |
Paratylenchus spp. |
Root-knot |
Meloidogyne spp. |
Viruslike diseases
Viruslike diseases | |
Flemish beauty corky pit | Virus suspected |
Pear blister canker | Virus suspected |
Pear decline | Phytoplasma |
Pear freckle pit | Virus suspected |
Pear red mottle | Virus suspected |
Pear ring pattern mosaic | Virus suspected |
Pear rough bark | Virus suspected |
Pear stony pit | Virus suspected |
Pear vein yellows | Virus suspected |
Quince bark necrosis | Virus suspected |
Quince sooty ring spot | Virus suspected |
Quince stunt | Virus suspected |
Quince yellow blotch | Virus suspected |