There are currently 1,258 genera, 161 families, 27 orders, and around 5,937 recognized living species of mammal.[1] Mammalian taxonomy is in constant flux as many new species are described and recategorized within their respective genera and families. The taxonomy represented here is a compilation of the most logical and up-to-date information on mammalian taxonomy from many sources, the main ones being Handbook of the Mammals of the World series and Mammal Species of the World.
Suborder Tenrecomorpha
- Family Tenrecidae – tenrecs and otter shrews
- Subfamily Geogalinae
- Genus Geogale – long-eared tenrec
- Subfamily Oryzorictinae
- Genus Microgale – shrew tenrecs
- Genus Nesogale – shrew tenrecs
- Genus Oryzorictes – rice tenrecs
- Subfamily Tenrecinae
- Genus Echinops – lesser hedgehog tenrec
- Genus Hemicentetes – streaked tenrec
- Genus Setifer – greater hedgehog tenrec
- Genus Tenrec – common tenrec
- Subfamily Geogalinae
- Family Potamogalidae
- Genus Micropotamogale – otter shrews
- Genus Potamogale – giant otter shrew
Suborder Chrysochloridea
- Family Chrysochloridae – golden moles
- Subfamily Chrysochlorinae
- Genus Carpitalpa – Arend's golden mole
- Genus Chlorotalpa – forty-toothed golden moles
- Genus Chrysochloris – Cape golden moles
- Genus Chrysospalax – giant golden moles
- Genus Cryptochloris – cryptic golden moles
- Genus Eremitalpa – Grant's golden mole
- Subfamily Amblysominae
- Genus Amblysomus – narrow-headed golden moles
- Genus Calcochloris – yellow golden moles
- Genus Huetia - Congo golden mole
- Genus Neamblysomus – lesser narrow-headed golden moles
- Subfamily Chrysochlorinae
The order Carnivora is represented by 16 families of mostly carnivorous and omnivorous mammals found worldwide terrestrially and in marine waters of the poles and some areas of the tropics. Divided into two large suborders, Caniformia (Canidae, Ursidae, Ailuridae, Procyonidae, Mephitidae, Mustelidae, Pinnipedia, Otariidae, Phocidae, and Odobenidae) and Feliformia (Nandiniidae, Felidae, Prionodontidae, Viverridae, Hyaenidae, Herpestidae, and Eupleridae), the order contains about 289 recognized species, along with 4 recently extinct species, one of which is included in its own monotypic genus, Dusicyon. Tribe and subfamily taxonomy comes mostly from the first volume of the Handbook of the Mammals of the World on carnivores for the terrestrial species, and the 4th volume on marine mammals for the 3 marine families.
Suborder Caniformia
- Infraorder Cynoidea
- Superfamily Canoidea
- Family Canidae – dogs
- Genus Atelocynus – short-eared dog
- Genus Canis – wolves and jackals
- Genus Cerdocyon – crab-eating fox
- Genus Chrysocyon – maned wolf
- Genus Cuon – dhole
- Genus †Dusicyon – warrahs
- Genus Lupulella – jackals
- Genus Lycalopex – Neotropical foxes
- Genus Lycaon – African wild dog
- Genus Nyctereutes – raccoon dogs
- Genus Otocyon – bat-eared fox
- Genus Speothos – bush dog
- Genus Urocyon – gray foxes
- Genus Vulpes – typical foxes
- Family Canidae – dogs
- Superfamily Canoidea
- Infraorder Arctoidea
- Parvorder Ursida
- Superfamily Ursoidea
- Family Ursidae – bears
- Subfamily Ailuropodinae
- Genus Ailuropoda – giant panda
- Subfamily Tremarctinae
- Genus Tremarctos – Andean bear
- Subfamily Ursinae
- Subfamily Ailuropodinae
- Family Ursidae – bears
- Superfamily Musteloidea
- Family Ailuridae – red pandas
- Genus Ailurus – red pandas
- Family Mephitidae – skunks and stink badgers
- Family Mustelidae – weasels, badgers, and otters
- Subfamily Guloninae
- Subfamily Helictidinae
- Genus Melogale – ferret-badgers
- Subfamily Ictonychinae
- Genus Galictis – grison
- Genus Ictonyx – striped polecats
- Genus Lyncodon – Patagonian weasel
- Genus Poecilogale – African striped weasel
- Genus Vormela – marbled polecat
- Subfamily Lutrinae
- Subfamily Melinae
- Subfamily Mellivorinae
- Genus Mellivora – honey badger
- Subfamily Mustelinae
- Subfamily Taxidiinae
- Genus Taxidea – American badger
- Family Procyonidae – raccoons and relatives
- Subfamily Procyoninae
- Tribe Procyonini
- Subtribe Procyonina
- Genus Procyon – raccoons
- Subtribe Nasuina
- Subtribe Procyonina
- Tribe Bassariscini
- Genus Bassaricyon – olingos
- Subfamily Potosinae
- Genus Bassaricyon – olingos
- Genus Potos – kinkajou
- Genus Bassariscus – ringtails
- Tribe Procyonini
- Subfamily Procyoninae
- Family Ailuridae – red pandas
- Clade Pinnipedimorpha
- Clade Pinnipediformes
- Clade Pinnipedia
- Superfamily Otarioidea
- Family Odobenidae – walrus
- Genus Odobenus – walrus
- Family Otariidae – eared seals
- Subfamily Arctocephalinae – fur seals
- Genus Arctocephalus – brown fur seal
- Genus Callorhinus – northern fur seal
- Subfamily Otariinae – sea lions
- Genus Eumetopias – Steller sea lion
- Genus Neophoca – Australian sea lion
- Genus Phocarctos – New Zealand sea lion
- Genus Zalophus – northern sea lions
- Genus Otaria – South American sea lion
- Subfamily Arctocephalinae – fur seals
- Family Odobenidae – walrus
- Superfamily Phocoidea
- Family Phocidae – earless seals
- Subfamily Monachinae
- Tribe Lobodontini
- Genus Hydrurga – leopard seal
- Genus Leptonychotes – Weddell seal
- Genus Lobodon – crabeater seal
- Genus Ommatophoca – Ross seal
- Tribe Miroungini
- Genus Mirounga – elephant seals
- Tribe Monachini
- Genus Monachus – Mediterranean monk seal
- Genus Neomonachus – Hawaiian and Caribbean monk seals
- Tribe Lobodontini
- Subfamily Phocinae
- Tribe Cystophorini
- Genus Cystophora – hooded seal
- Tribe Erignathini
- Genus Erignathus – bearded seal
- Tribe Phocini
- Genus Halichoerus – gray seal
- Genus Histriophoca – ribbon seal
- Genus Pagophilus – harp seal
- Genus Phoca – harbor and spotted seal
- Genus Pusa – ringed and inland seals
- Tribe Cystophorini
- Subfamily Monachinae
- Family Phocidae – earless seals
- Superfamily Otarioidea
- Clade Pinnipedia
- Clade Pinnipediformes
- Superfamily Ursoidea
- Parvorder Ursida
Suborder Feliformia
- Family Nandiniidae – African palm civet
- Genus Nandinia – African palm civet
- Superfamily Feloidea
- Family Felidae – cats
- Subfamily Pantherinae
- Subfamily Felinae
- Genus Catopuma – Bay cat and Asian golden cat
- Genus Pardofelis – marbled cat
- Genus Caracal – caracal and African golden cat
- Genus Leptailurus – serval
- Genus Leopardus – New World small cats
- Genus Lynx – lynxes
- Genus Puma – cougar
- Genus Herpailurus - jaguarundi
- Genus Acinonyx – cheetah
- Genus Prionailurus – South Asian small cats
- Genus Otocolobus – Pallas's cat
- Genus Felis – Old World small cats
- Family Prionodontidae – Asian linsangs
- Genus Prionodon – linsangs
- Family Felidae – cats
- Infraorder Viverroidea
- Family Viverridae – civets, genets, and oyans
- Subfamily Viverrinae
- Genus Viverricula – small Indian civet
- Genus Viverra – civets
- Genus Civettictis – African civet
- Subfamily Genettinae
- Subfamily Hemigalinae
- Genus Cynogale – otter civet
- Genus Chrotogale – Owston's palm civet
- Genus Hemigalus – banded palm civet
- Genus Diplogale – Hose's palm civet
- Genus Macrogalidia – Sulawesi palm civet
- Subfamily Paradoxurinae
- Genus Paradoxurus – Asian and golden palm civets
- Genus Paguma – masked palm civet
- Genus Arctogalidia – small-toothed palm civet
- Genus Arctictis – binturong
- Subfamily Viverrinae
- Superfamily Herpestoidea
- Family Hyaenidae – hyenas
- Subfamily Protelinae
- Genus Proteles – aardwolf
- Subfamily Hyaeninae
- Genus Crocuta – spotted hyena
- Genus Hyaena – striped hyena
- Genus Parahyaena – brown hyena
- Subfamily Protelinae
- Family Herpestidae – mongooses
- Subfamily Mungotinae
- Genus Crossarchus – cusimanse
- Genus Liberiictis – Liberian mongoose
- Genus Suricata – meerkat
- Genus Dologale – Pousargues's mongoose
- Genus Helogale – dwarf mongooses
- Genus Mungos – Gambian and banded mongooses
- Subfamily Herpestinae
- Genus Atilax – marsh mongoose
- Genus Xenogale – long-nosed mongoose
- Genus Herpestes – African mongooses
- Genus Cynictis – yellow mongoose
- Genus Paracynictis – Selous's mongoose
- Genus Bdeogale – bushy-tailed mongooses
- Genus Ichneumia – white-tailed mongoose
- Genus Rhynchogale – Meller's mongoose
- Genus Urva – Asian mongooses
- Subfamily Mungotinae
- Family Eupleridae – Malagasy carnivores
- Subfamily Euplerinae
- Genus Cryptoprocta – fossas
- Genus Eupleres – falanouc
- Genus Fossa – spotted fanaloka
- Subfamily Galidiinae
- Genus Galidia – ring-tailed vontsira
- Genus Galidictis – striped vontsira
- Genus Mungotictis – narrow-striped boky
- Genus Salanoia – brown vontsira
- Subfamily Euplerinae
- Family Hyaenidae – hyenas
- Family Viverridae – civets, genets, and oyans
Cetartiodactyla is a large order of hoofed mammals, the even-toed ungulates, and aquatic mammals, cetaceans. Cetacea was found to be nested within "Artiodactlya" and has now been moved into that order, whose name is now Cetartiodactyla.[2] Even-toed ungulates are found nearly world-wide, although no species are native to Australia or Antarctica. Broken into four suborders, Tylopoda (including Camelidae), Suina (including Suidae and Tayassuidae), Whippomorpha (including Hippopotamidae and the infraorder Cetacea), and Ruminantia, which contains two infraorders, Tragulina (including Tragulidae) and Pecora (including Moschidae, Cervidae, Bovidae, Antilocapridae, and Giraffidae). The higher taxonomy used for the ungulates of this order is based primarily on the Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Volume 2 on hoofed mammals, including the subfamily and tribal affiliations in each family. The order includes about 242 recognized ungulate species, along with 6 recently extinct species. Groves and Grubbs Taxonomy of Ungulates[3] is used as a minor reference for the bovids. Cetacea contains Balaenopteridae and Odontoceti (including Physeteridae, Kogiidae, Ziphiidae, Platanistidae, Iniidae, Lipotidae, Pontoporiidae, Monodontidae, Delphinidae, and Phocoenidae), which include a total of 14 families, most of which have few representative species. The taxonomy here is exemplified by the 4th volume of the Handbook of the Mammals of the World on marine mammals.
Suborder Tylopoda
- Family Camelidae – camels and relatives
Suborder Suina
- Family Suidae – pigs
- Genus Babyrousa – babirusa
- Genus Phacochoerus – warthogs
- Genus Hylochoerus – giant forest hog
- Genus Potamochoerus – bushpigs
- Genus Sus – typical pigs
- Genus Porcula – pygmy hog
- Family Tayassuidae – peccaries
Suborder Whippomorpha
- Infraorder Ancodonta
- Family Hippopotamidae – hippopotamuses
- Genus Hippopotamus – common hippopotamus
- Genus Choeropsis – pygmy hippopotamus
- Family Hippopotamidae – hippopotamuses
- Infraorder Cetacea
- Parvorder Mysticeti - baleen whales
- Superfamily Balaenoidea
- Family Balaenidae – right and bowhead whales
- Family Cetotheriidae – pygmy right whale
- Genus Caperea – pygmy right whale
- Superfamily Balaenopteroidea
- Family Eschrichtiidae – gray whale
- Genus Eschrichtius – gray whale
- Family Balaenopteridae – rorquals
- Genus Megaptera – humpback whale
- Genus Balaenoptera – rorquals
- Family Eschrichtiidae – gray whale
- Superfamily Balaenoidea
- Parvorder Odontoceti - toothed whales
- Superfamily Delphinoidea
- Family Monodontidae – narwhal and beluga
- Subfamily Delphinapterinae
- Genus Delphinapterus – beluga
- Subfamily Monodontinae
- Genus Monodon – narwhal
- Subfamily Delphinapterinae
- Family Delphinidae – oceanic dolphins
- Subfamily Delphininae
- Subfamily Lissodelphininae
- Genus Lissodelphis – right whale dolphins
- Genus Cephalorhynchus – Antarctic dolphins
- Subfamily Globicephalinae
- Genus Globicephala – pilot whales
- Genus Feresa – pygmy killer whale
- Genus Grampus – Risso's dolphin
- Genus Orcaella – snubfin dolphins
- Genus Peponocephala – melon-headed whale
- Genus Steno – rough-toothed dolphin
- Genus Pseudorca – false killer whale
- Subfamily Orcininae
- Genus Orcinus – killer whale
- Subfamily Incertae sedis
- Genus Lagenorhynchus – whitebeaked, white-sided, hourglass, Peale's and dusky dolphin
- Family Phocoenidae – porpoises
- Genus Neophocaena – finless porpoises
- Genus Phocoenoides – Dall's porpoise
- Genus Phocoena – typical porpoises
- Family Monodontidae – narwhal and beluga
- Superfamily Physeteroidea
- Family Physeteridae – sperm whale
- Genus Physeter – sperm whale
- Family Kogiidae – pygmy and dwarf sperm whales
- Genus Kogia – pygmy and dwarf sperm whales
- Family Physeteridae – sperm whale
- Superfamily Ziphioidea
- Family Ziphiidae – beaked whales
- Subfamily Berardiinae
- Genus Berardius – giant beaked whales
- Subfamily Ziphiinae
- Genus Ziphius – Cuvier's beaked whale
- Genus Tasmacetus – Shepherd's beaked whale
- Subfamily Hyperoodontinae
- Genus Hyperoodon – bottlenose whales
- Genus Indopacetus – Longman's beaked whale
- Genus Mesoplodon – mesoplodont beaked whales
- Subfamily Berardiinae
- Family Ziphiidae – beaked whales
- Superfamily Platanistoidea
- Family Platanistidae – South Asian river dolphins
- Genus Platanista – South Asian river dolphins
- Family Iniidae – Amazon river dolphins
- Genus Inia – Amazon river dolphins
- Family Lipotidae – baiji
- Genus Lipotes – baiji
- Family Pontoporiidae – franciscana
- Genus Pontoporia – franciscana
- Family Platanistidae – South Asian river dolphins
- Superfamily Delphinoidea
- Parvorder Mysticeti - baleen whales
Suborder Ruminantia
- Infraorder Tragulina
- Family Tragulidae – chevrotain
- Genus Hyemoschus – water chevrotain
- Genus Moschiola – spotted chevrotain
- Genus Tragulus – common chevrotain
- Family Tragulidae – chevrotain
- Infraorder Pecora
- Family Antilocapridae – pronghorn
- Genus Antilocapra – pronghorn
- Family Giraffidae – giraffe and okapi
- Family Cervidae – deer
- Subfamily Capreolinae
- Tribe Capreolini
- Genus Hydropotes – Chinese water deer
- Genus Capreolus – roe deer
- Tribe Alceini
- Genus Alces – moose
- Tribe Odocoileini
- Genus Rangifer – caribou
- Genus Odocoileus – Nearctic deer
- Genus Ozotoceros – Pampas deer
- Genus Blastocerus – marsh deer
- Genus Mazama – brockets
- Genus Hippocamelus – huemel
- Genus Pudu – pudu
- Tribe Capreolini
- Subfamily Cervinae
- Subfamily Capreolinae
- Family Moschidae – musk deer
- Genus Moschus – musk deer
- Family Bovidae – hollow-horned ungulates
- Subfamily Bovinae
- Tribe Bovini
- Tribe Boselaphini
- Genus Boselaphus – nilgai
- Genus Tetracerus – four-horned antelope
- Tribe Tragelaphini
- Genus Tragelaphus – bushbuck, bongo, nyala, kudu, and sitatunga
- Genus Taurotragus – elands
- Clade Aegodontia
- Subfamily Aepycerotinae
- Genus Aepyceros – impala
- Subfamily Neotraginae
- Genus Neotragus – pygmy antelopes
- Subfamily Cephalophinae
- Genus Sylvicapra – bush duiker
- Genus Philantomba – blue duikers
- Genus Cephalophus – typical duikers
- Subfamily Oreotraginae
- Genus Oreotragus – klipspringer
- Subfamily Antilopinae
- Tribe Antilopini
- Genus Ammodorcas – dibatag
- Genus Antidorcas – springbok
- Genus Antilope – blackbuck
- Genus Eudorcas – side-striped gazelle
- Genus Gazella – typical gazelle
- Genus Litocranius – gerenuk
- Genus Nanger – Saharan gazelle
- Genus Procapra – Chinese gazelle
- Tribe Saigini
- Genus Saiga – saiga
- Tribe Neotragini
- Genus Dorcatragus – beira
- Genus Madoqua – dik-dik
- Genus Neotragus
- Genus Ourebia – oribi
- Genus Raphicerus – steenbok and grysbok
- Tribe Antilopini
- Subfamily Reduncinae
- Subfamily Caprinae
- Tribe Caprini
- Genus Ammotragus – Barbary sheep
- Genus Arabitragus – Arabian tahr
- Genus Budorcas – takin
- Genus Capra – goats and ibexes
- Genus Hemitragus – Himalayan tahr
- Genus Nilgiritragus – Nilgiri tahr
- Genus Oreamnos – Rocky Mountain goat
- Genus Ovis – sheep
- Genus Pseudois – blue sheep
- Genus Rupicapra – chamois
- Tribe Ovibovini
- Genus Capricornis – serows
- Genus Nemorhaedus – goral
- Genus Ovibos – muskox
- Tribe Pantholopini
- Genus Pantholops – chiru
- Tribe Caprini
- Subfamily Alcelaphinae
- Genus Alcelaphus – hartebeest
- Genus Connochaetes – wildebeest
- Genus Damaliscus – topi and bontebok
- Genus Beatragus – hirola
- Subfamily Hippotraginae
- Genus Hippotragus – sable and roan antelopes
- Genus Addax – addax
- Genus Oryx – oryx
- Subfamily Aepycerotinae
- Subfamily Bovinae
- Family Antilocapridae – pronghorn
The order Chiroptera comprises bats and is the second largest order of mammals, containing about 1,240 species of bats, which is around 20% of all mammal species.
Suborder Yangochiroptera
- Family Emballonuridae – sac-winged bats
- Genus Balantiopteryx
- Genus Centronycteris – shaggy bats
- Genus Coleura
- Genus Cormura – chestnut sac-winged bat
- Genus Cyttarops – short-eared bat
- Genus Diclidurus – ghost bats
- Genus Emballonura – sheath-tailed bats
- Genus Mosia – dark sheath-tailed bat
- Genus Paremballonura – Peter's sheath-tailed bat
- Genus Peropteryx – dog-like bats
- Genus Rhynchonycteris – proboscis bat
- Genus Saccolaimus – pouched bats
- Genus Saccopteryx
- Genus Taphozous – tomb bats
- Family Furipteridae
- Genus Amorphochilus – smoky bat
- Genus Furipterus – thumbless bat
- Family Miniopteridae
- Genus Miniopterus – bent-winged or long winged bats
- Family Molossidae – free-tailed bats
- Subfamily Molossinae
- Genus Austronomus – Australasian free-tailed bats
- Genus Chaerephon – lesser mastiff bats
- Genus Cheiromeles – naked bats
- Genus Cynomops – dog-faced bats
- Genus Eumops – bonneted bats
- Genus Mormopterus
- Genus Molossops – broad-faced bats
- Genus Molossus – velvety free-tailed bats
- Genus Mops – greater mastiff bats
- Genus Myopterus – African free-tailed bats
- Genus Neoplatymops
- Genus Nyctinomops – New World free-tailed bats
- Genus Otomops – big-eared free-tailed bats
- Genus Platymops – Peters's flat-headed bat
- Genus Promops – domed-palate mastiff bats
- Genus Sauromys – Roberts's flat-headed bat
- Genus Tadarida – common free-tailed bats
- Subfamily Tomopeatinae
- Genus Tomopeas – blunt-eared bat
- Subfamily Molossinae
- Family Mormoopidae
- Genus Mormoops – ghost-faced bats
- Genus Pteronotus – mustached bats and naked-backed bats
- Family Mystacinidae – New Zealand short-tailed bats
- Genus Mystacina
- Family Myzopodidae – sucker-footed bats
- Genus Myzopoda
- Family Natalidae – funnel-eared bats
- Genus Chilonatalus
- Genus Natalus
- Genus Nyctiellus – Gervais's funnel-eared bat
- Genus †Primonatalus – Primonatalus prattae
- Family Noctilionidae – bulldog bats
- Genus Noctilio
- Family Nycteridae – hollow-faced bats
- Genus Nycteris
- Family Phyllostomidae – leaf-nosed bats
- Subfamily Brachyphyllinae
- Genus Brachyphylla
- Subfamily Carolliinae
- Genus Carollia – short-tailed leaf-nosed bats
- Genus Rhinophylla – little fruit bats
- Subfamily Desmodontinae – vampire bats
- Subfamily Glossophaginae
- Tribe Glossophagini
- Genus Anoura – Geoffroy's long-nosed bats
- Genus Choeroniscus
- Genus Choeronycteris – Mexican long-tongued bat
- Genus Dryadonycteris
- Genus Glossophaga – various long-tongued bats
- Genus Hylonycteris – Underwood's long-tongued bat
- Genus Leptonycteris – Saussure's long-nosed bats
- Genus Lichonycteris – dark long-tongued bat
- Genus Monophyllus – Antillean long-tongued bats
- Genus Musonycteris – banana bat
- Genus Scleronycteris – Ega long-tongued bat
- Tribe Lonchophyllini
- Genus Lionycteris – chestnut long-tongued bat
- Genus Lonchophylla – nectar bats
- Genus Platalina – long-snouted bat
- Genus Xeronycteris – Vieira's long-tongued bat
- Tribe Glossophagini
- Subfamily Phyllonycterinae
- Genus Erophylla – brown flower bats
- Genus Phyllonycteris – Jamaican flower bats
- Subfamily Phyllostominae
- Tribe Micronycterini
- Genus Glyphonycteris
- Genus Lampronycteris – yellow-throated big-eared bat
- Genus Macrotus – leaf-nosed bats
- Genus Micronycteris – little big-eared bats
- Genus Neonycteris – least big-eared bat
- Genus Trinycteris – Niceforo's big-eared bat
- Tribe Vampyrini
- Genus Chrotopterus – big-eared woolly bat
- Genus Lophostoma – some round-eared bats
- Genus Tonatia – more round-eared bats
- Genus Trachops – fringe-lipped bat
- Genus Vampyrum – spectral bat
- Tribe Lonchorhinini
- Genus Lonchorhina – sword-nosed bats
- Genus Macrophyllum – long-legged bat
- Genus Mimon – Gray's spear-nosed bats
- Tribe Phyllostomatini
- Genus Phylloderma – pale-faced bat
- Genus Phyllostomus – spear-nosed bats
- Tribe Micronycterini
- Subfamily Stenodermatinae
- Genus Ametrida – little white-shouldered bat
- Genus Ardops – tree bat
- Genus Ariteus – Jamaican fig-eating bat
- Genus Artibeus – Neotropical fruit bats
- Genus Centurio – wrinkle-faced bat
- Genus Chiroderma – big-eyed bats
- Genus Ectophylla – Honduran white bat
- Genus Enchisthenes – velvety fruit-eating bat
- Genus Mesophylla – MacConnell's bat
- Genus Phyllops – Cuban fig-eating bat
- Genus Platyrrhinus – broad-nosed bats
- Genus Pygoderma – Ipanema bat
- Genus Sphaeronycteris – visored bat
- Genus Stenoderma – red fruit bat
- Genus Sturnira – yellow-shouldered bats
- Genus Uroderma – tent-making bats
- Genus Vampyressa – yellow-eared bats
- Genus Vampyriscus – yellow-eared bats
- Genus Vampyrodes – great stripe-faced bat
- Subfamily Brachyphyllinae
- Family Thyropteridae – disk-winged bats
- Genus Thyroptera
- Family Cistugidae
- Genus Cistugo – wing-gland bats
- Family Vespertilionidae – vesper bats
- Subfamily Kerivoulinae
- Subfamily Murininae
- Genus Harpiocephalus – hairy-winged bats
- Genus Harpiola
- Genus Murina – tube-nosed insectivorous bats
- Subfamily Myotinae
- Genus Myotis – mouse-eared bats
- Genus Eudiscopus – disk-footed bat
- Genus Submyotodon – broad-muzzled bats
- Subfamily Vespertilioninae
- Tribe Antrozoini
- Tribe Eptesicini
- Genus Arielulus
- Genus Eptesicus – house bats
- Genus Glauconycteris – butterfly bats
- Genus Hesperoptenus – false serotine bats
- Genus Histiotus – big-eared brown bats
- Genus Ia – great evening bat
- Genus Lasionycteris – silver-haired bat
- Genus Scoteanax – Rüppell's broad-nosed bat
- Genus Scotomanes – harlequin bat
- Genus Scotorepens – lesser broad-nosed bats
- Genus Thainycteris
- Tribe Lasiurini
- Genus Aeorestes – hoary bats
- Genus Dasypterus – yellow bats
- Genus Lasiurus – hairy-tailed bats
- Tribe Nycticeiini
- Genus Nycticeius – evening bats
- Tribe Perimyotini
- Genus Parastrellus – western pipistrelle
- Genus Perimyotis – eastern pipistrelle
- Tribe Pipistrellini
- Genus Glischropus – thick-thumbed bats
- Genus Nyctalus – noctule bats
- Genus Pipistrellus – some of the pipistrelle bats
- Genus Scotoecus – house bats
- Genus Scotozous – Dormer's bat
- Genus Vansonia – Rüppell's pipistrelle
- Tribe Plecotini
- Genus Barbastella – barbastelles
- Genus Corynorhinus – American lump-nosed bats
- Genus Euderma – spotted bat
- Genus Idionycteris – Allen's big-eared bat
- Genus Otonycteris – desert long-eared bat
- Genus Plecotus – lump-nosed bats
- Tribe Scotophilini
- Genus Scotophilus – yellow bats
- Tribe Vespertilionini
- Genus Afronycteris
- Genus Cassistrellus – helmeted bats
- Genus Chalinolobus – wattled bats
- Genus Falsistrellus
- Genus Hypsugo – Asian pipistrelles
- Genus Laephotis – long-eared bats
- Genus Mimetillus – Moloney's mimic bat
- Genus Mirostrellus – Joffre's bat
- Genus Neoromicia
- Genus Nycticeinops – Schlieffen's bat
- Genus Nyctophilus – New Guinean and Australian big-eared bats
- Genus Pharotis – New Guinea big-eared bat
- Genus Pseudoromicia – Sub-Saharan vesper bats (serotines)
- Genus Philetor – Rohu's bat
- Genus Tylonycteris – bamboo bats
- Genus Vespadelus – includes forest bats
- Genus Vespertilio – frosted bats
- Tribe incertae sedis
- Genus Rhyneptesicus – Sind bat
Suborder Yinpterochiroptera
- Family Craseonycteridae – Kitti's hog-nosed bat (also known as the bumblebee bat)
- Genus Craseonycteris
- Family Hipposideridae – Old World leaf-nosed bats
- Genus Anthops – flower-faced bat
- Genus Asellia
- Genus Aselliscus – 3 trident bat species
- Genus Coelops – tailless leaf-nosed bats
- Genus Hipposideros – roundleaf bats
- Genus Macronycteris
- Family Megadermatidae – false vampire bats
- Genus Cardioderma – heart-nosed bat
- Genus Lavia – yellow-winged bat
- Genus Macroderma – ghost bat
- Genus Megaderma – lesser and greater false vampire bats
- Genus Eudiscoderma – Thongaree's disc-nosed bat
- Family Pteropodidae – megabats
- Subfamily Cynopterinae
- Genus Aethalops – pygmy fruit bats
- Genus Alionycteris – Mindanao pygmy fruit bat
- Genus Balionycteris – spot-winged fruit bat
- Genus Chironax – black-capped fruit bat
- Genus Cynopterus – short-nosed fruit bats
- Genus Dyacopterus – dayak fruit bats
- Genus Haplonycteris – Fischer's pygmy fruit bat
- Genus Latidens – Salim Ali's fruit bat
- Genus Megaerops
- Genus Otopteropus – Luzon fruit bat
- Genus Penthetor – dusky fruit bat
- Genus Ptenochirus – musky fruit bats
- Genus Sphaerias – Blanford's fruit bat
- Genus Thoopterus – swift fruit bat
- Subfamily Eidolinae
- Genus Eidolon – straw-colored fruit bats
- Subfamily Harpiyonycterinae
- Genus Aproteles – Bulmer's fruit bat
- Genus Boneia
- Genus Dobsonia – naked-backed fruit bats
- Genus Harpyionycteris – harpy fruit bats
- Subfamily Nyctimeninae
- Genus Nyctimene – tube-nosed fruit bats
- Genus Paranyctimene
- Subfamily Pteropodinae
- Genus Melonycteris
- Tribe Pteropodini
- Genus Acerodon
- Genus Pteralopex – monkey-faced bats
- Genus Pteropus – flying foxes
- Genus Styloctenium – stripe-faced fruit bats
- Subfamily Rousettinae
- Tribe Eonycterini
- Genus Eonycteris – dawn fruit bats
- Tribe Epomophorini
- Genus Epomophorus – epauletted fruit bats
- Genus Epomops – epauletted bats
- Genus Hypsignathus – hammer-headed bat
- Genus Micropteropus – dwarf epauletted bats
- Genus Nanonycteris – Veldkamp's dwarf epauletted fruit bat
- Tribe incertae sedis
- Genus Pilonycteris – Sulawesi fruit bat
- Tribe Myonycterini
- Genus Megaloglossus – Woermann's bat
- Genus Myonycteris – little collared fruit bats
- Tribe Plerotini
- Genus Plerotes – D'Anchieta's fruit bat
- Tribe Rousettini
- Genus Rousettus – rousette fruit bats
- Tribe Scotonycterini
- Genus Casinycteris – short-palated fruit bat
- Genus Scotonycteris
- Tribe Stenonycterini
- Genus Stenonycteris
- Tribe Eonycterini
- Subfamily incertae sedis
- Genus Notopteris – long-tailed fruit bats
- Genus Mirimiri – Fijian monkey-faced bat
- Genus Neopteryx – small-toothed fruit bat
- Genus Desmalopex – white-winged flying foxes
- Tribe Macroglossini
- Genus Macroglossus – long-tongued fruit bats
- Genus Syconycteris – blossom bats
- Subfamily Cynopterinae
- Family Rhinolophidae – horseshoe bats
- Genus Rhinolophus
- Family Rhinopomatidae – mouse-tailed bats
- Genus Rhinopoma
- Family Rhinonycteridae
- Genus Cloeotis – Percival's trident bat
- Genus Paratriaenops
- Genus Rhinonicteris – orange leaf-nosed bat
- Genus Triaenops
- Family Chlamyphoridae – fairy armadillos, giant armadillos, and more
- Subfamily Chlamyphorinae – fairy armadillos
- Genus Calyptophractus – greater fairy armadillo
- Genus Chlamyphorus – pink fairy armadillo
- Subfamily Euphractinae
- Genus Chaetophractus – hairy armadillo
- Genus Euphractus – six-banded armadillo
- Genus Zaedyus – pichi
- Subfamily Tolypeutinae
- Genus Cabassous – naked-tailed armadillos
- Genus Priodontes – giant armadillo
- Genus Tolypeutes – three-banded armadillos
- Subfamily Chlamyphorinae – fairy armadillos
- Family Dasypodidae
- Genus Dasypus – long-nosed armadillos
The order Dasyuromorphia (meaning "hairy tail") comprises most of the Australian carnivorous marsupials, including quolls, dunnarts, the numbat, the Tasmanian devil, and the thylacine. There are 73 living species in this order, 72 of which belong to the family Dasyuridae and the numbat, of the family Myrmecobiidae.
- Family Dasyuridae – sometimes known as marsupial mice
- Subfamily Dasyurinae
- Tribe Dasyurini
- Genus Dasycercus – mulgaras
- Genus Dasykaluta – little red kaluta
- Genus Dasyuroides – kowari
- Genus Dasyurus – quolls
- Genus Myoictis – three-striped dasyures
- Genus Neophascogale – speckled dasyures
- Genus Parantechinus – dibbler
- Genus Phascolosorex – marsupial shrews
- Genus Pseudantechinus – false antechinuses
- Genus Sarcophilus – Tasmanian devil
- Tribe Phascogalini
- Genus Antechinus – pouched mice
- Genus Micromurexia – Habbema dasyure
- Genus Murexechinus – black-tailed dasyure
- Genus Murexia – short-furred dasyure
- Genus Paramurexia – broad-striped dasyure
- Genus Phascomurexia – long-nosed dasyure
- Genus Phascogale – phascogales, or wambengers
- Tribe Dasyurini
- Subfamily Sminthopsinae
- Tribe Sminthopsini
- Genus Antechinomys – kultarr
- Genus Ningaui – ningauis
- Genus Sminthopsis – dunnarts
- Tribe Planigalini
- Genus Planigale – planigales
- Tribe Sminthopsini
- Subfamily Dasyurinae
- Family Myrmecobiidae
- Genus Myrmecobius – numbat
Colugos are arboreal gliding mammals found in Southeast Asia. Just two extant species, the Sunda flying lemur and the Philippine flying lemur, make up the entire order Dermoptera.
- Family Cynocephalidae – colugos, or flying lemurs
- Genus Cynocephalus – Philippine flying lemur
- Genus Galeopterus – Sunda flying lemur
Order Didelphimorphia is composed of 1 family and 18 genera.
- Family Didelphidae – opossum
- Subfamily Caluromyinae
- Genus Caluromys - wooly opossum
- Genus Caluromysiops - black-shouldered opossum
- Subfamily Glironiinae
- Genus Glironia - bushy-tailed opossum
- Subfamily Hyladelphinae
- Genus Hyladelphys - Kalinowski's mouse opossum
- Subfamily Didelphinae
- Tribe Metachirini
- Genus Metachirus - brown four-eyed opossum
- Tribe Didelphini
- Genus Chironectes - water opossum
- Genus Didelphis
- Genus Lutreolina - lutrine opossum
- Genus Philander - gray and black four-eyed opossum
- Tribe Marmosini
- Genus Marmosa - mouse opossum
- Genus Monodelphis - short-tailed opossum
- Genus Tlacuatzin - grayish mouse opossum
- Tribe Thylamyini
- Genus Chacodelphys - Chacoan pygmy opossum
- Genus Cryptonanus
- Genus Gracilinanus - gracile opossum
- Genus Lestodelphys - Patagonian opossum
- Genus Marmosops - slender opossum
- Genus Thylamys - fat-tailed mouse opossum
- Tribe Metachirini
- Subfamily Caluromyinae
Suborder Vombatiformes
- Family Vombatidae
- Genus Lasiorhinus - hairy-nosed wombat
- Genus Vombatus - common wombat
- Family Phascolarctidae
- Genus Phascolarctos - koala
Suborder Phalangeriformes
- Superfamily Phalangeroidea
- Family Phalangeridae
- Genus Ailurops - bear cuscus
- Genus Phalanger - cuscus
- Genus Spilocuscus - cuscus
- Genus Strigocuscus - cuscus
- Genus Trichosurus - brushtail possum
- Genus Wyulda - scaly-tailed possum
- Family Burramyidae
- Genus Burramys
- Genus Cercartetus - pygmy possums
- Family Phalangeridae
- Superfamily Petauroidea
- Family Tarsipedidae
- Genus Tarsipes - honey possum
- Family Petauridae
- Genus Dactylopsila
- Genus Gymnobelideus - Leadbeater's possum
- Genus Petaurus - gliders
- Family Pseudocheiridae
- Genus Hemibelideus - lemur-like ringtail possum
- Genus Petauroides - greater glider
- Genus Pseudocheirus - common ringtail possum
- Genus Pseudochirops - ringtail possum
- Genus Pseudochirulus - ringtail possum
- Family Acrobatidae
- Genus Acrobates - feathertail glider
- Genus Distoechurus - feather-tailed possum
- Family Tarsipedidae
Suborder Macropodiformes
- Family Macropodidae
- Genus Dendrolagus - tree-kangaroo
- Genus Dorcopsis
- Genus Dorcopsulus
- Genus Lagorchestes - hare-wallaby
- Genus Lagostrophus - banded hare-wallaby
- Genus Macropus - gray kangaroos
- Genus Osphranter - red kangaroo, antilopine kangaroo, wallaroos
- Genus Notamacropus - wallabies
- Genus Onychogalea - nail-tail wallaby
- Genus Setonix - quokka
- Genus Thylogale - pademelons
- Genus Wallabia - swamp wallaby
- Family Potoroidae
- Genus Aepyprymnus - rufous rat-kangaroo
- Genus Bettongia - bettong
- Genus Potorous - potoroo
- Family Hypsiprymnodontidae
- Genus Hypsiprymnodon - musky rat-kangaroo
- Family Erinaceidae - hedgehog
- Genus Atelerix
- Genus Echinosorex - moonrat
- Genus Erinaceus
- Genus Hemiechinus
- Genus Hylomys - gymnure
- Genus Mesechinus
- Genus Neohylomys - Hainan gymnure
- Genus Neotetracus - shrew gymnure
- Genus Paraechinus
- Genus Podogymnura
- Family Soricidae - shrew
- Genus Anourosorex - Asian mole shrew
- Genus Blarina - American short-tailed shrew
- Genus Blarinella
- Genus Chimarrogale - Asiatic water shrew
- Genus Chodsigoa
- Genus Congosorex - Congo shrew
- Genus Crocidura - white-toothed shrew
- Genus Cryptotis - small-eared shrew
- Genus Diplomesodon - piebald shrew
- Genus Episoriculus - brown-toothed shrew
- Genus Feroculus - Kelaart's long-clawed shrew
- Genus Megasorex - Mexican shrew
- Genus Myosorex - mouse shrew
- Genus Nectogale - elegant water shrew
- Genus Neomys
- Genus Notiosorex
- Genus Paracrocidura - large-headed shrew
- Genus Ruwenzorisorex - Ruwenzori shrew
- Genus Scutisorex
- Genus Solisorex - Pearson's long-clawed shrew
- Genus Sorex
- Genus Soriculus - Himalayan shrew
- Genus Suncus
- Genus Surdisorex
- Genus Sylvisorex - forest shrew
- Family Talpidae - mole
- Genus Condylura - star-nosed mole
- Genus Desmana - Russian desman
- Genus Dymecodon - True's shrew mole
- Genus Euroscaptor
- Genus Galemys - Pyrenean desman
- Genus Mogera
- Genus Neurotrichus
- Genus Parascalops hairy-tailed mole
- Genus Parascaptor - white-tailed mole
- Genus Scalopus - eastern mole
- Genus Scapanulus - Gansu mole
- Genus Scapanus
- Genus Scaptochirus - short-faced mole
- Genus Scaptonyx - long-tailed mole
- Genus Talpa
- Genus Uropsilus
- Genus Urotrichus - Japanese shrew mole
- Family Solenodontidae
- Family Procaviidae
- Genus Dendrohyrax - tree hyrax
- Genus Heterohyrax - yellow-spotted rock hyrax
- Genus Procavia - rock hyrax
- Family Leporidae
- Genus Brachylagus - pygmy rabbit
- Genus Bunolagus - riverine rabbit
- Genus Caprolagus - hispid hare
- Genus Lepus - hare
- Genus Nesolagus - striped rabbit
- Genus Oryctolagus - European rabbit
- Genus Pentalagus - Amami rabbit
- Genus Poelagus - Bunyoro rabbit
- Genus Pronolagus - red rock hare
- Genus Romerolagus - volcano rabbit
- Genus Sylvilagus - cottontail rabbit
- Family Ochotonidae
- Family Macroscelididae - elephant shrew
- Genus Elephantulus
- Genus Galegeeska
- Genus Macroscelides
- Genus Petrodromus
- Genus Petrosaltator
- Genus Rhynchocyon
- Family Microbiotheriidae
- Genus Dromiciops - monito del monte
- Family Ornithorhynchidae
- Genus Ornithorhynchus - platypus
- Family Tachyglossidae – echidna
- Genus Tachyglossus - short-beaked echidna
- Genus Zaglossus long-beaked echidna
- Family Notoryctidae
- Genus Notoryctes - marsupial mole
- Family Caenolestidae
- Genus Caenolestes - common shrew opossums
- Genus Lestoros - Incan caenolestid
- Genus Rhyncholestes - long-nosed caenolestid
- Family Peramelidae
- Subfamily Echymiperinae
- Genus Echymipera - New Guinean spiny bandicoot
- Genus Microperoryctes - New Guinean mouse bandicoot
- Genus Rhynchomeles - Seram bandicoot
- Subfamily Peramelinae
- Subfamily Peroryctinae
- Genus Peroryctes - New Guinean long-nosed bandicoot
- Subfamily Echymiperinae
- Family Thylacomyidae
- Genus Macrotis - bilbie
Suborder Hippomorpha
Suborder Ceratomorpha
- Family Rhinocerotidae
- Tribe Dicerotini
- Genus Ceratotherium - white rhinoceros
- Genus Dicerorhinus - two-horned Sumatran rhinoceros
- Genus Diceros - black rhinoceros
- Tribe Rhinocerotini
- Genus Rhinoceros - one-horned rhinoceros
- Tribe Dicerotini
- Family Tapiridae
- Genus Tapirus - South American tapirs
- Family Manidae - pangolin
- Genus Manis
- Genus Phataginus
- Genus Smutsia
Suborder Vermilingua
- Family Cyclopedidae
- Genus Cyclopes - silky anteater
- Family Myrmecophagidae
- Genus Myrmecophaga - giant anteater
- Genus Tamandua[4]
Suborder Folivora
- Family Bradypodidae
- Genus Bradypus three-toed sloths
- Family Choloepodidae
- Genus Choloepus two-toed sloths
Suborder Haplorhini
- Infraorder Simiiformes
- Parvorder Catarrhini - Old World monkey
- Superfamily Cercopithecoidea
- Family Cercopithecidae
- Subfamily Cercopithecinae
- Tribe Cercopithecini
- Genus Allenopithecus - Allen's swamp monkey
- Genus Allochrocebus
- Genus Cercopithecus
- Genus Chlorocebus
- Genus Erythrocebus
- Genus Miopithecus - talapoins
- Tribe Papionini
- Genus Cercocebus - white-eyelid mangabeys
- Genus Lophocebus - crested mangabeys
- Genus Macaca - macaques
- Genus Mandrillus - drill and mandrill
- Genus Papio - baboons
- Genus Rungwecebus - kipunji
- Genus Theropithecus - gelada
- Tribe Cercopithecini
- Subfamily Colobinae
- Genus Colobus - black-and-white colobuses
- Genus Piliocolobus - red colobuses
- Genus Presbytis - surilis
- Genus Nasalis - proboscis monkey
- Genus Procolobus - olive colobus
- Genus Pygathrix - doucs
- Genus Rhinopithecus - snub-nosed monkeys
- Genus Semnopithecus - gray langurs
- Genus Simias - pig-tailed langur
- Genus Trachypithecus - lutungs
- Subfamily Cercopithecinae
- Family Cercopithecidae
- Superfamily Hominoidea
- Family Hominidae
- Family Hylobatidae - gibbon
- Genus Hoolock - hoolock gibbons
- Genus Hylobates
- Genus Nomascus
- Genus Symphalangus - siamang
- Superfamily Cercopithecoidea
- Parvorder Platyrrhini - New World monkey
- Family Aotidae
- Genus Aotus - night monkey
- Family Atelidae
- Subfamily Alouattinae
- Genus Alouatta - howler monkey
- Subfamily Atelinae
- Genus Ateles - spider monkey
- Genus Brachyteles - muriqui
- Genus Lagothrix - woolly monkey
- Subfamily Alouattinae
- Family Callitrichidae
- Genus Callimico - Goeldi's marmoset
- Genus Callithrix
- Genus Cebuella - pygmy marmosets
- Genus Leontocebus - saddle-back tamarins
- Genus Leontopithecus - lion tamarin
- Genus Mico
- Genus Saguinus - tamarins
- Family Cebidae
- Subfamily Cebinae
- Subfamily Saimirinae
- Genus Saimiri - squirrel monkeys
- Family Pitheciidae
- Subfamily Callicebinae
- Genus Callicebus
- Genus Cheracebus
- Genus Plecturocebus
- Subfamily Pitheciinae
- Genus Cacajao - uakaris
- Genus Chiropotes - bearded sakis
- Genus Pithecia - sakis
- Subfamily Callicebinae
- Family Aotidae
- Parvorder Catarrhini - Old World monkey
- Infraorder Tarsiiformes
- Family Tarsiidae
- Genus Carlito - Philippine tarsier
- Genus Cephalopachus - Horsfield's tarsier
- Genus Tarsius - tarsier
- Family Tarsiidae
Suborder Strepsirrhini
- Infraorder Lemuriformes
- Superfamily Lemuroidea
- Family Cheirogaleidae
- Genus Allocebus - hairy-eared dwarf lemur
- Genus Cheirogaleus - dwarf lemur
- Genus Microcebus - mouse lemur
- Genus Mirza - giant mouse lemur
- Genus Phaner - fork-marked lemur
- Family Daubentoniidae
- Genus Daubentonia - aye-aye
- Family Indriidae
- Genus Avahi - wooly lemur
- Genus Indri
- Genus Propithecus - sifaka
- Family Lemuridae
- Family Lepilemuridae
- Genus Lepilemur - sportive lemur
- Family Cheirogaleidae
- Superfamily Lorisoidea
- Family Galagidae
- Genus Euoticus - needle-clawed bushbabies
- Genus Galago - lesser bushbabies
- Genus Galagoides - western dwarf galagos
- Genus Otolemur - greater galago
- Genus Paragalago - eastern dwarf galagos
- Genus Scuirocheirus - squirrel galagos
- Family Lorisidae
- Subfamily Lorinae
- Genus Loris - slender lorises
- Genus Nycticebus - slow lorises
- Genus Xanthonycticebus - pygmy slow loris
- Subfamily Perodicticinae
- Genus Arctocebus - angwantibos
- Genus Perodicticus - pottos
- Genus Pseudopotto - false potto
- Subfamily Lorinae
- Family Galagidae
- Superfamily Lemuroidea
- Family Elephantidae
Suborder Anomaluromorpha
- Family Anomaluridae
- Genus Anomalurus - scaly-tailed squirrel
- Genus Idiurus - flying mouse
- Family Pedetidae
- Genus Pedetes
- Family Zenkerellidae
- Genus Zenkerella - Cameroon scaly-tail
Suborder Castorimorpha
- Family Castoridae
- Genus Castor - beavers
- Family Geomyidae - pocket gopher
- Genus Cratogeomys
- Genus Geomys
- Genus Orthogeomys
- Genus Pappogeomys
- Genus Thomomys - smooth-toothed pocket gopher
- Genus Zygogeomys - Michoacan pocket gopher
- Family Heteromyidae - pocket mouse
- Genus Dipodomys - kangaroo rat
- Genus Heteromys
- Genus Chaetodipus
- Genus Perognathus
Suborder Hystricomorpha
- Family Ctenodactylidae
- Genus Ctenodactylus
- Genus Felovia - felou gundi
- Genus Massoutiera - Mzab gundi
- Genus Pectinator - Speke's pectinator
- Family Diatomyidae
- Genus Laonastes - Laotian rock rat
- Family Caviidae
- Genus Cavia - guinea pigs
- Genus Dolichotis - mara
- Genus Galea - yellow-toothed cavy
- Genus Hydrochoerus
- Genus Kerodon
- Genus Microcavia - mountain cavy
- Family Cuniculidae
- Genus Cuniculus - pacas
- Family Dasyproctidae
- Genus Dasyprocta - agouti
- Genus Myoprocta - acouchi
- Family Abrocomidae
- Family Chinchillidae
- Genus Chinchilla
- Genus Lagidium
- Genus Lagostomus
- Family Dinomyidae
- Genus Dinomys - pacarana
- Family Erethizontidae
- Family Ctenomyidae
- Genus Ctenomys - tuco-tuco
- Family Echimyidae
- Genus Callistomys - painted tree-rat
- Genus Carterodon - Owl's spiny rat
- Genus Clyomys
- Genus Dactylomys - bamboo-rat
- Genus Diplomys - soft-furred spiny rat
- Genus Echimys
- Genus Euryzygomatomys - guiara
- Genus Hoplomys - armored rat
- Genus Isothrix - brush-tailed rat
- Genus Kannabateomys - Atlantic bamboo rat
- Genus Lonchothrix - tuft-tailed spiny tree-rat
- Genus Makalata
- Genus Mesomys - spiny tree-rat
- Genus Myocastor - coypu
- Genus Olallamys
- Genus Pattonomys
- Genus Phyllomys
- Genus Proechimys
- Genus Thrichomys - punaré
- Genus Toromys - giant tree-rat
- Genus Trinomys - Atlantic spiny rat
- Genus Capromys - Desmarest's hutia
- Genus Geocapromys - Bahamian and Jamaican hutias
- Genus Mesocapromys - dwarf hutias
- Genus Mysateles
- Genus Plagiodontia - Hispaniolan hutia
- Family Octodontidae
- Genus Aconaemys - rock rat
- Genus Octodon
- Genus Octodontomys - mountain degu
- Genus Octomys - mountain viscacha rat
- Genus Pipanacoctomys - golden viscacha rat
- Genus Spalacopus - coruro
- Genus Tympanoctomys - Chalchalero viscacha rat
- Family Bathyergidae - mole-rat
- Genus Bathyergus
- Genus Cryptomys
- Genus Fukomys
- Genus Georychus - Cape mole-rat
- Genus Heliophobius - silvery mole-rat
- Family Heterocephalidae
- Genus Heterocephalus - naked mole-rat
- Family Hystricidae
- Family Petromuridae
- Genus Petromus - dassie rat
- Family Thryonomyidae
- Genus Thryonomys - cane rat
Suborder Myomorpha
- Family Dipodidae - jerboa and jumping mouse
- Genus Dipodidae
- Genus Allactaga
- Genus Allactodipus - Bobrinski's jerboa
- Genus Cardiocranius - five-toed pygmy jerboa
- Genus Dipus - northern three-toed jerboa
- Genus Eremodipus - Lichtenstein's jerboa
- Genus Euchoreutes - long-eared jerboa
- Genus Jaculus
- Genus Microdipodops - kangaroo mouse
- Genus Paradipus - comb-toed jerboa
- Genus Pygeretmus - fat-tailed jerboa
- Genus Salpingotulus - Baluchistan pygmy jerboa
- Genus Salpingotus
- Genus Stylodipus - three-toed jerboa
- Family Sminthidae
- Genus Sicista - birch mouse
- Family Zapodidae
- Genus Napaeozapus - woodland jumping mouse
- Genus Eozapus - Chinese jumping mouse
- Genus Zapus
- Family Calomyscidae
- Genus Calomyscus - mouse-like hamster
- Family Cricetidae
- Genus Abrawayaomys - Ruschi's rat
- Genus Abrothrix
- Genus Aegialomys
- Genus Aepeomys - montane mouse
- Genus Akodon - South American grass mouse
- Genus Allocricetulus - hamster
- Genus Alticola - vole
- Genus Amphinectomys - Ucayali water rat
- Genus Andalgalomys - chaco mouse
- Genus Andinomys - Andean mouse
- Genus Anotomys - aquatic rat
- Genus Arborimus - tree vole
- Genus Arvicola - water vole
- Genus Auliscomys - big-eared mouse
- Genus Baiomys - pygmy mouse
- Genus Bibimys - crimson-nosed rat
- Genus Blanfordimys - vole
- Genus Blarinomys - Brazilian shrew mouse
- Genus Brucepattersonius - brucie
- Genus Calomys - vesper mouse
- Genus Cansumys - Gansu hamster
- Genus Caryomys
- Genus Cerradomys
- Genus Chelemys
- Genus Chibchanomys - water mouse
- Genus Chilomys - Colombian forest mouse
- Genus Chinchillula - Altiplano chinchilla mouse
- Genus Chionomys - snow vole
- Genus Clethrionomys
- Genus Craseomys
- Genus Cricetulus
- Genus Cricetus - European hamster
- Genus Delomys - forest rat
- Genus Deltamys - Kemp's grass mouse
- Genus Dicrostonyx - collared lemming
- Genus Dinaromys - Balkan snow vole
- Genus Drymoreomys
- Genus Eligmodontia
- Genus Ellobius - mole vole
- Genus Eolagurus
- Genus Eothenomys
- Genus Eremoryzomys - gray rice rat
- Genus Euneomys - chinchilla mouse
- Genus Euryoryzomys
- Genus Galenomys - Garlepp's mouse
- Genus Geoxus
- Genus Geoxus - Pearson's long-clawed akodont
- Genus Graomys - leaf-eared mouse
- Genus Habromys - deer mouse
- Genus Handleyomys
- Genus Hodomys - Allen's woodrat
- Genus Holochilus - marsh rat
- Genus Hylaeamys
- Genus Hyperacrius
- Genus Ichthyomys - crab-eating rat
- Genus Irenomys
- Genus Isthmomys - isthmus rat
- Genus Juliomys
- Genus Juscelinomys
- Genus Kunsia
- Genus Lagurus
- Genus Lasiopodomys
- Genus Lemmiscus - sagebrush vole
- Genus Lemmus - true lemming
- Genus Lenoxus - Andean rat
- Genus Loxodontomys
- Genus Lundomys
- Genus Megadontomys - giant deer mouse
- Genus Melanomys
- Genus Mesocricetus - golden hamster
- Genus Microakodontomys - transitional colilargo
- Genus Microryzomys
- Genus Microtus
- Genus Mindomys
- Genus Myopus - wood lemming
- Genus Neacomys
- Genus Necromys
- Genus Nectomys
- Genus Nelsonia - wood rat
- Genus Neodon
- Genus Neofiber - round-tailed muskrat
- Genus Neotoma - pack rat
- Genus Neotomodon - Mexican volcano mouse
- Genus Neotomys - Andean swamp rat
- Genus Nephelomys
- Genus Nesoryzomys
- Genus Neusticomys - fish-eating rat
- Genus Notiomys
- Genus Nyctomys - Sumichrast's vesper rat
- Genus Ochrotomys - golden mouse
- Genus Oecomys
- Genus Oligoryzomys
- Genus Ondatra - muskrat
- Genus Onychomys - grasshopper mouse
- Genus Oreoryzomys
- Genus Oryzomys
- Genus Osgoodomys - Michoacan deer mouse
- Genus Otonyctomys - Hatt's vesper rat
- Genus Ototylomys - big-eared climbing rat
- Genus Oxymycterus - hocicudo
- Genus Peromyscus - deer mouse
- Genus Phaenomys - Rio de Janeiro arboreal rat
- Genus Phaiomys - Blyth's vole
- Genus Phenacomys - heather vole
- Genus Phodopus
- Genus Phyllotis - gerbil leaf-eared mouse
- Genus Phyllotis - leaf-eared mouse
- Genus Podomys - Florida mouse
- Genus Podoxymys - Roraima mouse
- Genus Proedromys
- Genus Prometheomys - long-clawed mole vole
- Genus Pseudoryzomys - Brazilian false rice rat
- Genus Punomys - puna mouse
- Genus Reithrodon
- Genus Reithrodontomys - harvest mouse
- Genus Rhagomys - arboreal mouse
- Genus Rheomys - water mouse
- Genus Rhipidomys - climbing mouse
- Genus Salinomys - delicate salt flat mouse
- Genus Scapteromys
- Genus Scolomys
- Genus Scotinomys
- Genus Sigmodon - cotton rat
- Genus Sigmodontomys
- Genus Sooretamys - rat-headed rice rat
- Genus Synaptomys - bog lemming
- Genus Tanyuromys
- Genus Tapecomys - primordial tapecua
- Genus Thalpomys - cerrado mouse
- Genus Thaptomys - blackish grass mouse
- Genus Thomasomys - Oldfield mouse
- Genus Transandinomys
- Genus Tscherskia - greater long-tailed hamster
- Genus Tylomys - climbing rat
- Genus Volemys
- Genus Wiedomys - red-nosed mouse
- Genus Wilfredomys - greater Wilfred's mouse
- Genus Xenomys - Magdalena rat
- Genus Zygodontomys
- Family Muridae
- Genus Abditomys - Luzon broad-toothed rat
- Genus Abeomelomys - highland brush mouse
- Genus Acomys - spiny mouse
- Genus Aethomys - rock rat
- Genus Ammodillus - ammodile
- Genus Anisomys - squirrel-toothed rat
- Genus Anonymomys - Mindoro climbing rat
- Genus Apodemus - Eurasian field mouse
- Genus Apomys - earthworm mice
- Genus Archboldomys - shrew-mice
- Genus Arvicanthis - grass rat
- Genus Baiyankamys
- Genus Bandicota - bandicoot rat
- Genus Batomys - hairy-tailed rat
- Genus Berylmys - white-toothed rat
- Genus Brachiones - Przewalski's gerbil
- Genus Bullimus
- Genus Bunomys - hill rat
- Genus Carpomys - Luzon tree rat
- Genus Chiromyscus - Fea's tree rat
- Genus Chiropodomys - pencil-tailed tree mouse
- Genus Chiruromys
- Genus Chrotomys
- Genus Coccymys
- Genus Colomys - African wading rat
- Genus Conilurus - rabbit rat
- Genus Crateromys
- Genus Cremnomys
- Genus Crossomys - earless water rat
- Genus Crunomys - shrew-rat
- Genus Dacnomys - Millard's rat
- Genus Dasymys
- Genus Deomys - link rat
- Genus Dephomys
- Genus Desmodilliscus - pouched gerbil
- Genus Desmodillus - Cape short-eared gerbil
- Genus Desmomys
- Genus Diomys - Crump's mouse
- Genus Diplothrix - Ryukyu long-tailed giant rat
- Genus Dipodillus
- Genus Echiothrix
- Genus Eropeplus - Sulawesi soft-furred rat
- Genus Gerbilliscus
- Genus Gerbillurus - hairy-footed gerbil
- Genus Gerbillus
- Genus Golunda - Indian bush rat
- Genus Grammomys - thicket rat
- Genus Hadromys
- Genus Haeromys - ranee mouse
- Genus Hapalomys - marmoset rat
- Genus Heimyscus - African smoky mouse
- Genus Hybomys - striped mouse
- Genus Hydromys
- Genus Hylomyscus - wood mouse
- Genus Hyomys - white-eared giant rats
- Genus Kadarsanomys - Sody's tree rat
- Genus Komodomys - Komodo rat
- Genus Lamottemys - Mount Oku rat
- Genus Leggadina
- Genus Leimacomys - Togo mouse
- Genus Lemniscomys - striped grass mouse
- Genus Lenomys - trefoil-toothed giant rat
- Genus Lenothrix - gray tree rat
- Genus Leopoldamys - long-tailed giant rat
- Genus Leporillus - stick-nest rat
- Genus Leptomys
- Genus Limnomys - mountain rat
- Genus Lophiomys - maned rat
- Genus Lophuromys - brush-furred mouse
- Genus Lorentzimys - New Guinean jumping mouse
- Genus Macruromys - small-toothed rat
- Genus Madromys - Blanford's rat
- Genus Malacomys - swamp rat
- Genus Mallomys - woolly rat
- Genus Mammelomys - mosaic-tailed rat
- Genus Margaretamys - margareta rat
- Genus Mastacomys - broad-toothed mouse
- Genus Mastomys - multimammate mouse
- Genus Maxomys - spiny rat
- Genus Melasmothrix - Sulawesian shrew rat
- Genus Melomys - mosaic-tailed rat
- Genus Meriones - jird
- Genus Mesembriomys - tree rat
- Genus Microdillus - Somali pygmy gerbil
- Genus Microhydromys - groove-toothed moss mouse
- Genus Micromys
- Genus Millardia - soft-furred rat
- Genus Mirzamys - moss rat
- Genus Muriculus - Ethiopian striped mouse
- Genus Mus
- Genus Musseromys
- Genus Mylomys
- Genus Myomyscus
- Genus Myotomys - vlei rat
- Genus Nesokia - short-tailed bandicoot rat
- Genus Nesoromys - Ceram rat
- Genus Nilopegamys - Ethiopian amphibious rat
- Genus Niviventer
- Genus Notomys - hopping mouse
- Genus Oenomys - rufous-nosed rat
- Genus Otomys - vlei rat
- Genus Pachyuromys - fat-tailed gerbil
- Genus Palawanomys - Palawan soft-furred mountain rat
- Genus Papagomys
- Genus Parahydromys - New Guinea waterside rat
- Genus Paraleptomys - water rat
- Genus Paramelomys
- Genus Parotomys - whistling rat
- Genus Paruromys - Sulawesi giant rat
- Genus Paucidentomys
- Genus Paulamys - Flores long-nosed rat
- Genus Pelomys - groove-toothed swamp rat
- Genus Phloeomys - cloud rat
- Genus Pithecheir - tree rat
- Genus Pithecheirops
- Genus Pogonomelomys
- Genus Pogonomys
- Genus Praomys
- Genus Protochromys - red-bellied mosaic-tailed rat
- Genus Psammomys
- Genus Pseudohydromys
- Genus Pseudomys
- Genus Rattus
- Genus Rhabdomys
- Genus Rhombomys - great gerbil
- Genus Rhynchomys - shrewlike rat
- Genus Saxatilomys - Paulina's limestone rat
- Genus Sekeetamys - bushy-tailed jird
- Genus Solomys
- Genus Sommeromys - Sommer's Sulawesi rat
- Genus Srilankamys - Ohiya rat
- Genus Stenocephalemys
- Genus Stochomys - target rat
- Genus Sundamys
- Genus Taeromys
- Genus Tarsomys - long-footed rat
- Genus Tateomys
- Genus Tatera - Indian gerbil
- Genus Taterillus
- Genus Thallomys
- Genus Thamnomys - thicket rat
- Genus Tokudaia
- Genus Tonkinomys - Daovantien's limestone rat
- Genus Tryphomys - Luzon short-nosed rat
- Genus Uranomys - Rudd's mouse
- Genus Uromys
- Genus Vandeleuria
- Genus Vernaya
- Genus Waiomys
- Genus Xenuromys - mimic tree rat
- Genus Xeromys - false water rat
- Genus Zelotomys - broad-headed mouse
- Genus Zyzomys
- Family Nesomyidae
- Genus Beamys - hamster-rat
- Genus Brachytarsomys - antsangy
- Genus Brachyuromys - short-tailed rat
- Genus Cricetomys - giant pouched rat
- Genus Delanymys - Delany's mouse
- Genus Dendromus - climbing mouse
- Genus Dendroprionomys - velvet climbing mouse
- Genus Eliurus - tufted-tailed rat
- Genus Gymnuromys - voalavoanala
- Genus Hypogeomys - Malagasy giant rat
- Genus Macrotarsomys - big-footed mouse
- Genus Malacothrix - gerbil mouse
- Genus Megadendromus - Nikolaus's mouse
- Genus Monticolomys - Malagasy mountain mouse
- Genus Mystromys - white-tailed rat
- Genus Nesomys
- Genus Petromyscus - rock mouse
- Genus Prionomys - Dollman's tree mouse
- Genus Saccostomus - pouched mouse
- Genus Steatomys - fat mouse
- Family Platacanthomyidae
- Genus Platacanthomys - Malabar spiny dormouse
- Genus Typhlomys - Chinese pygmy dormouse
- Family Spalacidae
Suborder Sciuromorpha
- Family Aplodontiidae
- Genus Aplodontia - mountain beaver
- Family Gliridae
- Genus Chaetocauda - Chinese dormouse
- Genus Dryomys
- Genus Eliomys
- Genus Glirulus - Japanese dormouse
- Genus Glis - edible dormouse
- Genus Graphiurus - African dormouse
- Genus Muscardinus - hazel dormouse
- Genus Myomimus - mouse-tailed dormouse
- Genus Selevinia - desert dormouse
- Family Sciuridae
- Genus Aeretes - groove-toothed flying squirrel
- Genus Aeromys - large black flying squirrel
- Genus Ammospermophilus - antelope squirrel
- Genus Atlantoxerus - Barbary ground squirrel
- Genus Belomys - hairy-footed flying squirrel
- Genus Biswamoyopterus - Namdapha flying squirrel
- Genus Callosciurus
- Genus Cynomys - prairie dog
- Genus Dremomys - red-cheeked squirrel
- Genus Eoglaucomys - Kashmir flying squirrel
- Genus Epixerus
- Genus Eupetaurus - woolly flying squirrel
- Genus Eutamias
- Genus Exilisciurus - pygmy squirrel
- Genus Funambulus - palm squirrel
- Genus Funisciurus - African striped squirrels
- Genus Glaucomys - New World flying squirrel
- Genus Glyphotes - sculptor squirrel
- Genus Heliosciurus - sun squirrel
- Genus Hylopetes
- Genus Hyosciurus - long-nosed squirrel
- Genus Iomys
- Genus Lariscus
- Genus Marmota - marmot
- Genus Menetes - Berdmore's ground squirrel
- Genus Microsciurus - dwarf squirrel
- Genus Myosciurus - African pygmy squirrel
- Genus Nannosciurus - black-eared squirrel
- Genus Neotamias
- Genus Notocitellus
- Genus Otospermophilus
- Genus Paraxerus - African bush squirrel
- Genus Petaurillus - pygmy flying squirrel
- Genus Petaurista - giant flying squirrel
- Genus Petinomys
- Genus Poliocitellus - Franklin's ground squirrel
- Genus Priapomys - Himalayan large-eared flying squirrel
- Genus Prosciurillus
- Genus Protoxerus - African giant squirrel
- Genus Pteromys - Old World flying squirrel
- Genus Pteromyscus - smoky flying squirrel
- Genus Ratufa - oriental giant squirrel
- Genus Rheithrosciurus - tufted ground squirrel
- Genus Rhinosciurus - shrew-faced squirrel
- Genus Rubrisciurus - red-bellied squirrel
- Genus Sciurillus - Neotropical pygmy squirrel
- Genus Sciurotamias
- Genus Sciurus
- Genus Spermophilopsis - long-clawed ground squirrel
- Genus Spermophilus
- Genus Sundasciurus
- Genus Syntheosciurus - Bangs's mountain squirrel
- Genus Tamias
- Genus Tamiasciurus - pine squirrels
- Genus Tamiops - Asiatic striped squirrel
- Genus Trogopterus - complex-toothed flying squirrel
- Genus Xerospermophilus
- Genus Xerus - African ground squirrel
In the past, various authors proposed to place treeshrews in the ordinal rank Insectivora, or considered them close relatives of primates. Since 1972, the treeshrew families Tupaiidae and Ptilocercidae are grouped in the order Scandentia.
- Family Ptilocercidae
- Genus Ptilocercus - pen-tailed treeshrew
- Family Tupaiidae
- Genus Anathana - Madras treeshrew
- Genus Dendrogale - smooth-tailed treeshrew
- Genus Tupaia
- Family Dugongidae
- Genus Dugong - dugong
- Family Trichechidae
- Genus Trichechus - manatees
- Family Orycteropodidae
- Genus Orycteropus - aardvark
See also
- List of placental mammals - species list
- List of monotremes and marsupials - species list
- Mammal classification
- Lists of mammals by population
- ^ "Tree of Life Web Project". Retrieved 2014-02-23.
- ^ Gatesy, John (2009). Hedges, S. Blair; Sudhir, Kumar (eds.). Whales and even-toed ungulates (Cetartiodactyla) in The Timetree of Life (PDF). Oxford Biology. pp. 511–515. Retrieved 22 April 2020.
- ^ Groves, Colin; Grubb, Peter (2011). Ungulate Taxonomy. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-1421400938.
- ^ "". Retrieved 2014-02-23.