Kumara-devam is a village in East Godavari district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is located in Kovvur mandal.[1] Kovvur railway Station and Pasivedala railway Station are the nearest train stations.
As of 2011 Census of India, Kumaradevan had a population of 4015. The total population constitutes 1911 males and 2104 females with a sex ratio of 1101 females per 1000 males. 363 children are in the age group of 0–6 years, with sex ratio of 1213. The average literacy rate stands at 72.12%.[2]
- ^ "West Godavari District Mandals" (PDF). Census of India. p. 110. Retrieved 19 January 2015.
- ^ "Kumaradevam Population Census". Retrieved 19 May 2017.