In combustion, Michelson–Sivashinsky equation describes the evolution of a premixed flame front, subjected to the Darrieus–Landau instability, in the small heat release approximation. The equation was derived by Gregory Sivashinsky in 1977,[1] who along the Daniel M. Michelson, presented the numerical solutions of the equation in the same year.[2] Let the planar flame front, in a uitable frame of reference be on the -plane, then the evolution of this planar front is described by the amplitude function (where ) describing the deviation from the planar shape. The Michelson–Sivashinsky equation, reads as[3]

where is a constant. Incorporating also the Rayleigh–Taylor instability of the flame, one obtains the Rakib–Sivashinsky equation (named after Z. Rakib and Gregory Sivashinsky),[4]

where denotes the spatial average of , which is a time-dependent function and is another constant.

N-pole solution

The equations, in the absence of gravity, admits an explicit solution, which is called as the N-pole solution since the equation admits a pole decomposition,as shown by Olivier Thual, Uriel Frisch and Michel Hénon in 1988.[5][6][7][8] Consider the 1d equation

where is the Fourier transform of . This has a solution of the form[5][9]

where (which appear in complex conjugate pairs) are poles in the complex plane. In the case periodic solution with periodicity , the it is sufficient to consider poles whose real parts lie between the interval and . In this case, we have

These poles are interesting because in physical space, they correspond to locations of the cusps forming in the flame front.[10]

Dold–Joulin equation

In 1995,[11] John W. Dold and Guy Joulin generalised the Michelson–Sivashinsky equation by introducing the second-order time derivative, which is consistent with the quadratic nature of the dispersion relation for the Darrieus–Landau instability. The Dold–Joulin equation is given by

where corresponds to the non-local integral operator.

Joulin–Cambray equation

In 1992,[12] Guy Joulin and Pierre Cambray extended the Michelson–Sivashinsky equation to include higher-order correction terms, following by an earlier incorrect attempt to derive such an equation by Gregory Sivashinsky and Paul Clavin.[13] The Joulin–Cambray equation, in dimensional form, reads as

See also


  1. ^ Sivashinsky, G.I. (1977). "Nonlinear analysis of hydrodynamic instability in laminar flames—I. Derivation of basic equations". Acta Astronautica. 4 (11–12): 1177–1206. doi:10.1016/0094-5765(77)90096-0. ISSN 0094-5765.
  2. ^ Michelson, Daniel M., and Gregory I. Sivashinsky. "Nonlinear analysis of hydrodynamic instability in laminar flames—II. Numerical experiments." Acta astronautica 4, no. 11-12 (1977): 1207-1221.
  3. ^ Matalon, Moshe. "Intrinsic flame instabilities in premixed and nonpremixed combustion." Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 39 (2007): 163-191.
  4. ^ Rakib, Z., & Sivashinsky, G. I. (1987). Instabilities in upward propagating flames. Combustion science and technology, 54(1-6), 69-84.
  5. ^ a b Thual, O., U. Frisch, and M. Henon. "Application of pole decomposition to an equation governing the dynamics of wrinkled flame fronts." In Dynamics of curved fronts , pp. 489-498. Academic Press, 1988.
  6. ^ Frisch, Uriel, and Rudolf Morf. "Intermittency in nonlinear dynamics and singularities at complex times." Physical review A 23, no. 5 (1981): 2673.
  7. ^ Joulin, Guy. "Nonlinear hydrodynamic instability of expanding flames: Intrinsic dynamics." Physical Review E 50, no. 3 (1994): 2030.
  8. ^ Matsue, K., & Matalon, M. (2023). Dynamics of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames in a gravitational field–local and global bifurcation structures. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 27(3), 346-374.
  9. ^ Clavin, Paul, and Geoff Searby. Combustion waves and fronts in flows: flames, shocks, detonations, ablation fronts and explosion of stars. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
  10. ^ Vaynblat, Dimitri, and Moshe Matalon. "Stability of pole solutions for planar propagating flames: I. Exact eigenvalues and eigenfunctions." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 60, no. 2 (2000): 679-702.
  11. ^ Dold, J. W., & Joulin, G. (1995). An evolution equation modeling inversion of tulip flames. Combustion and flame, 100(3), 450-456.
  12. ^ Joulin, G., & Cambray, P. (1992). On a tentative, approximate evolution equation for markedly wrinkled premixed flames. Combustion science and technology, 81(4-6), 243-256.
  13. ^ Sivashinsky, G. I., & Clavin, P. (1987). On the nonlinear theory of hydrodynamic instability in flames. Journal de Physique, 48(2), 193-198.
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