Pastoral leases in the Northern Territory, more commonly known as stations or cattle stations, are some of the largest in Australia. There are 223 pastoral leases gazetted into 11 pastoral districts over approximately 600 000 square kilometres of land.[1]
Established from the late 1800s onwards, the leases were initially issued by the South Australian government, which administered the Northern Territory until 1911,[2] and enable long-term tenure of Crown land.[3] The first leases were Owen Springs and Undoolya Station in Central Australia in 1872.[4] The expansion of the cattle industry caused widespread dispossession of Aboriginal people, with significant damage to water sources and sensitive environments.[5]
There is only one remaining sheep station, at Avon Downs,[6] the rest rear cattle which is sold domestically or live into South East Asia, mainly Indonesia.[7] They also support other non-dominant agricultural uses and tourism.[8]
All pastoral leases are managed under the Pastoral Land Act 1992 of the Northern Territory.[9]
Name of pastoral lease | Pastoral district | LGA | Area (km2) |
Adder | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 1199 |
Aileron | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 4078 |
Alexandria | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 8391 |
Allambi | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2586 |
Alroy Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 4384 |
Ambalindum | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3317 |
Amburla | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2305 |
Ammaroo | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 3001 |
Amungee Mungee | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 3169 |
Andado | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 10689 |
Angas Downs | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3205 |
Anningie | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 4428 |
Annitowa | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 4312 |
Anthony Lagoon | Barkly | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 6079 |
Arapunya | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 2431 |
Argadargada | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 5139 |
Aroona | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 1500 |
Austral Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2004 |
Auvergne | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 4142 |
Avago | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1578 |
Avon Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3939 |
Ban Ban Springs | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1872 |
Banjo | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 578 |
Banka Banka West | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 1407 |
Beetaloo Station | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 7078 |
Benmarra | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 4511 |
Big River | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 707 |
Birdum Creek | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 763 |
Birrimba | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 2595 |
Birrundudu | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 4150 |
Bloodwood Downs | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 577 |
Bond Springs | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1499 |
Bonrook | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 491 |
Bridge Creek | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 333 |
Broadmere | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 2590 |
Brunchilly | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3235 |
Brunette Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 12212 |
Buchanan Downs | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1256 |
Bullo River | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1627 |
Bunda | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1788 |
Burramurra | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2205 |
Bushy Park | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1693 |
Calvert Hills | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 4832 |
Camfield | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2769 |
Cattle Creek | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 7085 |
Claravale | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 613 |
Coniston | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2170 |
Conways | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1392 |
Cow Creek | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 444 |
Cresswell Downs | Barkly | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 6417 |
Curtin Springs | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 4152 |
Dalmore Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 4776 |
Deep Well | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1618 |
Delmore Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 382 |
Delamere | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 3002 |
Delny | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 833 |
Derry Downs | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 4290 |
Derwent | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1659 |
Dixie Station | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 462 |
Dneiper | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 884 |
Dorisvale | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 675 |
Douglas | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1943 |
Dry River | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 667 |
Dungowan | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 4454 |
East Ranken | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 1430 |
Elizabeth Downs | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2054 |
Elkedra | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 5406 |
Epenarra | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 2658 |
Erldunda | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2930 |
Eva Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2781 |
Florina | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 575 |
Flying Fox | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 895 |
Forrest Hill | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 538 |
Georgina Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3470 |
Gilnockie | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 705 |
Glen Helen | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1409 |
Goondooloo | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 902 |
Gorrie | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 701 |
Greenbank | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1126 |
Hamilton Downs | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2034 |
Hayfield | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1701 |
Helen Springs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 5062 |
Henbury | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 5168 |
Hidden Valley | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 2802 |
Horseshoe Bend | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 6030 |
Huckitta | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 1596 |
Humbert River | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1080 |
Idracowra | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 4628 |
Inverway | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2538 |
Jervois | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 2736 |
Jindare | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1204 |
Jinka | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 2033 |
Kalala | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 3760 |
Katherine Downs | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 198 |
Kiana | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 3318 |
Killarney | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2819 |
Kirkimbie | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2304 |
Koolpinyah | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 769 |
Kurundi | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 3857 |
Labelle Downs | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 603 |
Lake Nash | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 8487 |
Lakefield | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 586 |
Larrizona | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 702 |
Legune | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1788 |
Lilla Creek | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2060 |
Limbunya | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 5218 |
Litchfield | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1336 |
Lonesome Dove | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 723 |
Lorella | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 3840 |
Lucy Creek | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 4055 |
Lyndavale | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3762 |
Mcdonald Downs | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2069 |
Mainoru | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1315 |
Mallapunyah Springs | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 4329 |
Manangoora | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1416 |
Manbulloo | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 3791 |
Manners Creek | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 6770 |
Margaret Downs | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 608 |
Marqua | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 4410 |
Marrakai | Darwin | Wagait Shire Council | 578 |
Mary River East | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1345 |
Mary River West | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 929 |
Maryfield | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1473 |
Maryvale | Barkly | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3244 |
Mathison Station | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 652 |
Mcarthur River | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 7225 |
Mckinlay River | Darwin | Wagait Shire Council | 470 |
Middle Creek | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 602 |
Mittiebah | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 4034 |
Montejinni East | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1597 |
Montejinni West | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1495 |
Moroak | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1427 |
Mount Cavenagh | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 913 |
Mount Denison | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2702 |
Mount Doreen | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 7337 |
Mount Drummond | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2920 |
Mount Ebenezer | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1640 |
Mount Keppler | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 225 |
Mount McMinn | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 809 |
Mount Riddock | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2633 |
Mount Ringwood | Darwin | Wagait Shire Council | 462 |
Mount Skinner | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 5968 |
Mountain Valley | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1410 |
Mulga Park | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2647 |
Mungabroom | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3469 |
Murranjai | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 4379 |
Murray Downs | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 5595 |
Numul-Namul | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 497 |
Napperby | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 3146 |
Napperby | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2278 |
Narwietooma | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2590 |
Nenen | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 775 |
Neutral Junction | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 4609 |
New Crown | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 6158 |
Newcastle Waters | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3404 |
Newhaven | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2610 |
Newry | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2467 |
Numery | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2022 |
Nutwood Downs | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 4358 |
Old Macdonald Downs | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 545 |
Old Mount Bundey | Darwin | Wagait Shire Council | 384 |
Ooratippra | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 4283 |
Orange Creek | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2386 |
Owen Springs | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3010 |
Palmer Valley | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2993 |
Phillip Creek | Tennant Creek | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3624 |
Pine Hill | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 2691 |
Powell Creek | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 4181 |
Providence | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 531 |
Pungalina | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1937 |
Ringwood | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2280 |
Riveren | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 3016 |
Rockhampton Downs | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 5119 |
Rocklands | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3594 |
Rosewood | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2768 |
Scott Creek | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 1070 |
Seven Emu | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 2092 |
Singleton | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 2943 |
Soudan | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2244 |
Spirit Hills | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 3766 |
Spring Creek | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 2334 |
Stapleton Station | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 598 |
Stirling | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 7218 |
Sunday Creek | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 400 |
Suplejack | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 3817 |
Tandyidgee | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2749 |
Tanumbirini | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 5001 |
Tarlee | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 597 |
Tarlton Downs | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 3111 |
Tennant Creek | Tennant Creek | Barkly Regional Council | 3647 |
The Garden | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2126 |
Tipperary | Darwin | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2100 |
Tobermorey | Plenty | Central Desert Shire | 5994 |
Todd River | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1962 |
Ucharonidge | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2455 |
Umbeara | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3572 |
Undoolya | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 1444 |
Vermelha | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 2039 |
Victoria River Downs | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 8935 |
Victory Downs | Southern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 3038 |
Walhallow | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 3580 |
Wallamunga | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 2582 |
Waterloo | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1895 |
Wave Hill | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 5493 |
Welltree | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 391 |
West Ranken | Barkly | Barkly Regional Council | 2852 |
Western Creek | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 606 |
Western Creek | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 416 |
Willeroo | Katherine | Katherine Regional Council | 1710 |
Wollogorang | Gulf | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 5761 |
Wombungi | Victoria River District | Victoria Daly Regional Council | 1290 |
Wongalara | Roper | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 1912 |
Woodgreen | Northern Alice Springs | Central Desert Shire | 1230 |
Woolner | Darwin | Wagait Shire Council | 647 |
Wyworrie | Sturt Plateau | Roper Gulf Regional Council | 428 |
Yambah | Northern Alice Springs | MacDonnell Regional Council | 2310[10][11] |
See also
- ^ "Non-pastoral Use Permits, Diversifying the Territory, Unlocking the Potential of our Land: Frequently Asked Questions" (PDF). Northern Territory Government. Retrieved 3 March 2024.
- ^ "The Northern Territory's pastoral industry". National Archives of Australia. Retrieved 3 March 2024.
- ^ "PASTORAL LAND ACT 1992 - SECT 4 Objects". Retrieved 2024-03-03.
- ^ "Built up from 'bugger all', the NT's oldest cattle station turns 150". ABC News. 2022-09-30. Retrieved 2024-03-03.
- ^ "Chapter 9 Northern Territory | Bringing Them Home". Retrieved 2024-03-03.
- ^ Government, Northern Territory (2021-11-03). "Avon Downs centenary of operations". Retrieved 2024-03-02.
- ^ "NT chief at odds with Albanese over live animal export ban". Australian Financial Review. 2023-08-01. Retrieved 2024-03-03.
- ^ "Pastoral purposes guide: Development and use of pastoral leasehold land under the Pastoral Land Act 1992" (PDF). Northern Territory Government. December 2021. Retrieved 3 March 2024.
- ^ "PASTORAL LAND ACT 1992". Retrieved 2024-03-02.
- ^ "NT Pastoral Districts - NTG Open Data Portal". Retrieved 2024-03-02.
- ^ "Map of Northern Territory showing pastoral stations &c. [cartographic material]". Trove. Retrieved 2024-03-02.