There are over 520 native languages spoken in Nigeria.[1][2][3] The official language is English,[4][5] which was the language of Colonial Nigeria. The English-based creole Nigerian Pidgin – first used by the British and African slavers to facilitate the Atlantic slave trade in the late 17th century[6] – is the most common lingua franca, spoken by over 60 million people.[5][7]

The most commonly spoken native languages are Hausa (over 63 million when including second-language, or L2, speakers), Yoruba (over 47 million, including L2 speakers), Igbo (over 31 million, including L2 speakers), Ibibio (over 10 million, including L2 speakers), Ijaw cluster (over 5 million), Fulfulde (13 million), Kanuri (7.6 million), Tiv (5 million), and approximately 2 to 3 million each of Nupe, Karai-Karai Kupa, Kakanda, Edo, Igala, Mafa, Idoma and Efik.[8] Nigeria's linguistic diversity is a microcosm of much of Africa as a whole, and the country contains languages from the three major African language families: Afroasiatic, Nilo-Saharan and Niger-Congo. Nigeria also has several as-yet unclassified languages, such as Centúúm, which may represent a relic of an even greater diversity before the spread of the current language families.[9]

English and Pidgin

English is the single most widely spoken language in Nigeria, spoken by 60 million of the population.[10] It is the main lingua franca of the country and there are a growing number of sole English speakers due to rapid urbanization and globalization.[11] English remains the official language and is the major language of communication in government, business and education.[11] Furthermore, the national anthem, constitution and pledge are written in English. Almost all mass media transmit information in English.[12] English became the official language when Nigeria was created from diverse national groups by the British Empire.[12] Despite decolonization, Nigeria chose to make English the official language to promote national cultural unity[13] and so not to favour any particular native language.[12]

Despite its status, English is not widely spoken in rural areas.[14] Many Nigerians struggle with English, evidenced by the 60 percent fail rate of the WASSCE in English (May/June 2015), an important exam certificate.[11] Nevertheless, many Nigerians hold negative social attitudes towards the country's native languages, combining to lead to the neglect of Nigeria's many native languages. As such, there are fears from prominent linguists that Nigerian native languages are endangered and face eventual extinction.[12]

Pidgin, first used by British and African slavers to facilitate the Atlantic slave trade in the late 17th century,[6] has replaced the native language for many Nigerians. Many Nigerians speak Nigerian Pidgin, a creole language based on English, which is a popular social and cultural language.[12] It has become popular in the mass media and in political slogans.[15][16][12] According to a 2012 study, the replacement of native local languages with Pidgin is inevitable in the areas studied.[17]

Afroasiatic languages

A map showing Afroasiatic speaking peoples in Nigeria

The Afroasiatic languages of Nigeria are divided into Chadic, Semitic and Berber.[18] Among these categories, Chadic languages predominate, with more than 700 languages. Semitic is represented by various dialects of Arabic spoken in the Northeast and Berber by the Tuareg-speaking communities in the extreme Northwest.

The Hausa language is the best known Chadic language in Nigeria; though there is a paucity of statistics on native speakers in Nigeria, the language is spoken by 24 million people in West Africa and is the second language of 15 million more. Hausa has therefore emerged as lingua franca throughout much of West Africa, and the Sahel in particular. The language is spoken primarily amongst Northern Nigerians and is often associated with Islamic culture in Nigeria and West Africa on the whole.

Hausa is classified as a West Chadic language of the Chadic grouping, a major subfamily of Afroasiatic. Culturally, the Hausa people became closely integrated with the Fulani following the establishment of the Sokoto Caliphate by the Fulani Uthman dan Fodio in the 19th century.[19][20][21][22] Hausa is the official language of several states in Northern Nigeria and the most important dialect is generally regarded as that spoken in Kano, an Eastern Hausa dialect, which is the standard variety used for official purposes.

Eastern dialects also include some dialects spoken in Zaria and Bauchi; Western Hausa dialects include Sakkwatanchi spoken in Sokoto, Katsinanchi in Katsina Arewanchi in both Gobir and Adar, Kebbi and Zamfara. Katsina is transitional between Eastern and Western dialects. Northern Hausa dialects include Arewa and Arawa, whilst Zaria is a prominent Southern version; Barikanchi is a pidgin formerly used in the military.

Hausa is a very atypical Chadic language, with a reduced tonal system and a phonology influenced by Arabic. Other well-known Chadic languages include Mupun, Ngas, Goemai, Mwaghavul, Bole, Ngizim, Bade and Bachama. In the East of Nigeria and on into Cameroon are the Central Chadic languages such as Bura, Kamwe and Margi. These are highly diverse and remain very poorly described. Many Chadic languages are severely threatened; recent searches by Bernard Caron for Southern Bauchi languages show that even some of those recorded in the 1970s have disappeared. However unknown Chadic languages are still being reported, such as the recent description of Dyarim.

Hausa, as well as other Afroasiatic languages such as, Kamwe,[23] Margi, Karai-Karai and Bade (another West Chadic language spoken in northeastern Nigeria), have historically been written in a modified Arabic script known as ajami. However, the modern official orthography is now a romanization known as boko introduced by the British regime in the 1930s.

Niger–Congo languages

Systematic graphic of the Niger–Congo languages with numbers of speakers

Niger–Congo predominates in the Central, East and Southern areas of Nigeria; the main branches represented in Nigeria are Mande, Atlantic, Gur, Kwa, Benue–Congo and Adamawa–Ubangi.[24] Mande is represented by the Busa cluster and Kyenga in the northwest. Fulfulde is the single Atlantic language, of Senegambian origin but now spoken by cattle pastoralists across the Sahel and largely in the northeastern states of Nigeria, especially Adamawa.

The Ijoid languages are spoken across the Niger Delta region and include Ịjọ (Ijaw), Kalabari, and the intriguing remnant language Defaka. The Ibibio language is spoken across the coastal southeastern part of Nigeria and includes the dialects Oron, Annang, and Efik proper. The single Gur language spoken is Baatọnun, in the extreme Northwest.

The Adamawa–Ubangian languages are spoken across a region spanning central Nigeria to the Central African Republic. In Nigeria, the westernmost languages of this group are the Tula-Waja languages. The Kwa languages are represented by the Gun group in the far southwest, which is related to the Gbe languages spoken in Benin and Togo.

The classification of the remaining languages is controversial; Joseph Greenberg classified those without noun-classes, such as Yoruba, Igbo, and Ibibio (Efik, Oron, and Annang), as 'Eastern Kwa' and those with classes as 'Benue–Congo'. This was reversed in an influential 1989 publication and reflected on the 1992 map of languages, where all these were considered Benue–Congo. Recent opinion, however, has been to revert to Greenberg's distinction. The literature must thus be read with care and due regard for the date. There are several small language groupings in the Niger Confluence area, notably Ukaan, Akpes, Ayere-Ahan and Ọkọ, whose inclusion in these groupings has never been satisfactorily argued.

Former Eastern Kwa, i.e. West Benue–Congo would then include Igboid, i.e. Igbo language proper, Ukwuani, Ikwerre, Ekpeye etc., Yoruboid, i.e. Yoruba, Itsekiri and Igala, Akokoid (eight small languages in Ondo, Edo and Kogi state), Edoid including Edo (sometimes referred to as) Bini in Edo State, Ibibio-Efik, Idomoid (Idoma) and Nupoid (Nupe) and perhaps include the other languages mentioned above. The Idoma language is classified in the Akweya subgroup of the Idomoid languages of the Volta–Niger family, which include Alago, Agatu, Etulo and Yala languages of Benue, Nasarawa and Northern Cross River states.

East Benue–Congo includes Kainji, Plateau (46 languages, notably Gamai language), Jukunoid, Dakoid and some parts of Cross River. Apart from these, there are numerous Bantoid languages, which are the languages immediately ancestral to Bantu. These include Mambiloid, Ekoid of Cross River State, Bendi, Beboid, Grassfields and Tivoid languages.

Within the Benue-Congo languages, the expansive Bantu language family which covers much of central and southern Africa is represented in Nigeria by; Jarawa with around a quarter million speakers, making it the most spoken Bantu language in the country. Others include Mbula-Bwazza (100,000), Kulung (40,000), Labir (13,000), Bile and a few others.

An advert in Igbo in Abia State

The geographic distribution of Nigeria's Niger-Congo languages is not limited to the middle east and south-central Nigeria, as migration allows their spread to the linguistically Afro-Asiatic northern regions of Nigeria, as well as throughout West Africa and abroad. Igbo words such as 'unu' for 'you people', 'sooso' for 'only', 'obia' for 'native doctoring', etc. are used in patois of Jamaica and many Central American nations, Yoruba is spoken as a ritual language in cults such as the Santeria in the Caribbean and South-Central America, and the Berbice Dutch language in Surinam is based on an Ijoid language.

Even the above listed linguistic diversity of the Niger–Congo in Nigeria is deceptively limiting, as these languages may further consist of regional dialects that may not be mutually intelligible. As such some languages, particularly those with a large number of speakers, have been standardized and received a romanized orthography. Nearly all languages appear in a Latin alphabet when written.

The Ibibio, Igbo, and Yoruba languages are notable examples of this process. The more historically recent standardization and romanization of Igbo have provoked even more controversy due to its dialectical diversity, but the Central Igbo dialect has gained the widest acceptance as the standard-bearer. Many such as Chinua Achebe have dismissed standardization as colonial and conservative attempts to simplify a complex mosaic of languages.

Such controversies typify inter- and intra-ethnic conflict endemic to post-colonial Nigeria. Also worthy of note is the Enuani dialect, a variation of the Igbo that is spoken among parts of Anioma. The Anioma are the Aniocha, Ndokwa/Ukwuani, Ika and Oshimilli of Delta state. Standard Yoruba came into being due to the work of Samuel Crowther, the first African bishop of the Anglican Church and owes most of its lexicon to the dialects spoken in Ọyọ and Ibadan.

Since Standard Yoruba's constitution was determined by a single author rather than by a consensual linguistic policy by all speakers, the Standard has been attacked regarding for failing to include other dialects and spurred debate as to what demarcates "genuine Yoruba". Linguistically speaking, all demonstrate the varying phonological features of the Niger–Congo family to which they belong, these include the use of tone, nasality, and particular consonant and vowel systems; more information is available here.

Branches and locations

Below is a list of major Niger–Congo branches and their primary locations based on Blench (2019).[25]

Distributions of Volta–Niger branches
Branch Primary locations
Akpes Akoko North LGA, Ondo State
Ayere–Ahan Akoko North LGA, Ondo State
Gbe Badagry LGA, Lagos State and adjacent areas
Yoruboid South-west, Central, and South-south states of Nigeria
Edoid Rivers, Edo, Ondo, Delta States
Akoko Akoko North LGA, Ondo State
Igboid Anambra, Rivers, Delta States (excluding Igbo proper)
Ibibioid Akwa Ibom State, Cross River States
Nupoid Niger, Kwara, Nasarawa States, Kogi, FCT
Oko Ogori-Magongo LGA, Kogi State
Idomoid Benue, Cross River, Nasarawa States
Ukaan Akoko North LGA, Ondo State
Distributions of Benue–Congo branches in Nigeria
Branch Primary locations
Cross River Cross River, Akwa Ibom, and Rivers States
Bendi Obudu and Ogoja LGAs, Cross River State
Mambiloid Sardauna LGA, Taraba State; Cameroon
Dakoid Mayo Belwa LGA, Taraba State and adjacent areas
Jukunoid Taraba State
Yukubenic Takum LGA, Taraba State
Kainji Kauru LGA, Kaduna State and Bassa LGA, Plateau State; Kainji Lake area
Plateau Plateau, Kaduna, and Nasarawa States
Tivoid Obudu LGA, Cross River State and Sardauna LGA, Taraba State; Cameroon
Beboid Takum LGA, Taraba State; Cameroon
Ekoid Ikom and Ogoja LGAs, Cross River State; Cameroon
Grassfields Sardauna LGA, Taraba State; Cameroon
Jarawan (Bantu) Bauchi, Plateau, Adamawa, and Taraba States
Distributions of Adamawa branches in Nigeria
Branch Primary locations
Duru (Vere) Fufore LGA, Adamawa State
Leko Adamawa and Taraba States; Cameroon
Mumuye Taraba State
Yendang Mayo Belwa and Numan LGAs, Adamawa State
Waja Kaltungo and Balanga LGAs, Gombe State
Kam Bali LGA, Taraba State
Baa Numan LGA, Adamawa State
Laka Karim Lamido LGA, Taraba State and Yola LGA, Adamawa State
Jenjo Karim Lamido LGA, Taraba State
Bikwin Karim Lamido LGA, Taraba State
Yungur Song and Guyuk LGAs, Adamawa State

In addition, Ijaw languages are spoken in Rivers State, Bayelsa State, and other states of the Niger Delta region. Mande languages are spoken in Kebbi State, Niger State, and Kwara State.[25]

Nilo-Saharan languages

In Nigeria, the Nilo-Saharan language family is represented by:

Foreign languages

French is compulsory in all schools. In January 2016, the Minister for Education Anthony Anwukah announced a wish to make French the second language of business in Nigeria because the majority of African countries are francophone and all of Nigeria's neighbouring countries are francophone.[11][26]

List of languages

This is a non-exhaustive list of languages spoken in Nigeria.[27][28][29][30]

Language Alternate names Number of speakers Native speakers States spoken in Current status Language Varieties
Abanglekou Obanliku 65,000 Cross River Active 5
Abanyom Abanyum, Befun, Bofon, Mbofon 13,000 Cross River 2
Nigerian Pidgin English Broken. Pidgin 116,000,000 4,700,000 All States
Abon Abong, Abõ, Ba'ban 1,000 Taraba
Abua Odual, Abuan 25,000 Rivers
Abureni Mini 4,000 Bayelsa
Achipa Achipawa 5,000 Kebbi
Adim 20,000 Cross River
Okpamheri 92,000 Anambra
Adun Cross River
Afade Affade, Afadeh, Afada, Kotoko, Moga Borno, Yobe
Afo Eloyi 100,000 Plateau
Afrike Afrerikpe 60,000 Cross River
Ajawa Aja, Ajanci 0 Bauchi Extinct
Akaju-Ndem Akajuk, Kajuk 63,000 Cross River Active
Akweya-Yachi 50,000 Benue
Alago Arago 350,000 Plateau
Amo Map 12,000
Anaguta Guta 10,000
Annang Anaang 2,900,000 Akwa Ibom
Angas 368,000 Bauchi, Jigawa, Plateau
Ankwei Goemai 380,000 Plateau
Arabic Chadian Arabic also known as Shuwa Arabic 265,000 265,000 Borno by Shuwa Arabs
Anyima Ogbia 390,000 Cross River
Arum Alumu 7,000 Nasarawa
Attakar Ataka 255,000 Kaduna
Auyoka Auyokawa, Auyakawa, Awiaka 0 Jigawa
Awori Lagos, Ogun
Ayu 800 Kaduna
Babur Adamawa, Bomo, Taraba, Yobe
Bachama 300,000 Adamawa
Bachere Cross River
Bada Mbat Plateau
Bade 360,000 Yobe
Bakulung Kulu 50,000 Taraba
Bali 2,000
Bambora Bambarawa Bauchi
Bambuko Kyak 10,000 Taraba
Banda Bandawa 580,000
Banka Bankalawa Bauchi
Banso Nso 240,000 Adamawa
Bara Barawa Bauchi
Barke Mburku 12,000
Baruba Barba Niger
Bashiri Bashirawa Plateau
Basa Kaduna, Kogi, Niger, Plateau
Batta 300,000 Adamawa
Baushi 20,000 Niger
Baya Adamawa
Bekwarra 100,000 Cross River
Bele Buli, Belewa 120 Bauchi
Betso Bete Taraba
Bette 36,800 Cross River
Bilei 30,000 Adamawa Rivers
Bille 40,000
Bina Binawa 4000 Kaduna
Bini Edo
Birom 200,000 Plateau
Bobua Taraba
Boki Nki 50,000 Cross River
Bokkos 60,000 Plateau
Boko Bussawa, Bargawa 120,000 Niger
Bole Bolewa 100,000 Bauchi, Yobe
Botlere Adamawa
Boma Bomawa, Burmano Bauchi
Bomboro 2,000
Buduma 5,000 Borno, Niger
Buji Plateau
Buli 4,000 Bauchi
Bunu 2,000 Kogi
Bura Bura-Pabir 250,000 Borno, Adamawa, Yobe
Burak 4,000 Bauchi
Burma Burmawa 50,000 Plateau
Buru 1,000 Yobe
Buta Butawa 15,000 Bauchi
Bwall 3,853 Plateau
Bwatiye 20,000 Adamawa
Challa Plateau
Chama Chamawa Fitilai Bauchi
Chamba Chamba Daka, Chamba Leko 62,000 Adamawa, Taraba 2
Chamo Extinct? Bauchi
Cibak Chibbak, Chibok 200,000 Borno
Chinine Borno
Chip Michip 6,000 Plateau
Chokobo 19
Chukkol Taraba
Cipu Western Acipa 20,000 Kebbi, Niger
Daba Dabba 25,000 Adamawa
Dadiya 70,000 Bauchi
Daka 120,000 Adamawa
Dakarkari Lela 90,000 Niger, Kebbi
Danda Dandawa 839 Kebbi
Dangsa Taraba
Daza Dere, Derewa 100 Bauchi
Degema 10,000 Rivers
Deno Denawa 6,000 Bauchi
Dghwede 30,000 Borno
Diba Humono 30,000 Taraba
Doemak Dumuk, Pan 110,000 Plateau
Duguri Bauchi
Duka Dukawa, Hun-Saare 73,000 Kebbi
Duma Dumawa Bauchi
Ebana Ebani, Heiban 4,000 Rivers
Ebirra Igbirra 2,200,000 Edo, Kogi, Ondo
Ebu 5,000 Edo, Kogi, Delta (Anioma)
Efik 2,700,000 700,000 Cross River
Egbema Rivers, Imo
Eggon 270,000 Plateau
Egun Gùn Lagos, Ogun
Ejagham Jagham 120,000 Cross River
Ekajuk 63,000
Eket 400,000 Akwa Ibom
Ekoi 120,000 Cross River
Ekpeye Ekpe ye 226,000 Rivers
Engenni Ngene 20,000
Epie 140,000
English 178,000,000 40,000,000 4
Esan Ishan 1,000,000 Edo
Etche Rivers
Etolu Etilo 10,000 Benue
Etsako Afenmai 510,000 Edo
Etung Cross River
Etuno Edo
Falli 25,000 Adamawa
French 1,000,000 200,000 Bordering states of Nigeria
Fula Fulani, Fulbe, Fulfulde 39,700,000 37,000,000 Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Niger, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe 7
Fyam Fyem 31,000 Plateau
Fyer Fer 26,000
Ga’anda 43,000 Adamawa
Gade 72,000 Niger
Galambi 25,000 Bauchi
Gamergu Mulgwa, Malgo, Malgwa 20,000 Borno
Ganawuri Qanawuri 40,000 Plateau
Gavako 56,000 Borno
Gbedde Kogi
Gbo Agbo, Legbo 60,000 Cross River
Gengle 5,000 Taraba
Geji 8,000 Bauchi
Gera Gere, Gerawa 200,000
Geruma Gerumawa 9,000 Bauchi, Plateau
Gingwak Bauchi
Gira Adamawa
Giziga 20,000
Goernai Kaduna
Gyong 25,000 Plateau
Gokana Kana 100,000 Rivers
Gombi Adamawa
Gornun Gmun 1,500,000 Taraba
Gubi Gubawa Bauchi
Gude 90,000 Adamawa
Gudu 5,000
Gure 25,000 Kaduna
Gurmana 3,000 Niger
Gururntum 15,000 Bauchi
Gusu 2,350 Plateau
Gwa Gurawa 980 Adamawa
Gwandara 27,000 Kaduna, Niger, Plateau
Gwari Gbari 1,840,000 Kaduna, Niger, FCT, Nasarawa,Kogi
Gwom 5,000 Taraba
Gwoza 40,000 Borno
Gyem 2,000 Bauchi
Hausa 84,000,000 54,000,000 Bauchi, Borno, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Kastina, Kebbi, Niger, Taraba, Sokoto, Zamfara 9
Humono Kohumono 30,000 Cross River
Holma 0 Adamawa
Hona 32,000
Hyam Ham, Jaba, Jabba 300,000 Kaduna
Ibeno 10,000 Akwa Ibom
Ibibio 10,800,000 6,300,000 Akwa Ibom, Cross River
Ichen 500,000 Adamawa
Idoma 980,000 Benue, Taraba
Igala 1,600,000 Kogi, Benue, Delta, Anambra
Igbo 31,000,000 31,000,000 Abia, Anambra, Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, Rivers 3
Igede Egede 461,000 Benue
Ijaw Izon 2,440,000 2,440,000 Bayelsa, Rivers, Delta, Ondo, Akwa-Ibom
Ijumu Kogi
Ika 23,000 Delta, Edo
Ikorn Cross River
Irigwe 40,000 Plateau
Isoko 680,000 Delta
Isekiri Itsekiri 940,000
Iyala Iyalla 200,000 Cross River
Izere Izarek, Fizere, Fezere, Feserek, Afizarek, Afizare, Afusare, Jari, Jarawa, Jarawan Dutse, Hill Jarawa, Jos-Zarazon. 500,000 Plateau
Izondjo 2,400,000 Bayelsa, Delta, Ondo, Rivers
Jahuna Jahunawa Taraba
Jaku 500 Bauchi
Jara Jaar, Jarawa, Jarawa-Dutse 46,000
Jere Jare, Jera, Jera, Jerawa 23,000 Bauchi, Plateau
Jero Taraba
Jibu 30,000 Adamawa
Jidda-Abu 6,000 Plateau
Jimbin Jimbinawa 2,000 Bauchi
Jirai Adamawa
Jju Kaje, Kache 600,000 Kaduna
Jonjo Jenjo 100,000 Taraba
Jukun 100,000 Bauchi, Benue, Taraba, Plateau
Kaba Kabawa Taraba
Kadara Ajuah, Ajure, Adaa, Adara, Azuwa, Ajuwa, Azuwa,[citation needed] Eda 300,000 Kaduna,[31] Niger[32]
Kafanchan 83,000 Kaduna
Kajuru Kajurawa
Kaka Manenguba 180,000 Adamawa
Kamaku Karnukawa Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger
Kambari Kebbi, Niger
Kamwe (Kapsiki) in Cameroon 660,000 Adamawa, Borno and Republic of Cameroon Active[33]
Kamo 20,000 Bauchi Active
Kanakuru Dera 20,000 Adamawa, Borno
Kanembu 880,000 Borno
Kanikon Kaduna
Kantana Mama 2,500 Plateau
Kanufi 10,400 Kaduna[34]
Kanuri 9,600,000 7,650,000 Borno, Kaduna, Adamawa, Kano, Niger, Jigawa, Plateau, Taraba, Yobe
Karai-Karai (language) Karaikarai, Karekare 1,800,000 Bauchi, Yobe
Karimjo Taraba
Kariya 2,000 Bauchi
Katab Kataf 130,000 Kaduna
Kenern Koenoem Plateau
Kenton Taraba
Kiballo Kiwollo 500 Kaduna
Kilba 310,000 Adamawa
Kirfi Kirfawa 14,000 Bauchi
Koma 41,000 Taraba
Kona 2,000
Koro Kwaro 150,000 Kaduna, Niger, Nasarawa
Kubi Kubawa 0 Bauchi
Kudachano Kudawa 42 Bauchi
Kugama 5,000 Taraba
Kulere Kaler 16,000 Plateau
Kunini Taraba
Kurama 40,000 Jigawa, Kaduna, Niger, Plateau
Kurdul Adamawa
Kushi 11,000 Bauchi
Kuteb 46,000 Taraba
Kwah Baa 7,000 Adamawa
Kwalla 45,000 Plateau
Kwami Kwom 10,000 Bauchi
Kwanchi Taraba
Kwanka Kwankwa 20,000 Bauchi, Plateau
Kwaro Plateau
Kyenga Kengawa 12,000 Sokoto
Laaru Larawa 6,000 Niger
Lakka 500 Adamawa
Lala 232,987
Lama 2,000 Taraba
Lamja 120,000
Ubbo Adamawa
Limono Bauchi, Plateau
Lopa Lupa, Lopawa 5,000 Niger
Longuda Lunguda 40,000 Adamawa, Bauchi
Mabo 2,000 Plateau
Mada 100,000 Kaduna, Plateau
Mama 2,500 Plateau
Mambilla 130,000 Adamawa
Manchok Kaduna
Mandara Wandala 19,300 Borno
Manga Mangawa 180 Yobe
Margi 200,000 Adamawa, Borno
Matakarn Adamawa
Mbembe 100,000 Cross River, Enugu
Mbol Adamawa
Mbube 30,000 Cross River
Mbula 100,000 Adamawa
Mbum 13,900 Taraba
Memyang Meryan Plateau
Miligili Migili 40,000
Miya Miyawa 30,000 Bauchi
Mobber Borno
Montol 22,000 Plateau
Moruwa Moro’a, Morwa 5,700 Kaduna
Muchaila Adamawa
Mumuye 400,000 Taraba
Mundang Adamawa
Mupun Mwaghavul 150,000 Plateau
Mushere 5,000
Ndoro 63,000 Taraba
Ngamo 60,000 Bauchi, Yobe
Ngizim 80,000 Yobe
Ngweshe Ndhang, Ngoshe-Ndhang 20,000 Adamawa, Borno
Ningi Ningawa 0 Bauchi
Ninzam Ninzo 35,000 Kaduna, Plateau
Njayi 86,000 Adamawa
Nkim 18,000 Cross River
Nkum 51,000
Nokere Nakere Plateau
Nsukka Enugu State and some parts of Kogi state
Nunku 50,000 Kaduna, Plateau
Nupe 2,000,000 1,800,000 Niger, Kwara, Kogi, FCT
Nyandang 10,000 Taraba
Obolo Andoni 318,000 Akwa Ibom, Rivers
Ogba Ogba 334,000 Rivers
Ogbia 390,000 Bayelsa
Ofutop Ofutop (okangha(2) 10,000 4,000 Ikom, Okuni, Cross River
Ogori Kwara
Okobo Okkobor 50,000 Akwa Ibom
Okpamheri 92,000 Edo
Okpe Okpe 33,700 Delta
Olulumo 30,000 Cross River
Oro Oron 75,000 Akwa Ibom
Owan Edo
Owe Kwara
Pa’a Pa’awa, Afawa 8,000 Bauchi
Pai 4,000 Plateau
Panyam 5,700 Taraba
Pero 25,000 Bauchi
Pire 16,000 Adamawa
Pkanzom Taraba
Poll 44,000
Polchi Habe 22,000 Bauchi
Pongo Pongu 30,000 Niger
Potopo Taraba
Pyapun Piapung 17,000 Plateau
Qua 900 Cross River
Rebina Rebinawa 4,000 Bauchi
Reshe 44,000 Kebbi, Niger
Rindire Rendre 30,000 Plateau
Rishuwa 1,000 Kaduna
Ron 230,000 Plateau
Rubu Niger
Rukuba 100,000 Plateau
Rumada Kaduna
Rumaya 6,600
Sakbe Taraba
Sanga 20,000 Bauchi
Sate Taraba
Saya Sayawa, Za’ar 300,000 Bauchi, Plateau, Kaduna, Abuja, Niger, Kogi
Segidi Sigidawa Bauchi
Shanga Shangawa 20,000 5,400 Sokoto
Shangawa Shangau Plateau
Shan-Shan Plateau
Shira Shirawa 0 Kano
Shomo Taraba
Shuwa 100,000 Adamawa, Borno
Sikdi Plateau
Siri Sirawa 3,800 Bauchi
Srubu Surubu 1,950 Kaduna
Sukur 15,000 Adamawa
Tangale 200,000 Bauchi
Tarok 520,000 Plateau, Taraba
Teme 4,000 Adamawa
Tera Terawa 101,000 Bauchi, Bomo
Teshena Teshenawa 0 Kano
Tigon 60,000 Adamawa
Tikar 110,000 Taraba
Tiv 5,200,000 Benue, Plateau,adamawa, Taraba, Nasarawa 2
Tula 30,000 Bauchi
Tur 29,000 Adamawa
Ufia 700,000 Benue
Ukelle Kele, Kukelle 200,000 Cross River
Ukwani Kwale,Aboh Delta
Uncinda Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger, Sokoto
Uneme Ineme 20,000 Edo
Ura Ula 1,000 Niger
Urhobo 1,100,000 Delta
Utonkong 12,300 Benue
Uvwie 20,000 Delta
Uyanga 200 Cross River
Vemgo 11,000 Adamawa
Verre 110,000
Vommi 3,000 Taraba
Wagga Adamawa
Waja 60,000 Bauchi
Waka 5,000 Taraba
Warja Jigawa
Warji 75,000 Bauchi
Wula 50,000 Adamawa
Wurkun Taraba
Yache 50,000 Cross River
Yagba Kwara
Yakurr Yako 120,000 Cross River
Yalla 200,000 Benue
Yandang 50,000 Taraba
Yoruba 47,000,000 45,000,000 Kwara, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Kogi, Edo 2
Yott 3,000 Taraba
Yumu Niger
Yungur 100,000 Adamawa
Yuom 14,000 Plateau
Zabara Niger
Zaranda 8,000 Bauchi
Zarma Dyerma, Dyarma, Dyabarma, Zabarma, Adzerma, Djerma, Zarbarma, Zerma, Zarmawa 50,000 Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara, Niger State, Yobe, Kaduna, Lagos
Zayam Zeam Bauchi
Zul Zulawa 2,400

See also


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  • Crozier, David & Blench, Roger (1992) An Index of Nigerian Languages (2nd edition). Dallas: SIL.mbembe language in cross river
  • Blench, Roger (1998) 'The Status of the Languages of Central Nigeria', in Brenzinger, M. (ed.) Endangered languages in Africa. Köln: Köppe Verlag, 187–206. online version
  • Blench, Roger (2002) Research on Minority Languages in Nigeria in 2001. Ogmios.
  • Blench, Roger (n.d.) Atlas of Nigerian Languages, ed. III (revised and amended edition of Crozier & Blench 1992)
  • Kwache, Iliya Yame (2016) Kamwe People of Northern Nigeria :Origin, History and Culture
  • Chigudu, Theophilus Tanko (2017); Indigenous peoples of North clCentral Nigeria Area: an endangered race.
  • Blench, Roger (2019). An Atlas of Nigerian Languages (4th ed.). Cambridge: Kay Williamson Educational Foundation.
  • Emenanjo, E. N. (2019). Four Decades in the Study of Nigerian Languages and Linguistics: A Festschrift for KayWilliamson.
  • Lamle, Elias Nankap, Coprreality and Dwelling spaces in Tarokland. NBTT Press. Jos Nigeria in "Ngappak" journal of the Tarok Nation 2005
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