The number of species in the order Diptera (true flies) known to occur in Ireland is 3,304. There are 98 Dipteran families in Ireland. [1][2] For genera and species within the various Families, see Fauna Europaea.

Suborder Nematocera (thread-horns)

Superfamily Tipuloidea

Dolichopeza albipes, a common crane fly
Eloeophila maculata
Tipula unca


Superfamily Bibionoidea (march flies and lovebugs)

St. Mark's fly (Bibio marci)

Superfamily Sciaroidea

Superfamily Psychodoidea (moth fly)

Superfamily Trichoceroidea (winter crane flies)

Superfamily Anisopodoidea (wood gnats, window gnats)

Superfamily Scatopsoidea

Superfamily Ptychopteroidea

Superfamily Culicoidea

Anopheles claviger

Superfamily Chironomoidea

Male Ceratopogonidae (biting midge)
Male buzzer midge (Chironomus plumosus)

Suborder Brachycera (flies with reduced antenna segmentation)

For Superfamilies Xylophagoidea, Tabanoidea, Stratiomyoidea, Nemestrinoidea, Asiloidea for which the listing given is complete see List of Diptera of Ireland Superfamilies Xylophagoidea, Tabanoidea, Stratiomyoidea, Nemestrinoidea, Asiloidea

Superfamily Empidoidea

Superfamily Platypezoidea

Superfamily Lonchopteroidea (spear-winged flies or pointed-wing flies)

Superfamily Syrphoidea

Female Arctophila superbiens, a common hoverfly.
Female Baccha elongata
Female Eristalis tenax
  • Syrphidae (hoverflies, flower flies) 183 species

see List of the Syrphidae of Ireland

Superfamily Nerioidea

Superfamily Diopsoidea

Superfamily Conopoidea (thick-headed flies)

Superfamily Tephritoidea

Superfamily Lauxanioidea

Superfamily Sciomyzidea

Superfamily Opomyzoidea

Superfamily Carnoidea

Superfamily Sphaeroceroidea

Superfamily Ephydroidea

Superfamily Hippoboscoidea

Superfamily Muscoidea

Superfamily Oestroidea

Identification and descriptions, line drawings

Faune de France Bibliotheque-virtuelle-numerique Titles available as free pdf

  • Séguy, E., 1923. Diptères Anthomyides. 393 p., 813 fig. Faune n° 6
  • Pierre, C., 1924. Diptères : Tipulidae. 159 p. Faune n° 8
  • Séguy, E., 1926. Diptères Brachycères. 308 p., 685 fig. Faune n° 13
  • Séguy, E., 1927. Diptères Asilidae. 188 p., 389 fig. Faune n° 17
  • Goetghebuer. M., 1932. Diptères Nématocères Chironomidae. IV. 196 p., 315 fig. Faune n° 23
  • Séguy, E., 1934. Diptères (Brachycères). 832 p., 903 fig Faune n° 23 .
  • Parent, O., 1938. Diptères Dolichopodidae. 720 p., 1 002 fig. Faune n° 35
  • Séguy, E., 1940. Diptères (Nématocères). 367 p., 414 fig. Faune n° 36


  1. ^ Chandler, P.J., Nash, R, and O’Connor, J.P 2008 An Annotated Checklist of the Irish Two-winged flies (Diptera) The Irish Biogeographical Society and the National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
  2. ^ Chandler, P.J..1998 Checklist of Insects of the British Isles (New Series) Part 1: Diptera (Incorporating a List of Irish Diptera) Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, Volume 12, 234 pages.
  • Dipterists Forum Recent updates
  • West Palearctic Distribution Fauna Europaea
  • Faune de France Insectes Insectes Diptères pdfs free downloads
  • Royal Entomological Society Handbooks Out of print parts available as free pdfs are:
  • Vol 9 Part 1. Diptera - 1. Introduction and key to families. H. Oldroyd.
  • Vol 9 Part 2 i. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Tipulidae). R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly
  • Vol 9 Part 2 ii. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Trichoceridae - Culicidae). R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly
  • Vol 9 Part 2 iii. Diptera - 2. Nematocera: families Tipulidae to Chironomidae (Chironomidae). R. L. Coe, Paul Freeman & P. F. Mattingly
  • Vol 9 Part 3. Diptera - Nematocera. Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae). A. M. Hutson, D. M. Ackland and L. N. Kidd
  • Vol 9 Part 4a. Diptera - Brachycera. Tabanoidea and Asiloidea. Harold Oldroyd
  • Vol 9 Part 5. Diptera - Orthorrhapha Brachycera. Dolichopodidae. E. C. M. d'Assis Fonseca
  • Vol 10 Part 1. Diptera. Syrphidae. R. L. Coe
  • Vol 10 Part 2c. Diptera. Pipunculidae. R. L. Coe
  • Vol 10 Part 3a. Diptera - Conopidae. Kenneth G. V. Smith
  • Vol 10 Part 4a i. Diptera - Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (1) Section (a) Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Tachinidae). F. I. van Emden
  • Vol 10 Part 4a ii. Diptera - Cyclorrhapha. Calyptrata (1) Section (a) Tachinidae and Calliphoridae (Calliphoridae). F. I. van Emden
  • Vol 10 Part 4b. Diptera - Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata, Section (b) Muscidae. E. C. M. d'Assis Fonseca
  • Vol 10 Part 5a. Diptera - Tephritidae. I.M White
  • Vol 10 Part 5g. Diptera - Agromyzidae. Kenneth A. Spencer
  • Vol 10 Part 7. Diptera - Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae (Keds, Flat-Flies and Bat-Flies). A.M.Hutson
  • Vol 10 Part 8. Diptera - Phoridae Genus Megaselia (Scuttle Flies). R.H.L. Disney
  • Vol 10 Part 14. An introduction to the immature stages of British Flies. Diptera Larvae, with notes on eggs, puparia and pupae. Main text. K. G. V. Smith
  • Vol 10 Part 14. An introduction to the immature stages of British Flies. Diptera Larvae, with notes on eggs, puparia and pupae. Figures
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