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This is a list of individuals who have designed one or more role-playing games, including live-action role-playing games but excluding role-playing video games (see List of video game industry people and its children for video game creators). Artists are listed separately on the annotated List of role-playing game artists. Publishing companies are listed under List of role-playing game publishers. Individual games are listed under List of tabletop role-playing games.
The design of role-playing games may include the creation of game systems, game settings and scenarios for roleplaying; game designers engage in one or more of these activities as they create, revise and develop roleplaying games. For each designer, this list includes a few representative games, game lines or publications that the designer in question has created or co-authored or where they are credited with a significant contribution.
- Justin Achilli - Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Vampire: The Requiem; co-creator of Exalted
- Mark Acres - Chill; Gangbusters
- Peter Adkison - The Primal Order
- Avery Alder - The Quiet Year, Dream Askew, Monsterhearts
- Justin Alexander - Infinity, Magical Kitties Save the Day, contributions to Feng Shui, Unknown Armies
- Aaron Allston - Autoduel Champions, Ghostbusters International; co-author of Champions 5th edition; contributions to Mystara, including the Hollow World Campaign Set
- Dave Allsop - SLA Industries
- Terry Amthor - Shadow World; co-author of Space Master
- Bryan Ansell - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay; contributions to Call of Cthulhu
- Sandy Antunes - Rules to Live By (LARP), A Faery's Tale
- Dave Arneson[1]- co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons (with Gary Gygax); creator of Blackmoor; co-author of Adventures in Blackmoor and Temple of the Frog
- L. Ross Babcock III - co-creator of the BattleTech setting
- Wilf K. Backhaus - co-author of Chivalry & Sorcery
- D. Vincent Baker - Dogs in the Vineyard, Apocalypse World
- Keith Baker - Eberron; contributions to Feng Shui and various d20 System publications
- Meguey Baker - Apocalypse World, 1001 Nights, a game of enticing stories, Psi-Run, Valiant Girls
- Richard Baker[2] - Alternity, Star Drive, Gamma World (7th edition)
- Jim Bambra - co-author of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Cam Banks - co-author of Leverage: The Roleplaying Game and Marvel Heroic Roleplaying; contributions to the Dragonlance setting
- Jeff Barber - Killer Crosshairs; co-creator of Blue Planet
- M. A. R. Barker - Tékumel, Empire of the Petal Throne
- Kevin Barrett - co-author of Space Master
- Andrew Bates - co-designer of Trinity Continuum: Æon
- Bruce Baugh - contributions to Nexus: The Infinite City; Clanbook: Lasombra (revised)
- Wolfgang Baur - co-creator of Dark•Matter; contributions to various TSR settings
- Whitney "Strix" Beltrán - co-designer of Bluebeard's Bride
- Greg Benage - co-creator of Blue Planet
- Scott Bennie - co-author of Champions in 3-D and VIPER: Coils of the Serpent
- Amber Benson - co-creator of Ghosts of Albion Roleplaying Game
- Chris Birch - co-author of Starblazer Adventures, Legends of Anglerre
- Jolly Blackburn - co-designer of HackMaster and Aces & Eights: Shattered Frontier
- Jason L Blair - Little Fears
- Loyd Blankenship - GURPS Cyberpunk
- Bob Bledsaw - City State of the Invincible Overlord; Wilderlands of High Fantasy
- Anders Blixt - Drakar och Demoner 2nd edition
- Brian Blume - Boot Hill
- Emily Care Boss - Breaking the Ice, Under My Skin, Playing With Intent LARP; co-creator of Bubblegumshoe
- Eric L. Boyd - contributions to the Forgotten Realms setting, including Faiths & Avatars and Faiths and Pantheons
- Rob Boyle - Shadowrun 4th Edition, Eclipse Phase
- Mike Breault - contributions to various TSR settings
- James Herbert Brennan - Man, Myth & Magic; Timeship
- Bill Bridges - Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Awakening, Promethean: The Created, Passion Play LARP; co-creator of Fading Suns
- Anne Brown - contributions to various TSR settings
- Timothy Brown - 2300 AD; co-author of Dark Sun
- Dave J. Browne - Beyond the Crystal Cave adventure module
- Phil Brucato - Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Deliria: Faerie Tales for a New Millennium; contributions to Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage: The Ascension
- Jason Bulmahn - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
- Peter Cakebread - co-author of Dark Streets
- James Cambias - Star Hero
- Brian Campbell - contributions to various World of Darkness settings
- C.J. Carella - WitchCraft, Armageddon: The End Times, Buffy, Angel, Unisystem
- Jason Carl - contributions to the Forgotten Realms setting and the Mind's Eye Theatre LARP
- Mike Carr - In Search of the Unknown; contributions to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
- Michele Carter - contributed to development of Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition
- Marcelo Cassaro - Street Fighter RPG Brazil; 3D&T
- Frank Chadwick - Twilight: 2000, 2300 AD, Space: 1889, Dark Conspiracy
- Jamie Chambers - creator of the Cortex System for the Serenity Role Playing Game
- John Chambers - contributions to Orpheus
- Banana Chan - co-designer of Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall
- Coleman Charlton - Rolemaster, MERP
- Bob Charrette - co-author of Bushido, Aftermath!, Daredevils, Shadowrun
- David Chart - Ars Magica 5th edition
- Davis Chenault - co-designer of Castles & Crusades
- Stephen Chenault - co-designer of Castles & Crusades
- Mike Chinn - contributions to Legends of Anglerre
- Troy Christensen - Advanced Phantasm Adventures
- Deborah Teramis Christian - contributions to various TSR settings
- Sam Chupp - co-creator of Wraith: the Oblivion and Changeling: The Dreaming
- Ken Cliffe - Ars Magica 3rd edition; World of Darkness 2004 edition; co-creator of Trinity and Hunter: The Reckoning
- Bill Coffin - Systems Failure, Septimus
- Genevieve Cogman - contributions to In Nomine, Exalted; co-authored Orpheus
- Andy Collins - Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
- William W. Connors - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition and the Ravenloft campaign setting
- David "Zeb" Cook - Dwellers of the Forbidden City, Slave Pits of the Undercity, Amazing Engine system, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition
- Monte Cook - Ptolus, Numenera; co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition,
- Sue Weinlein Cook - SAGA System
- Bruce Cordell - many Dungeons & Dragons supplements, notably Return to the Tomb of Horrors and the Expanded Psionics Handbook
- Steven Cordovano - The Compleat Alchemist
- Peter Corless - contributions to Pendragon
- Greg Costikyan[3] - creator of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and Violence; co-creator of Toon and Paranoia
- Luke Crane - The Burning Wheel, Burning Empires, Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game
- Jeremy Crawford - co-designer of Blue Rose; lead game designer for Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
- Croc - In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas, Stella Inquisitorus
- N. Robin Crossby - Hârn, HarnMaster
- John H. Crowe III - contributions to Call of Cthulhu
- Paul Czege - My Life with Master
- Tom Dalgliesh - co-author of the Pilots' Almanac for HârnMaster
- Ryan Dancey - co-author of the Hero Builder's Guidebook; conceived and developed the Open Game License concept
- Liz Danforth - Tunnels & Trolls, fifth and subsequent editions
- Richard Dansky - various World of Darkness settings
- Peter Darvill-Evans - co-creator of Time Lord; several Fighting Fantasy books
- Graeme Davis - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Mind's Eye Theatre LARP
- Jesse Decker - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
- Tim Dedopulos - contributions to Unknown Armies and Hunter: The Reckoning
- Jeff Dee - Villains and Vigilantes
- Marcelo Del Debbio - Arkanun, Trevas, RPGQuest (Brazilian RPGs)
- Troy Denning - Chill 2nd edition; co-author of Dark Sun
- James "Grim" Desborough - Gor role-playing game; contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition
- Dennis Detwiller[2] - co-author of Delta Green, Godlike and Nemesis
- Joe Dever - Lone Wolf, Greystar, Freeway Warrior
- Flint Dille - co-author of Sagard the Barbarian
- Larry DiTillio - Masks of Nyarlathotep
- Michael Dobson - contributions to various TSR settings
- Kevin Dockery - The Morrow Project
- Rob Donoghue - co-author of Leverage: The Roleplaying Game, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and Spirit of the Century
- Dale Donovan - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons
- Tom Dowd - Mind's Eye Theatre LARP, co-author of Shadowrun, contributions to the Storyteller system
- Jay Dragon - designer of Sleepaway and Wanderhome
- Ann Dupuis - contributions to GURPS and Fudge
- Ron Edwards[4] - creator of Sorcerer RPG, ELFS, Trollbabe, It Was a Mutual Decision, Spione - Story Now in Cold War Berlin, S/Lay w/me
- Skaff Elias - co-author of the Miniatures Handbook
- Julia Bond Ellingboe - Steal Away Jordan
- Rose Estes - creator of Endless Quest
- Sean Patrick Fannon - creator of Shaintar setting for Savage Worlds; The Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible
- Bill Fawcett - Role Aids game supplement line
- Raymond E. Feist - Tulan of the Isles; Jonril: Gateway to the Sunken Lands
- Pete Fenlon - contributions to Middle-earth Role Playing; Rolemaster; Shadow World
- Alex Fennell - The Slayers' Guide to Hobgoblins
- Nigel Findley - Greyspace, GURPS Illuminati; contributions to Shadowrun
- Matt Forbeck - Deadlands; Brave New World
- John M. Ford - GURPS Time Travel; The Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues and other contributions to Paranoia
- Joe D. Fugate, Sr. - Traveller Book 8: Robots
- Mark Galeotti - Mythic Russia, The Unspoken Word
- Phil Gallagher - co-author of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay; contributions to Dungeons & Dragons modules
- Jose Garcia - Nexus: The Infinite City
- Richard Garfinkle - Spellcrafter
- Marc Gascoigne - Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game, Advanced Fighting Fantasy gamebooks
- Dan Gelber - co-creator of Paranoia and Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game
- Ajit George - Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
- Adam Scott Glancy - co-creator of Delta Green
- Lee Gold - Lands of Adventure, GURPS Japan
- Eric Goldberg - Commando, DragonQuest; co-creator of Paranoia
- Joseph Goodman - Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
- Greg Gorden - DC Heroes, Earthdawn; co-author of TORG; contributions to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game
- Geoffrey C. Grabowski - Exalted 3rd edition; contributions to Everway and Kindred of the East
- Scott Fitzgerald Gray - Secrets of Sarlona
- Jonathan Green - Fighting Fantasy sourcebooks, including Curse of the Mummy and Howl of the Werewolf
- Andrew Greenberg - Vampire: The Masquerade developer; co-creator of Fading Suns; creator of Rapture: The Second Coming
- Daniel Greenberg - contributions to Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- Ed Greenwood - Forgotten Realms
- Ray Greer - co-designer of the Fuzion system
- Jeff Grubb - Marvel Super Heroes, Manual of the Planes, Spelljammer, d20 Modern; contributions to the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms settings
- Gary Gygax - co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons (with Dave Arneson); creator of Queen of the Spiders, Tomb of Horrors, and Greyhawk; designer of Dangerous Journeys and Lejendary Adventure
- Richard Halliwell - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Allen Hammack - co-developer of Top Secret; The Ghost Tower of Inverness and Scourge of the Slave Lords adventure modules
- Lee Hammock - Farscape role-playing game; Dawning Star
- Gabrielle Harbowy - adventures for Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
- David A. Hargrave - Arduin, Star Rovers
- Scott Haring - Empires of the Sands and The Republic of Darokin for TSR
- John Harshman - co-creator of Traveller
- Jess Hartley - contributions to World of Darkness, notably Changeling: The Lost
- Robert Hatch - Kindred of the East; co-creator of Trinity, Aberrant, and Exalted
- Andria Hayday - Darklords; contributions to various TSR settings
- Ed Healy - co-author of PC Pearls
- Bruce Heard - The Tree of Life; Into the Maelstrom; co-authored Dragons of Faith
- Jess Heinig - Mage: The Ascension; Hunter: The Reckoning
- Rob Heinsoo - Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition; co-creator of 13th Age
- Steve Henderson - Worlds of Wonder, Balastor's Barracks; co-author of RuneQuest and Superworld
- Arnold Hendrick - co-author of Swordbearer
- Shane Lacy Hensley - Deadlands, Savage Worlds
- Dale "Slade" Henson - Buck Rogers XXVC
- Jennifer Hepler - Shadowrun Companion and Cyberpirates!
- Keith Herber - The Fungi from Yuggoth, Trail of Tsathogghua, Spawn of Azathoth and other contributions to Call of Cthulhu
- Jack Herman - co-creator of Villains & Vigilantes
- Sterling Hershey - contributions to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game; Monster Manual V; Monster Vault
- Tracy Hickman - Dragonlance, Ravenloft
- Fred Hicks - Don't Rest Your Head; co-author of Spirit of the Century
- Will Hindmarch - Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, Vampire: The Requiem; co-author of Eternal Lies
- Kenneth Hite - GURPS Infinite Worlds, Trail of Cthulhu, Night's Black Agents, Vampire: the Masquerade 5th edition; Fall of Delta Green; co-author of Bubblegumshoe
- John Eric Holmes - Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set
- Jason Holmgren - Ironclaw
- Miranda Horner - contributions to Bloodshadows and Shatterzone
- Grant Howitt - Heart: The City Beneath; Honey Heist
- Conrad Hubbard - contributions to the World of Darkness settings and Exalted
- Paul Hume - co-author of Bushido, Aftermath!, Daredevils, Shadowrun
- Ross Isaacs - Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-playing Game
- Shane Ivey - contributed to The One Ring Roleplaying Game
- Steve Jackson (Steve Jackson Games) - The Fantasy Trip, GURPS, Yrth
- Steve Jackson (Games Workshop) - Fighting Fantasy gamebooks
- James Jacobs - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
- Justin D. Jacobson - Dawning Star
- Brian R. James - Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue and other supplements for Dungeons & Dragons
- Matt James - Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale and other supplements for Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder
- Jennell Jaquays - Dark Tower, Caverns of Thracia; co-author of Griffin Mountain
- Harold Johnson - co-author of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and Secret of the Slavers Stockade; contributions to various TSR settings
- J. Hunter Johnson - GURPS Bestiary; GURPS Japan; GURPS Magic; GURPS Monsters
- Luke Johnson - contributions to Player's Guide to Eberron; Player's Handbook II; Monster Manual V
- Kat Jones - Revived: A Support Group For The Partially Deceased
- Gunilla Jonsson - co-author of Mutant and Kult
- M. Alexander Jurkat - All Flesh Must Be Eaten; Magic Item Compendium for D&D 3.5
- Adam Jury - contributions to Shadowrun
- Lucian Kahn - designer of Visigoths vs. Mall Goths, Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy, If I Were a Lich, Man
- Tim Kask - contributions to Blackmoor
- Don Kaye - co-creator of Boot Hill
- J. Andrew Keith - Freedom Fighters
- William H. Keith Jr. - Behind Enemy Lines, Freedom Fighters
- Jonaya Kemper - co-writer on Thirsty Sword Lesbians; contributions to 7th Sea
- Steve Kenson - Mutants & Masterminds, Freedom City; co-creator of Silver Age Sentinels and Blue Rose
- David Kenzer - HackMaster; The Kingdoms of Kalamar
- Katharine Kerr - co-author of Legacy of Blood; contributions to Pendragon
- Shing Yin Khor - co-designer of Field Guide to Memory
- Ulrich Kiesow - creator of The Dark Eye
- J. Robert King - co-author of Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog
- Mary Kirchoff - co-creator of the Dark Sun setting
- Adam Koebel - co-author of Dungeon World
- Jeff Koke - GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade, GURPS Black Ops
- Rudy Kraft - co-author of Griffin Mountain; other contributions to RuneQuest
- Charlie Krank - Pavis: Threshold to Danger
- Rick Krebs - Gangbusters
- Heike A. Kubasch - Angmar, HARP
- Christopher Kubasik - contributions to TORG, Shadowrun and Earthdawn
- Robert J. Kuntz - co-author of Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes
- Amanda Hamon Kunz - co-author of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft; contributions to Pathfinder and Starfinder
- David Ladyman - Chill, GURPS The Prisoner
- Lenard Lakofka - The Secret of Bone Hill, The Assassin's Knot, Deep Dwarven Delve
- Sage LaTorra - co-author of Dungeon World
- Robin D. Laws - Feng Shui, HeroQuest, Dying Earth Roleplaying Game, The Esoterrorists and other GUMSHOE games, Hillfolk, The Yellow King Roleplaying Game
- Jeff R. Leason - co-author of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan; contributions to Chill
- Andrew Leker - Skyrealms of Jorune
- Paul Lidberg - Duel
- Ken Lightner - Real-Life Roleplaying Series for the d20 System
- Nicole Lindroos - contributions to Everway and Unknown Armies
- Ian Livingstone - Fighting Fantasy gamebooks
- Kerry Lloyd - co-author of Thieves' Guild
- Steve Long - Dark Champions, Hero System 5th and 6th editions, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Role Playing Game, Star Trek Roleplaying Game, The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
- Rick Loomis - Buffalo Castle
- James Lowder - Pulp Cthulhu, GURPS Villains, contributions to Dungeons & Dragons
- T. S. Luikart - Adventures in Middle-earth
- George MacDonald - co-creator of Champions and the Hero System
- Mark C. MacKinnon - Big Eyes, Small Mouth, The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book; co-author of Silver Age Sentinels
- Jeff Mackintosh - co-author of Silver Age Sentinels
- Ari Marmell - contributions to Scarred Lands and Vampire: The Masquerade
- Ian Marsh - Time Lord
- Stephen R. Marsh - Dungeons & Dragons Expert Set; credited with creation of alignment system for Dungeons & Dragons
- Julia Martin - co-author of Faiths & Avatars; contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
- Phil Masters - GURPS Castle Falkenstein, Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game; GURPS Discworld (with Terry Pratchett)
- Colin McComb - co-author of the Birthright Campaign Setting; contributions to various TSR settings
- Angel Leigh McCoy - contributions to Mage: The Ascension and Changeling: The Dreaming
- Elizabeth McCoy - co-author of GURPS In Nomine and GURPS Illuminati University
- Anne Gray McCready - Mystery of the Snow Pearls, Red Sonja Unconquered
- Mike Mearls - Iron Heroes, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
- Frank Mentzer - D&D Basic Set third edition; co-author of Temple of Elemental Evil
- Marc W. Miller - various incarnations of Traveller
- Steve Miller - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition, including Into the Dragon's Lair
- Walter Milliken - GURPS Illuminati University
- Kim Mohan - Cyborg Commando, Wilderness Survival Guide for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons; also editor of Dragon magazine
- Tom Moldvay - Lords of Creation, D&D Basic Set second edition, Castle Amber; co-creator of Isle of Dread, Mystara
- Erik Mona - contributions to the Greyhawk setting: also editor of Dragon and Dungeon magazines
- Christian Moore - Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth; co-author of Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-playing Game
- James A. Moore - contributions to various World of Darkness games
- Roger E. Moore - Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins; also editor of Dragon magazine
- Jenna K. Moran - Nobilis, The Game of Powers (LARP), Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
- Jason Morningstar - Durance, Grey Ranks, Fiasco
- Dave Morris - Dragon Warriors
- Graeme Morris - contributions to various TSR settings
- Josh Mosqueira - Constantinople by Night, Montreal by Night; co-author of Tribe 8
- Pete Nash - co-author of RuneQuest II
- Rae Nedjadi - Apocalypse Keys
- John Nephew - Tall Tales of the Wee Folk
- Bruce Nesmith - Gamma World 4th edition; co-author of Lankhmar – City of Adventure; contributions to the Dragonlance and Ravenloft settings
- Douglas Niles - Star Frontiers, Top Secret/S.I., Against the Cult of the Reptile God; co-author of Lankhmar – City of Adventure; contributions to the Dragonlance setting
- Clinton R. Nixon - The Shadow of Yesterday, Donjon, Paladin
- David Noonan - contributions to many Dungeons & Dragons products
- Mike Nystul - The Whispering Vault
- Michael O'Brien - contributions to RuneQuest
- Steffan O'Sullivan - FUDGE, GURPS Swashbucklers, GURPS Bunnies & Burrows
- Scott Palter - co-author of Deadspeak Dossier for The World of Necroscope
- Blaine Pardoe - Domination
- Derek Pearcy - In Nomine
- Chris Perkins - lead story designer for Ravenloft campaign Curse of Strahd
- Jeff Perren - co-creator of Chainmail
- Don Perrin - co-designer of Dragonlance Campaign Setting; Sovereign Stone
- Steve Perrin - main author of RuneQuest, the Basic Role-Playing system and Steve Perrin's Quest Rules; co-author of Superworld
- Christian T. Petersen - creator of Nocturnum setting for Call of Cthulhu
- Michael Petersén - co-author of Mutant and KULT
- Sandy Petersen - main author of Call of Cthulhu; co-author of RuneQuest and Ghostbusters
- Steve Peterson - co-creator of Champions, the Hero System and the Fuzion system
- John R. Phythyon, Jr. - co-author of Heaven & Earth and Ghost Dog
- Jon Pickens - Arms and Equipment Guide for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd edition
- Mike Pohjola - Star Wreck Roleplaying Game, Age of the Tempest, Turku School experimental LARP
- Mike Pondsmith - Mekton, Cyberpunk, Castle Falkenstein; co-creator of the Fuzion system
- Greg Porter - TimeLords, CORPS, EABA
- Chris Pramas - Dragon Age, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition, Freeport setting
- Patrick Lucien Price - contributions to Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home supplement for DragonlanceDragonlance
- Anthony Pryor - contributions to various TSR settings
- Lewis Pulsipher - contributions to Fiend Folio for TSR; Swords & Wizardry
- David L. Pulver - Transhuman Space, GURPS Reign of Steel, GURPS Technomancer; co-author of Ghost Dog; system contributions to GURPS and Tri-Stat dX
- Sean Punch - GURPS 4th edition, GURPS Lite
- Jean Rabe - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons and Gamma World
- Merle M. Rasmussen - Top Secret
- A. Mark Ratner - Space Marines, co-author of Space Opera
- John D. Rateliff - The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
- Epidiah Ravachol - designer of Dread
- Philip Reed -
- Paul Reiche III - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons products; co-authored Legion of Gold adventure for Gamma World
- Thomas M. Reid - contributions to AD&D; Star Wars Roleplaying Game; The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
- Mark Rein·Hagen - Vampire: The Masquerade and other World of Darkness games; the Storyteller system; co-creator of Ars Magica
- Sean K. Reynolds - contributions to GreyhawkGreyhawk, Forgotten Realms and other TSR settings.
- Andrew Rilstone - co-authored The Dying of the Light
- Alex Roberts - Star Crossed, For the Queen
- Ken Rolston - co-author of Lankhmar – City of Adventure; contributions to Paranoia, Star Wars, RuneQuest and Mystara
- Benjamin Rosenbaum - co-creator of Dream Askew, Dream Apart
- Aaron S. Rosenberg - Deryni Adventure Game
- S. John Ross - Uresia: Grave of Heaven, Risus; co-author of GURPS Black Ops
- Marcus Rowland - Forgotten Futures, Diana: Warrior Princess, The Original Flatland Role Playing Game
- Charles M. Ryan - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3.5
- Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan - Traveller Core Rulebook; The Laundry RPG
- Ken St. Andre - Tunnels & Trolls, Starfaring, Monsters! Monsters!
- R.A. Salvatore - Menzoberranzan
- Carl Sargent - contributions to Greyhawk and Warhammer settings
- R. Hyrum Savage - Diomin; contributed to Forbidden Kingdoms
- Steven Schend[5] - contributions to various TSR settings
- Lawrence Schick - White Plume Mountain, In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords; co-creator of Mystara
- Robert J. Schwalb - Dungeons & Dragons; A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying; Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Jesse Scoble - El-Hazard Role-Playing Game
- Stephan Michael Sechi - creator of Talislanta
- Chris Seeman - contributions to The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game
- Mike Selinker - co-author of Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game
- Matthew Sernett - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
- Owen Seyler - Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth
- Jeeyon Shim - co-designer of Field Guide to Memory
- Kevin Siembieda - The Mechanoid Invasion, Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game, Heroes Unlimited, Robotech, Rifts
- Edward E. Simbalist - co-author of Space Opera and Chivalry & Sorcery
- Ethan Skemp - Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Changeling: The Lost, Geist: The Sin-Eaters
- Bill Slavicsek - Alternity, d20 Modern, Star Wars Roleplaying Game; co-author of TORG, contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
- Carl Smith - contributions to Dragonlance; co-founded Pacesetter
- Lester W. Smith - 2300 AD; Dark Conspiracy
- Mark Smith - co-author of Fighting Fantasy and Way of the Tiger gamebooks
- John Snead - co-creator of Blue Rose; contributions to Exalted, Trinity and Mage: The Awakening
- Richard Snider - Adventures in Fantasy; Powers & Perils; contributed to Thieves' World
- Ree Soesbee - co-author of The Way of the Phoenix and The Way of the Wolf supplements for Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game
- Jared Sorensen - InSpectres
- Lucien Soulban - Heaven & Earth, Orpheus
- Warren Spector - co-author of TOON and Send in the Clones
- Garry Spiegle - contributions to Dragonlance
- Matthew Sprange - Lone Wolf Multiplayer Game Book
- Michael Stackpole - Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes
- Greg Stafford - creator of the Glorantha setting, co-author of RuneQuest and designer of the Arthurian RPGs Pendragon and Prince Valiant: The Story-Telling Game
- Stan! - principal designer for d20 Modern; co-author of Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game
- Ed Stark - MasterBook system, Paranoia "fifth edition"; contributions to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
- Lisa J. Steele - co-author of Bubblegumshoe
- Owen K.C. Stephens - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game; Starfinder Roleplaying Game; Star Wars Roleplaying Game
- Lisa Stevens - editor for Ars Magica
- Doug Stewart - Encyclopedia Magica
- Greg Stolze - Usagi Yojimbo RPG, REIGN, Better Angels; co-author of Unknown Armies, Godlike and the Delta Green RPG
- CA Suleiman - Mummy: The Resurrection, Vampire: The Requiem, Mummy: The Curse
- James L. Sutter - co-creator of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Starfinder Roleplaying Game
- Rick Swan - contributions to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons for TSR
- Brennan Taylor - How We Came To Live Here
- Paul Tevis - A Penny for My Thoughts
- Gary L. Thomas - contributions to Traveller and Dungeons & Dragons
- Chris Thomasson - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons
- Howard Thompson - contributions to The Fantasy Trip
- Jonathan M. Thompson - co-creator of Prime Directive
- Rodney Thompson - d20 Future; contributions to Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Dark Sun
- Jamie Thomson - contributions to Fighting Fantasy series
- Jeff Tidball - Ars Magica 4th edition; Eternal Lies
- Mike Tinney - Mind's Eye Theatre LARP
- Adam Tinworth - Demon: The Fallen, Werewolf: The Forsaken; contributions to Hunter: The Reckoning
- Cat Tobin - First Joyful Mysteries
- Richard Tucholka - Fringeworthy, Bureau 13
- Don Turnbull - editor of the Fiend Folio; contributions to Greyhawk setting for TSR
- Jonathan Tweet - Over the Edge, Everway; co-creator of Ars Magica, Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition and 13th Age
- John Scott Tynes - Puppetland, The Golden Dawn; co-creator of Delta Green and Unknown Armies
- Monica Valentinelli - Firefly Role-Playing Game
- Susan Van Camp - Dragon Storm
- Allen Varney - the 2004 edition of Paranoia for Mongoose Publishing; co-author of Send in the Clones; contributions to the Hollow World setting for Mystara
- George Vasilakos - Conspiracy X, All Flesh Must Be Eaten
- Greg A. Vaughan - contributions to Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
- Travis Vengroff - Liberty: A.F.T.E.R and Domain of the Nameless God, based on his universes Liberty and Dark Dice respectively
- Anne Vétillard - French role-playing game creator and translator
- James Wallis - The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- April Kit Walsh - Thirsty Sword Lesbians
- James M. Ward - Metamorphosis Alpha, Gamma World; co-author of Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes
- Ross Watson - Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay
- Darren Watts - co-author of Champions 5th edition
- Margaret Weis - Dragonlance
- Jordan Weisman - co-creator of the BattleTech setting
- Jean Wells - Palace of the Silver Princess
- Chuck Wendig - co-author of Hunter: The Vigil
- David Wesely - Braunstein games
- Lawrence Whitaker - contributions to Basic Role Playing
- John Wick - Legend of the Five Rings, Orkworld; co-creator of 7th Sea
- Steve Wieck - co-creator of Exalted, Mage: the Ascension and other World of Darkness games
- Stewart Wieck - co-creator of Mage: the Ascension, Hunter: The Reckoning and other World of Darkness games
- Chris Wiese - contributions to Fading Suns
- J. D. Wiker - contributions to Star Wars Roleplaying Game and Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
- Skip Williams - co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition
- Walter Jon Williams - Privateers & Gentlemen
- Lynn Willis - co-author of RuneQuest, Basic Role-Playing, Stormbringer, Call of Cthulhu and Ghostbusters
- Kevin Wilson - Spycraft; co-creator of 7th Sea
- Ray Winninger - Underground
- Steve Winter - co-author of Marvel Super Heroes
- Loren Wiseman - author of GURPS Traveller; contributions to Traveller
- Teeuwynn Woodruff - The World of Species for the MasterBook system; World of Darkness: Gypsies; contributions to Bloodshadows and the Ravenloft setting
- Erick Wujcik - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, After the Bomb, Ninjas & Superspies, Amber Diceless Role-Playing
- James Wyatt - Oriental Adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
- Mike Young - Rules to Live By LARP
- ^ Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Designers & Dragons: The '70s. Evil Hat Productions. ISBN 978-1-61317-075-5.
- ^ a b Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Designers & Dragons: The '90s. Evil Hat Productions. ISBN 978-1-61317-084-7.
- ^ Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Designers & Dragons: The '80s. Evil Hat Productions. ISBN 978-1-61317-081-6.
- ^ Appelcline, Shannon (2014). Designers & Dragons: The '00s. Evil Hat Productions. ISBN 978-1-61317-087-8.
- ^ Kenson, Stephen (August 1999). "Profiles: Steven Schend". Dragon (#262). Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast: 112.