This is a bibliography of Marshall McLuhan's works.
Published works
- 1942. The Place of Thomas Nashe in the Learning of His Time (doctoral dissertation); published as The Classical Trivium, 2006 below.
- 1951. The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man; 1st Ed.: The Vanguard Press, NY; reissued by Gingko Press, 2002 ISBN 1-58423-050-9.
- 1960 Report on Project in Understanding New Media National Association of Educational Broadcasters. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare.
- 1960. Explorations in Communication, edited with Edmund S. Carpenter. Boston: Beacon Press.
- 1962. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man; 1st Ed.: University of Toronto Press; reissued by Routledge & Kegan Paul ISBN 0-7100-1818-5.
- 1964. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man; 1st Ed. McGraw Hill, NY; reissued by Gingko Press, 2003 ISBN 1-58423-073-8.
- 1967. The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects with Quentin Fiore, produced by Jerome Agel; 1st Ed.: Random House; reissued by Gingko Press, 2001 ISBN 1-58423-070-3.
- 1967. Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations; Something Else Press, NY.
- 1968. War and Peace in the Global Village, design/layout by Quentin Fiore, produced by Jerome Agel; 1st Ed.: Bantam, NY; reissued by Gingko Press, 2001 ISBN 1-58423-074-6.
- 1968. Through the Vanishing Point: Space in Poetry and Painting with Harley Parker; 1st Ed.: Harper & Row, NY.
- 1969. Counterblast, design/layout by Harley Parker; McClelland and Steward, Toronto.
- 1969. The Interior Landscape: The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943–1962 selected, compiled and edited by Eugene McNamara; McGraw-Hill, NY.
- 1970. Culture Is Our Business; McGraw Hill/Ballantine, NY.
- 1970. From Cliché to Archetype with Wilfred Watson; Viking, NY.
- 1972. Take Today: The Executive as Dropout with Barrington Nevitt; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NY.
- 1976. The Violence of the Media, The Canadian Forum
- 1976. Inside on the Outside, or the Spaced-Out American, Journal of Communication
- 1976. Seminar on Myth and Media, University of Toronto
- 1976. Misunderstanding the Media's Laws, Technology and Culture
- 1977. City as Classroom: Understanding Language and Media with Kathryn Hutchon and Eric McLuhan; Book Society of Canada, Agincourt, Ontario.
- 1977. Laws of the Media, with Preface by Paul Levinson, et cetera, June.
- 1988. Laws of Media: The New Science, with Eric McLuhan. University of Toronto Press, 1992.
- 1989. The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century with Bruce R. Powers; Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-505444-X.
- 2003. The Medium and the Light: Reflections on Religion, edited by Eric McLuhan and Jacek Szlarek; Ginkgo Press.
- 2004. Understanding Me: Lectures and Interviews edited by Stephanie McLuhan and David Staines; The MIT Press ISBN 0-262-13442-X.
- 2006. The Classical Trivium: The Place of Thomas Nashe in the Learning of His Time (first publication of McLuhan's 1942 doctoral dissertation); Gingko Press ISBN 1-58423-067-3.
- 2011. Media and Formal Cause with Eric McLuhan; NeoPoiesis Press, LCC ISBN 0-9832747-0-3.
- 1944. "The Analogical Mirrors". The Kenyon Review 6(3):322–32.
- 1989 (reprint). "The Analogical Mirrors." The Kenyon Review, New Series 11(1):208–15.
- 1944. "Edgar Poe's Tradition." The Sewanee Review 52(1):24–33.
- 1945. "The New York Wits." The Kenyon Review 7(1):12–28.
- 1945. "Another Aesthetic Peep-Show." The Sewanee Review 53(4):674–77.
- 1946. "An Ancient Quarrel in Modern America." The Classical Journal 41(4):156–62.
- 1946. "Footprints in the Sands of Crime." The Sewanee Review 54(4):617–34.
- 1947. "'Mr. Connolly and Mr. Hook' reviewed by Herbert Marshall McLuhan." The Sewanee Review 55(1):167–72.
- 1947. "The Southern Quality." The Sewanee Review 55(3):357–83.
- 1947. "Inside Blake and Hollywood." The Sewanee Review 55(4):710–15
- 1954. "Joyce, Mallarme, and the Press." The Sewanee Review 62(1):38–55.
- 1956. "The New Languages," with Edmund Carpenter. Chicago Review 10(1):46–52.
- 1958. "Speed of Cultural Change." College Composition and Communication 9(1):16–20.
- 1959. "Myth and Mass Media". Daedalus 88(2) Myth and Mythmaking:339–48.
- 1960. "Effects of the Improvements of Communication Media." The Journal of Economic History 20(4):566–75.
- 1961. "Roles, Masks, and Performances." New Literary History 2(3) Performances in Drama, the Arts, and Society:517–31
- 1967. "The Invisible Environment: The Future of an Erosion." Perspecta 11:163–67.
- 1973. "The Argument: Causality in the Electric World," with Barrington Nevitt. Technology and Culture 14(1):1–18.
- 1975. "Communication: McLuhan's Laws of the Media." Technology and Culture 16(1):74–78.
- 1978. "Multi-Media: The Laws of the Media," with Kathryn Hutchon and Eric McLuhan. English Journal 67(8):92–94.
- 1979. "Pound, Eliot, and the Rhetoric of The Waste Land." New Literary History 10(3) Anniversary Issue I:557–80.
- 2015. "The Future of the Library, circa 1976," with Robert K. Logan. Island 140:18–28.
Published interviews
- "Understanding Canada and Sundry Other Matters: Marshall McLuhan." Mademoiselle, January 1967, pp. 114–15, 126–30.
- "Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan." Playboy, March 1969, pp. 26–27, 45, 55–56, 61, 63.
- "The Table Talk of Marshall McLuhan." by Peter C. Newman. Maclean's, June 1971, pp. 42, 45.
- "An Interview With Marshall McLuhan: His Outrageous Views About Women." by Linda Sandler. Miss Chatelaine, September 3, 1974, pp. 58–59, 82–87, 90–91.
- "It Will Probably End the Motor Car: An Interview With Marshall McLuhan." by Kirwan Cox and S. M. Crean. Cinema Canada, August 1976, pp. 26–29.
- "Interview With Professor Marshall McLuhan." Maclean's, March 7, 1977.
Works about McLuhan
- 1997. Benedetti, Paul and Nancy DeHart. Forward Through the Rearview Mirror: Reflections on and by Marshall McLuhan. Boston: MIT Press.
- Carpenter, Edmund. 2001. "That Not-So-Silent Sea" [Appendix B]." Pp. 236–261 in The Virtual Marshall McLuhan, edited by D. F. Theall. McGill-Queen's University Press. (For the complete essay before it was edited for publication, see the external link below.)
- Coupland, Douglas. 2009. Extraordinary Canadians: Marshall McLuhan. Penguin Canada;
- US edition: Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of my Work!. Atlas & Company, 2011.
- Daniel, Jeff. 10 August 1997. "McLuhan's Two Messengers: Maurice McNamee and Walter Ong: world-class interpreters of his ideas." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. p. 4C.
- Federman, Mark. 2003. McLuhan for Managers: New Tools for New Thinking. Viking Canada.
- Finkelstein, Sidney. 1968. Sense and Nonsense of McLuhan New York: International Publishers.
- Flahiff, F. T. 2005. Always Someone to Kill the Doves: A Life of Sheila Watson. Edmonton: NeWest Press.
- Gordon, W. Terrence. 1997. Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding: A Biography. Basic Books. ISBN 0465005497.
- Levinson, Paul. 1999 Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-19251-X. (Book has been translated into Japanese, Chinese, Croatian, Romanian, Korean, Macedonian.)
- Marchand, Philip. 1989. Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger. Random House.
- Toronto: Vintage Canada; and Cambridge: MIT Press (revised ed.), 1998, with a new foreword by Neil Postman. ISBN 0262631865.[1]
- McMahon, David, dir. 2002. McLuhan's Wake. National Film Board of Canada.
- Molinaro, Matie, Corinne McLuhan, and William Toye, eds. 1987. Letters of Marshall McLuhan. Toronto: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195405943.
- Neill, Sam. 1971. "Books and Marshall McLuhan." Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 311-319. JSTOR 4306112.
- Ong, Walter J. 1981. "McLuhan as Teacher: The Future Is a Thing of the Past." Journal of Communication 31:129–35.
- Pp. 11–18 in Ong's Faith and Contexts: Volume One. Scholars Press. 1992.
- —— 1970. "Review of McLuhan's 'The Interior Landscape: The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943–1962'." Criticism 12:244–51.
- Pp. 69–77 in An Ong Reader: Challenges for Further Inquiry. Hampton Press. 2002.
- Theall, Donald F. 2001. The Virtual Marshall McLuhan. McGill-Queen's University Press.
- The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism (1st ed.). 1994:481–83; (2nd ed.) 2005:643–45.
- Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms. University of Toronto Press. 1993. pp. 421–23.
- Encyclopedia of Literary Critics and Criticism. Fitzroy Dearborn. 1999. pp. 744–47.
- ^ "Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger." Philip Marchand. 2014.
External links
- Marshall McLuhan bibliography at Monoskop